Holyshit, KyoAni are geniuses!
Holyshit, KyoAni are geniuses!
more like penuses
>guy hate girls because they bitches and whores
>meet Violet
>she leave
>B-But I may meet her again one day!
Fucking retard
They've found a way to consistently make trash anime while being lauded as great?
There's more to it, with Violet mirroring the kind of job his dad had and the decision she'd hypothetically made being similar to what his mom did. But yeah the end result of him becoming such a fanboy at the end was kinda dumb and over the top.
Absolute genius.
It's the little details that make this anime great.
This episode was probably the best example of visual storytelling ever since Hyouka.
Don't you fucking dare compare this turd with Hyouka.
This episode literally mirrors the same techniques they use in ep 1 of Hyouka though?
Episode 1 has the worst mystery in the entire show, even worse than the one where Chitanda forgot what got her mad.
>Fucking retard
How else are the viewers gonna self insert?
t. freshman film school student
So the light and dark contrast is what you're calling genius? Have you watched more than 2 anime in your life? That shit is everywhere.
Of course it does have some differences though. In Hyouka, Chitanda was more active in her role in changing Oreki. So, she is seen more aggressively putting Oreki into the light. Unlike Violet who had a more passive role, and it was shown by Leon chasing Violet into the light here.
Another difference would be the sunset vs sunrise. In Leon's case it was a sunrise because it's a start of a new life. He has a clear goal of what he wants to be. He wants to follow his father's footsteps. Oreki on the other hand, at the end of the first episode had 0 idea what he wants to be. All you are told was that he is going to change because of Chitanda. So, a sunset was more appropriate since it symbolizes the death of his energy conservationist lifestyle.
You're embarrassing yourself my friend, none of these are impressive in the least and Kyoani's visual direction game is so bad I wouldn't be surprised if none of these were intentional.
Forgot the picture.
It's the little things like this that makes rewatching episodes of this an absolute must.
Wow so deep.
I'm OK with this.
Hyouka was something that I believe everyone on the studio collaborated on, it's only after that that the each director's personal style emerged. Yeah not exactly worked together, but only after that show is it's obvious Yamada is interested in adolescent/growing up things and Ishihara likes to put one crossdressing boy scene in.
emmm user, this is not what kyoani always does? I don't think it has merit. Don't get me wrong it's nice but not surprising. Anyway violet show is souless, the worst job that kyoani has done recently. Hyoka was much better and a lot more attention to detail. Hibike was more similar to Hyouka than Violet in every aspect.
I actually think the visual quality and animation of Hibike was much better than Violet so far.
Hyoka, half of it nothing much happens.
Too bad it focused on lesbian shit. Tamako Love Story remains the last time I enjoyed a KyoAni work.
How many kyoani animes have you seen? Just Hyouka, right?
I wish Kyoani shows had some speculation and complex symbolism like in Franxx, they make the threads more fun. The only discussion Violet gets is about the appalling worldbuilding
What the fuck he's flying.
I bet that guys fucking Leon boypussy everday.
Kyoani used to be so fun back in the day. It's same with most studios. they stop doing crazy stuff after things settle down and brand recognition is gained(same happened for ufotable and shaft) . They lose focus from what actually made them well loved in first place. I fucking hate post hyouka kyoani and their trashy LN adaptations. I don’t know who they are pandering their stuff to these days but they sure changed too much for worse during all these years. Whose fucking idea was it to make KAesuma for getting content for anime? It's not plausible at all to get good stuff. They should've just hired some top writers like romeo tanaka or bought the adaptation rights for some good stuff like they did for hibike. This whole LN contest is not working at all.
Of course, by far. Hibike is rich in details with really good direction, on the other hand Violet is empty and souless with pretty animation and dream-like atmosphere but empty to the inside. Direction is not poor but nothing unique, just accomplish the kyoani standards. Not to mention that Hibike had very much better sound direction.
So much claims. Such little proof. But I guess when you are baiting you don't need to back anything up.
>complex symbolism like in Franxx
They have, Hibike for example have a lot. Violet is not the case thought.
KyoAnus was never good you niwaka.
>But yeah the end result of him becoming such a fanboy at the end was kinda dumb and over the top.
He fell in love on first sight. It is simple as that. (though anime omited the confession part).
He hates and despises women, because "mother" and looks down on "love" itself considering it illness. However, he is still just a teen and thus regardless of his will affected by same things all people do - seeing Violet for first time, he is struck.
He realizes that he feel for her, but feels conflicted and finds his feelings irrational and tries to fight them thinking he'll not get lured as other teenage idiots.
What makes him change is seeing how hard working Violet is, and scene in Library revealing she is an orphan too, only learned how to write recently and overall very similar to him - including incompetence expressing himself.
So he, while still denying the feeling of love, warms up to her seeing her not as enemy, but comrade with similar circumstances.
Later, at Night scene she helps him talk about his past and push him slightly to overcome it, making him realize he does not hate, but care about his mother.
Thus in the end he realizes he cares about Violet too, admits his feelings, makes dedication to move on and start a new life and confesses to Violet in the end (to be rejected, but getting a promise to watch the stars again someday later.and he does)
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
>little proof
Watch the show user. It's too obvious. I said Hibike because direction subject but even Maid Dragon with a less audacious direction is better than Violet and have much more charm. I'm talking only about recent series but for example Keion was by far more impressive in almost every aspect than Violet too.
>F-Find it yourself!
What an absolutely expected response.
Please, don't insult Hyouka
Ishidate please leave kyoani
This fucking fanbase
>Gets called out
>This fucking fanbase!
I have a feeling youre a falseflagger making the already small and hated veg fanbase look even worse.
If you say so. I just find it amusing that you make claims you literally can't back up without saying "F-Find the proof yourself!"
It's pretty cute.
Why is it cute? And if youre OP i dont see you explaining whats so genius about the screenshots you have been posting
but its already well-established that kyoani are the masters of visual direction
It's cute because it shows how underaged you are. btw, you need to be 18 to post here you know
Well established by whom?
I'm a VEGfan but I seriously don't think VEG is better than Hyouka in any account. It's KyoAni stepping outside their comfort zone.
SoraYori actually has the best visual direction of the season
That nose just looks ugly, no wonder they stuck with dot noses
Yep, I think so too.
More like HyoukaZZZ.
Comparing this turd to another turd? Why not?
is this a reference to the black narcissus
has anyone noticed that all the good episodes are directed by men
i mean relatively good btw
We have yamada on episode 5 but you're pretty much on the money
i hated all the characters in it, it was shit
Oh so you haven't seen episode 5 or any of the episodes. Nice to know.
If you say it. This is bait, right? This thread can't be sustained on its own so... shitposting is the way....
episode 5 was the one with the princess right
i hated all the characters in it, it was shit
i said relatively good, i don't think any VEG episodes are actually good
>score: 8.39
i absolutely LOVE kumi
Isn't this basic visual storytelling? What part of that is genius?
I swear you people have to be falseflagging, either that or kyoanifags are genuinely mentally retarded. Nothing about these are a cut beyond sub par, it's all super generic, static boring shit and doesn't emote anything that isn't explicitly shown/stated, if you think this is good then you're genuinely incompetent..
>complex symbolism
Funny joke.
benedict is supposedly only a bit taller than violet, yet in the show he towers her
I blame the heels.
Factually incorrect.
You faggots need to stop being so pathetic and get off that hate train. It's like none of you were around when muh hyouzzzzz was airing.
Not this user but incorrect my ass. Is this video supposed to be your acclaimed spectacular visual quality? This scene was good and one of the few that had strength even so it this is not enough to compete. But not only with Hibike but with the vast majority of their works. Are you new? I'm a kyoanifag and I can't defend Violet. Not a bad show but Violet is average, just a bit above than Kyokai.
We're talking animation and visual quality here bud. If you can't see the big gap between VEG and their previous works you're beyond saving.
And I'm a kyoanifag that is in love with this show and its story just as I was in love with Hibike and its story by episode 5.
Holyshit, KyoAnus are geniies!
I wouldn't say it's complex in franxx, but it's far better and more well done, the point of good symbolism is to imply/tell the audience things not already explicitly conveyed through dialogue or facial expressions.
It tells us things about the world and characters that isn't so obvious, it makes us think.
Pic related is a great example of just solid visual symbolism, and violet really has non of that.
It's because Hibike backgrounds were based on real photos of real places, so the detail was great. I liked it more too, but Violet is still very nice.
Jesus Christ, I hope this is bait.
I'm starting to believe Franxx fans are legit intellectually impaired. You people spent an entire week obsessing over simple spider symbolism only to have the obvious plot armor outcome happen instead.
>tries to make a point about FranXX
>picks shit from the absolute weakest FranXX episode in terms of visual storytelling
You fucking dolt.
Why does the outermost wave not disturb the cloud reflection on the left?
It does.
>animation and visual quality here bud
Me too user, me too... If you don't know about visual quality please, calm yourself.
Wet clothes =/= quality.
1. Detail on the characters but blurry backgrounds (it's a constant, less episode 5).
2. Detail on the characters aren't impressive
after all. Just slight more detailed than Hibike.
3. Nothing happens on the backgrounds. Always blurry (the bokeh use is excessive. I like bokeh but I'm starting to hate it).The characters that sometimes come out of the background, are static background.
At the end of the day all the detail they put in goes in the characters and this is not so unusual for them.
I don't know who you want to fool. I'm a kyoanifag but I'm in love with their good works. Violet (for the time being) is average.
I don't like the premise in franxx and I dropped this anime but yes, you're right, Darling is better in direction and visual storytelling. By far more powerful than Violet. For me this is sad because I had good expectations in Violet.
I really don't understand why you have to lie like this.
Hibike was also filled with DoF, Boke, static backgrounds and the Orton Effect when backgrounds were important to convey a feeling or idea.
And no, the detail is not just slightly above Hibike. It's far ahead above it.
Again, why tell such blatant lies?
> based on real photos of real places
This is not an excuse. Backgrounds aren't the only problem with Violet. I don't hate the show or anything, but let's be fair, Kyoani did a better job on Hibike, they put more love and sore dake.
Whats with all the ugly filters
And with this, I feel that my point has been made.
Why do they have mecha girls but still use type writers?
Yeah, kindly go fuck yourself.
The characters in VEG are more detailed at the expense of less movement. That's not a trade-off I appreciate.
The difference is that all that is put to better use in Hibike compared to VEG. You can do something well, or you can do something poorly. Using the same technique in different works doesn't always have the same effect. People aren't complaining about the fact that VEG uses certain photography techniques, but that VEG is using them poorly.
Welcome to Sup Forums 2018 where Kyoani's lastest works are considered better than their older ones by newfags and crossboarders, studio wars are allowed and discussed and generals are flooding the board.
There's not much movement during simple conversations. Thankfully the facial expressions the characters make are just as good if not better than what is found on previous works.
Nope. The fact that this post is not bait says a lot about the people judging VEG's visual direction.
It's so biased it hurts.
They've honestly mastered the art at doing this.