Fate Prisma Illya

You didn't tell me my heart would heart this much, Sup Forums ;_;

She didn't deserve this.



It was a great movie.

My heart is still broken by that ending. I've never wanted to hug an anime girl and tell her everything will be daijoubu more than this.



But ut was a good ending, his wish came true.

It did but it hit me in the kokoro. A sibling bond shouldn't be allowed to be this strong.


This part was such perfect pottery.

Do I need to watch the magical girl shit to watch the movie or is it good on it’s own.

Fuck off gayboy.

Fuck off, dumb autist.


When's the next season please

Fuck you Faggots. I like Ilya, not enough to sit through 3 seasons of loli fan service to see the good shit in an 1 1/2 hour long movie through

Back to Sup Forums, DBspic

It has plenty of stuff for everyone. If you're really going to be a shitter, it's probably best you don't because you're most likely not going to connect with the characters at all. If you really and absolutely must, however, watch 3rei or the first few episodes of the first season. It's a backstory Shirou/Miyu arc of 3rei. You're not going to enjoy it the same way, by doing that, but I don't care.

>Dragin bal image bad, back to Sup Forums
Again fuck off faggot, I haven’t watched Dragon Ball since Z ended.

>not enough to sit through 3 seasons of loli fan service to see the good shit
Go back to where ever you came form then, homo.

That’s the answer I was looking for.m, thanks

Is Prisma Illya a good mahou shojo series? I'm all caught up on CCS and looking for something else. And I'm getting ready to play FSN anyway.

Yes. Although it strays a bit away from the mahou shoujo as character arcs rise in later seasons.

Fuck off, piece of shit autist.

Keep calling me autist you bitch. I could come to you and kill you with my bare fucking hands if I desired it enough


Ok, internet tough guy.

This kind of shit prevent me for watching Prisma Illya.

Neat. So not just autistic but probably a teenager.

>sibling bond

It's stronger than that. He chose Miyu over Sakura, the latter even saying so outright, also they're not truly blood related no matter what some wish magic did. Maybe nothing sexual, but that's only because they're both pure/dense.

Good, I'm glad the lolis keep Sup Forumsermin like you away.

Good for you, I suppose.

True. They've transcended.

Why is Prisma Shirou so much better than all the other Shirous?

>they're not truly blood related no matter what some wish magic
but they are, that's the point of magic

He's pretty much the same as Heaven's Feel Shirou. That's probably why.

I thought this is UBW

He's just a better version of HF Shirou. He suffered the most, enough to break him, but picked himself back up and protected the only thing he had left.


Unless the magic went back in time and put a fetus in the womb of Shirou's birth mother it's not the same thing.


Why didn't she use her transposition magic to shoot GoB right at the back of Shirou's head?

the magic altered her dna to be like shirous therefore they are siblings

>tfw she'd fucking easily whacked any route Shirou since she's not retarded in combat even if any of those idiots manage to vomit their trump card

Why is Gil so fucking retarded?

I didn't get the vibe she was trying to kill him. Especially considering he was jailed after he "won". She was much stronger than him.

Why not with the intent to disable him then?

How do you disable a man that keeps shooting swords from thin air and gets back up no matter how many times you knock him down (until the last time).

Same way you can open up a portal directly beneath him and drop him from the sky, except you open up a portal right behind his leg and shoot a sword to graze it to cripple him.

He created an even larger sword and countered her attack mid air. Grazing him doesn't do much and he was pretty much a rag doll throughout the fight until he got blasted and lost.

She didn't summon a sword point blank at him to guarantee a hit though. I'm asking why she didn't, when she clearly has the ability to conjure portals directly under him.

She summoned portals right above him when he got close and got a direct hit. It wouldn't be very interesting of a fight if all she did was hit him directly without fail every time. That's kind of what happens when you have a character that's so strong compared to the other. She even went as far as chaining him before he broke it before she could finish the fight.

A shame the movie had a budget of two Happy Meals.
If they put more money into the animatiom it would be a top-tier movie.

If they had added the part where Shirou finally realised why he had so much mana to do all the shit he did in conjuncture with Miyu leaving and UBW disintegrating like in the manga, it would be perfect.

>What if we took HF
>And made the main girl something /actually/ worth protecting
The movie.

Hey Sakura is pretty nice too don't be rude

I also want to know this but the last time I read Prisma Illya was the first time Gil shows up, can't remember when that was though.


Miyu is the greatest

How much of this shit is actually loli fan service? I can deal with magical girls but I don't care for lolis or fan service. I'd rather not watch young girls in racy situations but I managed to make it through Made in Abyss.

But she lost to Ilya who was barely even in the movie.

First part is generic mahou shoujo adventures.
Second part is full with lolis kissing each other.
Third part still has lolis kissing each other but is also filled with crazy action, an interesting plot and best Shirou.
Read the manga and put up with all the loli kissing in the second and third part if you are that much of a faggot. It's worth it.

Back you go.

Shut up

Are you saying that you HATE it? :^)


Reminder that China Dress is god-tier

One is denser than neutronium the others as pure as pure can be until Chole lewds her for magic lesbo power.

No ship here just a rock and a washboard.

Yeah i agree he's been great it would be nice if we could get back to him instead of having to deal with another 'hero of justice' copypasta.

Bring back fluffy happy Shirou.

Are you 12?

Daily reminder lolis keep anime pure from the touch of faggots like this.

I ain't gay but Shirou does things to my heart man. This arc and Heaven's Feel really pile on just how great he is.


Best version of UBW so far.
>The orphan is alone again
>Striking diamond dust on a hill of swords
>This life is not yet over

Sorry your gay get out the closet and accept this fact.

Stop being so insecure about those things

I can't lewd Miyu anymore thanks to this fucking arc.

>I like Ilya, not enough to sit through 3 seasons of loli fan service
I love this retarded argument so much, especially since it isn't even true.

I'm guessing he's American, There all massive prudes.

Post sakura getting btfo

The first season is a good magical girl series. Everything after that is Fate.

>An OVA prevents me from watching something I'm somewhat interested in.

Why are they fighting for the Say-Hi ?

Because the say-hi is one of the group.

>Heaven Feel V2
No thanks, i rather read the VN route or the Upcoming movies

The entire thing is just absolutely saddening, like Fate/Zero.

The Anime is faithful to Manga, right ? i might consider watching this.

But that shot was absolutely necessary.

The animation managed to be poorer than that of the TV anime, but it was an enjoyable movie.
I felt it was going too fast sometimes, though. I wished they could drag it out some more.

Are you americans or something? Jesus Christ, what faggotry.

You cant beat Ufotable's Unlimited Budget Works

They dragged the original flashback out for a year no, no thank you, no more.

Yeah, it really should be two parts, like that wormslut movie.

The Illya anime is still Silverlink, though. I'd expected it too have that polished "movie" look, but it ended up looking like an OVA instead. The Caster and the Berserker fights in the first season were better animated than anything in the movie.

It didn't help that the movie didn't have any big-name freelance animators like the first two-seasons did.

> tfw the stakes were higher with Miyu.
>Shero my only friend, would you doom mankind or sacrifice the grail that you grew up, care and learn to love as your real imouto?

Shirou goes twice as crazy the moment it involves family. He was willing to kill Rin and ditch Seiba for Taiga. Now ramp it up with a blood related little sister.

The flashback is hardly even 10 chapters long.

It took a nearly year to publish that.

So where's the Sakura special that shows she's wearing Illya and Miyu's costume?

And the flashback has been over for almost a year and a half, what about it? The release pacing of the manga is just slow as shit.