Was Rei II the best anime girl ever created?

Was Rei II the best anime girl ever created?

Nah Rei Q is the best. Her suit is cooler.



She's not even Rei.

>Was Rei II the best anime girl ever created?

Are Asukafags shiteating cuckolds?

You're right, user, Rei wasn't created. She's the immortal architect of humanity.

I love Rei Ayanami and want only the best for her

The she should've fucked some sense into Shinji when he fell on her

Daily reminder that Rei is just a sex robot.


>sex robot

No, friend, that's the new Realdoll (R) Kraut Edition (tm)


The choice of literal cuckolds all around the world

>dehumanising someone who's comatose
As expected of dollautists.

>Being so pathetic you're rendered comatose by a powerpoint slideshow

so no then

mootykins prooved that answer is yes years ago, anonfriend

So how many pieces of Lilith's soul are there in Rebuild? You had the piece in Unit 00, Rei II, Rei Q, and maybe in whatever Eva she was piloting at the end of 3.00

>Rei Q
Has zero lillith in her

Is that why she's a husk?



Hi Rei, we all think you're a very nice girl. You should stop listening to Gendo, he's an asshole. Shinji said the same thing, and he was right. You shouldn't have hit him for that. Shinji's a smart boy and you could learn a lot from him.

Well shit. How is she piloting an Eva then?

How do dummy plugs?

why do reifags not understand rei as a character at all?


because it offends you, you butthurt cuckold.


Do Dummy Plugs work if the pilot is unable to synch to start with? Did Unit 02 have one when Asuka was unable to get it to move against Armisael?

>Do Dummy Plugs work if the pilot is unable to synch to start with?

Mass Production Evas

>Was Rei II the best anime girl ever created?
Shit nigga, she's not even the best on the show.


Truth hurts, bro. Have some canon ending.

I knew that the MPEs had Dummy Plugs based on Kwarou but I assumed that they just had kids with dead moms stuffed inside them since the entry plugs looked exactly the same but were red. Seems like a waste of space for a computer thing that doesn't need to worry about being absorbed into a core.




aawwww! filename faggot is here and he's triggered!

>kids that are just mini-mes
Stupid fanart

That doesn't even begin to cover Asuka's out of character moeblob portrayal

Shit's all different. Synchronization is still mentioned in a few places but largely replaced as a concept by plug depth, Eva-01 is suggested to be the only unit with a human OS.


>Eva-01 is suggested to be the only unit with a human OS.
Unit-02 is Kyoko, genius

She isn't mentioned in Rebuild. Closest thing to implying she existed was Shikinami's doll.