>Falling in love with a plain looking isekai protagonist who is actually completely fucked in the head.
Poor girl. I hope she gets over him soon.
>Falling in love with a plain looking isekai protagonist who is actually completely fucked in the head.
Poor girl. I hope she gets over him soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is the source on this one?
Moon-led Journey.
MC a shit but the supporting cast carries it.
Waaaait what. Why did he reject her?
Because he's too autistic, unironically.
Are the scanlations for this up to date with the raws?
been wondering that myself. it's in my reading list but the last time I'd seen a chapter of it was late september I think?
>the MC used glasses
Wait what?
Which chapter on Manga/WN is this? ?
Latest translated chapter.
Stop self inserting in power trip manga, stop, just stop, stop doing it, stop, stop, just stop.
No, faggot.
can't find it
But what if this is the one that finally doesn't suck?
nigga i'll be the judge of that
I'm already in love with her from this page
To be fair the dude is way too fucking good with Archer so much he was banned from entering competitions.
Makoto didn't deserve her but he doesn't deserve spider or dragon either, and both are superior to this sempai.
I always had the image of Hibiki as something more like Hasegawa while reading the novel.
What was the isekai about Aliens invading or something like that? Had an anime, and an op where mc is playing cars with a girl, and can tell which card to pick from her expressions, but lets her win. It wasn't isekai phone.
he deserved nothing
Deal with it, faggot.
Okay, is it just me or does mangadex take ages to switch between webpages? Reading chapters is fine but everything else loads slow as shit.
I've been having the same problem. Feels like the server's constantly overloaded and taking a while to respond.
Not always though; like at 4 in the morning it's great.
Did someone say breastfeeding fetish?
Good shit.
>masked protagonist
God, I love this shit.
>Moon-led Journey
The hell?
This doesnt look like the dude with the dragon and spooder.
It's uh, exposition I guess you could say? A big "meanwhile" showing someone else who got summoned right around the same time. She may not be too friendly with the MC until they can get a good talking face-to-face.
How will Estherfags ever recover?
It literally looks exactly like him, just replace the mask with glasses
It's so good.
When will the author get off his ass and write new chapters, so we can see him fuck the Dragon and Spider. It's been building up that up for a while
speaking of isekai, the old thread finally ran out, so can anyone tell me what "lh" is?
I know it's not pic related obviously but that's 'bout it.
christ this dude had a gigantic harem even before he got isekai'd
I don't follow.
Wait now I remember this was in earth world. I thought the MC already replaced the mask to the glasses. I currently stop at around arc when the MC became a teacher. That's why I confused with the development on the manga.
She looks like that girl from Maria Holic.
Now there's a deity who's worthy of his worship
>Bitchbiki summoning
Odd, I don't remember this being described in the WN
So, spider is her other world self, and dragon is the childhood friend other world version?
Could you elaborate?
LH, as in not log horizon, and if someone was bitching about LH, it's probably LH scans. That group that scanlates every Isekai series they can get, and does it in this weird of ESL shit english + google translate (chinese to vietcong to english).
>completely fucked in the head
To be fair, I don't think he was completely fucked in the head at that point, only a little bit. The Goddess finished fucking up his head.
>Just started reading
I know it's so very often 'first girl that isn't a guild-counter NPC wins' but an orc? Hell of a start to a series that's for sure.
Sever lack of confidence due to a lifetime of feeling inferior to his Onee-sans. He's also a Sociopath
I see... so not a series name then? what's that one about the kid getting raped for his hero semen? seemed pretty dark.
I finally read the manga version of that one about the ugly old fuck who gets isekai'd. I was avoiding it since everyone was saying it was cuckshit and what not.
But it's actually fun (for an isekai). MC is kind of an asshole, he actually is ugly and not just manga "ugly", and no one is actually that likeable (as in good people).
I mean, it could be a series, but like mentioned, if someone was saying how bad LH is, it's probably the group and not a shitty isekai (or could be both).
I don't recall one with the MC getting raped, but are you talking about Parallel Paradise? the one were he has to fuck the girls otherwise they die?
Why do they say that he's studying overseas, though? I don't think he ever came back to tell others in his world. Does this get explained in the LN/WN?
not him but that's Kaifuku Jutsushi, I have started reading it myself and it appears to be the absolute summit of these revenge based stories.
from the few chapters it appears to be complete trash but it's already so much worse than anything else I have read that I can't stop
>so much worse than anything else I have read
yeah I definitely need to read this now. know exactly how you feel. thanks.
Oh, I get it now.
So they were talking about Kaifuku, which is translated by LH.
Yeah, LH is the absolute most shit (translation wise) group right now. I wish they just put effort into one series instead of grabbing a hundred.
The good HD-wiping god gave letters to his family - and they expected one of their kids to go anyways for a long time now - so his parents likely "explained things" to the school.
It's a bullshit excuse obviously but that just means everyone's assuming there was some horrible family incident or tragedy or something. If it had been one of his sisters there'd probably have been rumors that she was shipped off for being pregnant sort of thing.
>it appears to be complete trash but it's already so much worse than anything else I have read that I can't stop
This is why I love it. I just look at it as trashy over-the-top revenge humor. The god-bird trial arc in particular is absolutely hilarious.
Did the novel get to a point where they meet?
Doggy girl looks delicious, I wish the scanlation group would catch up. The WN is dry as shit and doesn't have the sweet delicious bodies of the manga.
Does she get isekai'd later on too?
No idea. I've been sticking to the manga myself.
No particular reason, I just like reading stuff with pictures is all. Nice change from writing hardware documents.
The mangaka for this is so fucking good. It's a damn shame he's being wasted on this tripe.
Read binged all of FILWTV that's out so far. Man this is great. But now I need to find something new to read.
Didn't like Qwaser that much but this surprisingly good. I wonder if the author got inspiration from Utawarerumono.
The only reason I'm still reading this is because the spider is such a best girl. I like everything about her. They particularly nailed her manga design, it's perfect. Her personality is good too.
I've never really had a waifu, but I guess this is how it must feel.
I like his intense desire to take revenge for actions that will(?) happen in the future. I feel like you lose the moral high ground when you start going all minority report on motherfuckers.
Indeed, but he still makes djs so no problem.
That said, I wish this had gone full H-isekai, instead of all ages.
>Odd, I don't remember this being described in the WN
It is described, much later though, I think somewhere around or during where Hibiki meets Makoto the first time (before she goes full-on Bitchbiki), maybe in one of the side chapters. I don't remember where exactly, but I do remember reading it.
The manga and the LN seem to have moved a lot of things closer to the beginning, where it would make more sense.
Any decent isekai with monster girls? Elf, Catgirl, Demon queen or Dragon loli kinda get stale after a while
Fran is okay though
>they just put effort into one series instead of grabbing a hundred
Then they would get a hundred times less ad revenue, silly
Yeah, there's a reason everyone calls her Bitchbiki.
Yeah I probably just forgot about it. I remember first seeing Hibiki when they planned to re-take that human city. I'm kinda bummed that Dragon onee-san BTFOing the beta loser imperial hero is still far away
Yes, and you won't hate her at the start.
clearly you're an uncultured swine, go read sword art online swine.
Would Mio get along with Shiro?
>you must be seriously mentally ill to think Tanaka is as good as SAO.
Mio's a bit of a sociopath, so she can get along with anyone who doesn't disrespect her master.
didn't mean to greentext
You clearly are underage if you don't recognize tanaka as a superior reading material only for the finest gentlemen.
Wait is this the protagonist who got summoned by that bitchy goddess who didn't like his appearance? And then sent him to the edge of the world and he saved the orc princess?
The one with the samurai dragon and the spider-lady. He writes using magic and wears a mask while in town.
Is this that guy?
Will the archery club president ever show up or was she merely shown to tell us that Makoto had bitches after his dick even back on Earth? What about the other girl who was in love with him?
She hasn't shown up again. I think the main reason for her existence is to show that Makoto was a bit fucked in the head even back before the Goddess fucked him up completely. Also to set a precedent for him turning down hot pussy so it doesn't look that weird when he keeps turning down the dragon and the spider.
Yes. He can speak everything except common, but the bitch forgot about reading and writing and didn't lock him out from it. The MC seems to be a level 1 deity, which the way things are going in the manga means he's basically the new demon-god in training.
So is there a reason why she is called Bitchbiki? I'm only up to date with the manga
>The MC seems to be a level 1 deity
Didn't they hint that his level is 1 because of an integer overflow in the adventurer system because max level is 65535? Or did I misread that, I admit it's been a long time since I read that particular conversation with the guild master.
How do you guys feels about the designs for Wrath and your one true goddess?
Why the fuck is Wrath wearing clothes?
I thought the oni guy was supposed to just have a monster face? or was it the vampire girl who just didn't resemble her past self?
so why is she a bitch?
The GOAT, even sacrifices over 70 years to give him power
>Parallel Paradise
This garbage is so fucking awful, I can't stop reading it.
Oni, just like Shiro, after evolving into human-like species got the face from his past life.
I wonder how he got all kinds of pussy in the parallel reality where Tomoe gets killed by the goddess
Man, the LN is really going all in on Shiro's aspiring fashion designer trait.
She went from wearing what basically amounts to a bathrobe to some walkway Vogue outfit.
>beef jerky pussy
I can't tell if bad translation or bad writing but damn that's gold
Egotistical cunt who thinks she's the savior of that world. She suggested that demons should stop this war by becoming slaves at first then rising up the ranks
His parents knew he got isekai'd so they told the school he went overseas. This chapter covered the side story:
Yep, dad got cucked by a demon so he moved the family to Earth and had to pay the transportation cost in future children
Did they ever explain how mom and dad managed to tolerate Earth?
I don't know whether that fee was worth it for the goddess. The MC is basically a God at this point and gives no fucks about what he kills as long it isn't part of Asora or affiliated with him somehow. I'm pretty sure that he would go nuclear if the Spider or the Dragon got seriously injured
what the fuck, alright so this dude is super bitter about the treatment he received from them the first time around, so even though he knows he can copy powers from people he heals and all he has to do is endure terrible pain that isn't worse than what he went through the first time around he WILLINGLY does the exact same shit this time to get his ass drugged because ???
But his japanese food is really good !!!!
There 3 AM threads are great if only for finding... whatever the fuck that manga was.
I don't have the words...