I was wondering what's Sup Forums's most beloved instalment of Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise so far (and why) so I made a poll:
And well, YGO thread I guess.
Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series?
Other urls found in this thread:
GX for most comfy
anything that's not VRAINS
even Capsule Monsters.
the OG
5d sucks
OG, 5Ds, and Arc-V, but I am voting on the manga versions of each.
5DS and Arc-V are really different from the anime in the manga.
I wish GX was appreciated more.
I don't think I like one as a whole
one half of it always sucks
>Sup Forums goes for the shitty SoL Highschool setting
I should be surprised but I'm not.
5D's as the best anime with it having the highest amount of votes for the best duels.
It's basically TTGL level of hype so it's not that surprising.
DM Manga as the best read.
It's like you're not aware of the results of the giant polls we had here on Sup Forums for all YGO shows after Arc-V.
Let me sum it up for you.
Favorite Season: 5D's
Favorite MC: Yusei
Favorite Rival: Kaiba
Top 5 arcs: Dark Signer; Battle City, Ark Cradle, GX Season 4 and Barian Invasion
Top 5 Duels: Yusei vs Z-ONE, Atem vs Yugi, Final Yusei vs Jack; Judai vs Crowler rematch, Sora vs Shun
Why bother add DM?
Original always win.
I'm voting Zexal because this is an anime poll. The original manga is easily the best thing to come from the franchise.
Spot the nostalgiafags.
How about you watch all seasons before coming to such a conclusion.
The DM manga is 10/10 but the adaptation sucks with the filler.
And yet it's still better than any of the sequels.
GX is my favorite
>He doesn't know
Keep lurking you nostalgiafag.
Come back here once you took off your nostalgia goggles and watched all shows.
The show doesn't even compare to the DM manga with its own movie DSOD and some parts of the spin-offs are far better.
Not really, that's just nostalgia faggotry. It's better than Arc-V and Zexal at least.
>not a single duel from Zexal
I've watched every Yugioh as they aired before giving up in Arc-V.
>The show doesn't even compare to the DM manga with its own movie DSOD
I know that you mongaloid, my first post was The fact that the spinoffs have highs doesn't change that they're each still worse anime than DM, which is itself a pretty terrible adaption that STILL caused a worldwide phenomena on the strength of the source material.
GX is an unfocused mess and its highs can't possibly be rated higher than DM's. 5Ds shits itself to death less than halfway through. Zexal is an unambitious children's show, and so is actually the only yugioh anime to not fuck up. Arc-V is a goddamn disgrace.
Final Yuma vs Shark was placed 6th.
7th was Ryo vs Yubel.
8th was Kaiba vs Yugi (Battle City Finals)
9th had Shun vs Dennis
10 had Aki vs Yusei (Fortune Cup)
Has it really come to this? Vrains can't keep a thread on it's own so it's gotta piggy back off everybody else ?
Arc-V and Vrains were mistakes, franchise should have ended after Zexal
Opinion discarded.
Don't even try to tell me it's better than any of both.
It killed yugioh for everyone as a show and cardgame.
Zexal is a bad kids show with the worst duel choreography.
They were just sitting on a single Xyz for the whole duel with no other tactics whatsoever.
GX is way comfier with a lot more likeable characters while the background characters in Zexal were white noise.
It doesn't matter that the story was a clusterfuck since it stayed entertaining while Zexal had a shit start.
5D's had good start and has a top tier ending.
It's as if you didn't watch the last top season of 5D's and quit in the middle to get to that conclusion.
>It killed yugioh for everyone as a show and cardgame.
That's hilarious, you fucking retard, when 5Ds literally nearly killed Yugioh for good because Japan didn't care about it at all. Zexal is an unambitious show that did everything it set out to do. GX is a complete mess. 5Ds falls apart completely.
> the last top season of 5D's
Arc Cradle was complete trash. The last duel was just MORE Yuseiwinslol crap. Zexal's duels were formulatic, but that's still better then Jean not ending his turn or Yusei beating Antimony by asspulling pic related.
Spot the canonfag.
The manga is full of shit writing, but it just gets away with it because canon.
GX is a complete mess but it's way ahead of Zexal.
The Synchro era had the game have higher sales and players than before with Synchros being viable and making the game more than a MTG clone.
The game was in a healthy state you fuck because I wasted my time playing against Glad beasts.
Xyz had everyone quit because it got forced upon everyone.
5D's was a mature show with a lot darker plot so of course kids wouldn't watch it since it was made for the older audience.
Arkcradle and WRGP are actually good since they got into detail into more competitive fields with more advanced rulings being involved.
>Zexals duel were formulatic
You mean a snoozefest while sitting on a Xyz.
>Yusei beating Antinomy with pic related
And your pic just proves you didn't fucking watch it.
Yusei didn't beat him with the combo, I bet you just read it up.
Stop talking out of your ass since that duel was great.
Salesfags/viewerfags like you are whats killing Sup Forums this season.
>The Synchro era had the game have higher sales and players than before
You're literally lying. You're not worth talking to.
This is an all around terrible post
please consider suicide
ZeXal, boys.
Maybe if we pretend only Zexal II exists
GX overall
Why would anyone even consider the shows after 5D's?
Yugioh is a dead franchise after the movie with Yugi, Jaden and Yusei.
Voting GX because of the times of playing it casually back then.
The only ones that matter are DM, GX and maybe 5D's.
Keep up the samefagging while avoiding the fact that the zexalfag just talked out of his ass by being wrong on the result of the duel.
not only are they mistakes for anime, but for the real game as well
What manga are good?
I just read the GX one and I am reading DM
The franchise was supposed to end with 5D's
DM >>>>>>>> GX > Zexal > Arc-V. 5Ds is the only outright trash Yugioh manga. Sect is terrible.
Best part of the 5ds manga is the little afterwords of each chapter that is basically the author spilling his spaghetti constantly. I makes you really want to like the manga, but yeah, it's really not that good. Evil Lua and Luka were neat, I suppose.
>GX is a complete mess
What was the point of this form?
GX its so weird that it's funny
S1 has the final boss showing up out of nowhere
S2 has DINO DNA and aliens
S3 has Yubel
S4 has "whole universe is a card" and literally death coming to duel Jaden
>S2 has DINO DNA and aliens
5Ds has the most fun duels and best girl.
Yugioh Kallen is based.
I would choose 5D's just for the 10/10 soundtrack
It's the manga counterpart of Shooting Star Dragon.
Accel Synchros are the most based summons.
Occasional Grail Wars on Motorcycles
Aki being cute and strong is how a female MG should be in YGO.
Getting PTSD here from Black Rose Dragon blowing up my fields
A hard choice since Kaiba and Yusei are my most liked characters.
5D's is the most fun hype ride and a solid contender for one of the best cardgame anime out there.
I would even reccommend it to anyone who's not used to this genre even though it's the most unique one with being on motorcycles.
There's just something about this combination of intense speed and good soundtracks that makes it so enjoyable.
GX is comfy with a good set of characters.
DM is the classic everyone knows but you should still check out the manga.
That's rude since I liked that duel a lot.
And I get the feeling you're wrong on the end right there buddy.
Brunos end was sad
Aki best girl
With Kisara
I would love to go for the original but Yugioh 5 Dragons was really fun to watch subbed.
But it's constantly appreciated and liked.
Anything but DM and GX is appreciated by everyone since they watched it back then on TV.
5D's is underrated and Zexal is only good in the 2nd half.
Arc-V sadly turned out to be disappointing even though it started so well.
The OST really is 10/10
>and Zexal is only good in the 2nd half.
I hope by this you mean the Tron Family part because that's when it skyrocketed and was consistently good ever since.
The Tron family was ok since IV was fun; even though I disliked him a lot early on for what he did to Shark.
I guess it was alright with Kaito but I couldn't bring myself to like Yuma until the very end of Zexal II.
I can say for sure it got better with Vector and Nash but the duels weren't as fun as the shows before it.
I didn't get the constant explanations of the basic rules either.
I mostly sat through it so I could get a solid opinion on what yugioh show I'd like the most.
Zexal was an alright watch during the barian season but zexal 1 felt like filler.
I loved the Tron shenanigans, all of his duels are A+ in my book.
Just that he should have got more.
People really do overstate how bad the first half is. There are stretches where it is absolutely painful to sit through, but it's less than you may think, especially given that anyone watching it now doesn't have to wait a week between every episode.
In terms of personal favourite, I honestly like Zexal the most overall. Arc-V completely shit the bed constantly and in greater volumes as the sow went on, and was even the early episodes had stretches more painfully boring than any of Zexal's filler. 5ds had a great first bit, but there's literally nothing I have any desire to rewatch after episode 64. GX was a fun ride, but was all over the place and again, I can't really see myself mustering any motivation to rewatch it. And DM pales in comparison to its source, although I have rewatched it a few times, so I'd make it my second place. I'm actually going through and rewatching all of Zexal, and while the beginning is definitely shakey (there are way too many episodes that exist only to make the point that Yuma is a fucking moron), there's enough strong moments to even things out, and it really gets going once it hits its stride. It's also one of only 2 yugioh series that has a satisfying ending.
>I couldn't bring myself to like Yuma until the very end of Zexal II.
For me it was the beginning of Zexal II, but early Yuma was pretty insufferable. He didn't give any thought the consequences of his actions, and just acted like a retard most of the time. Early WDC was especially bad for that.
those are the good ones, GX was a fucking mess, Arc-V just shriveled up and died after about 52 episodes and Vrains refuses to do anything interesting be it OST, duels, cards or characters.
I got confused during the part where he won against Kaito.
The opening made it look Yuma and Kaito would duel against each other in the tournament in that sphere.
They did have that duel at the end for him though which was nice.
Zexal just felt really mediocre for the most part so I can see why the first half is considered like that.
At least Kaito, Shark and Vector saved the show.
GX was great with all the slice of life fun but the sudden change in season 3 and 4 were great development for Judai.
But user 5D's was really fun after episode 64 and had a great ending.
It felt like filler in the middle but the later arcs had really good duels.
If you're able to rewatch Zexal you can make it through Crash Town and later into the WRGP.
The movie was also fun with Yugi, Judai and Yusei.
5D's has the best villain group so that's an obvious choice.
It's rare that that the villains make you question if they're in the right.
GX had all sorts of evils but none stood out aside of Yubel and Darkness appeared out of nowhere in the last season.
Dartz was alright since Orichalcos was based.
Barians didn't have a bad twist to their motives but only Nash, Durbe and Vector were great.
Academia was a joke in Arc-V.
VRAINS's OST is actually great. Everything else I agree with you it's pretty standard.
Unironically CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCLES is the best watch.
Fuck off shill, sage.
Zexal II was a really good show but the duels were plain boring and repetitive.
This is why we can't have nice things
ARC-V because as much as a shitshow it became in the end, I had a great time watching it and the ride was fun.
My biggest gripe with post-64 5ds is that the series had effectively ended at that point, so all that was really left to drive interest was whatever was left hanging from the previous episodes. And it pretty much failed to deliver on any of them.
Sharp pacing? Nah, the pacing has slowed to a crawl.
Urban apocalypse and cult aesthetics and atmosphere? Gone, now just generic vaguely futuristic setting.
Interesting, plot-relevant female characters that actually got to duel? Nah, Akiza is sidelined and Carly basically is scrubbed from existence.
Duels that actually feel like they're using real cards? Have loads of situational bullshit instead.
And then there's stuff like Jack being reduced to a joke, Yusei soloing entire teams in what was theoretically 3v3 duels, and the fake-out with Z-one.
I think I actually would have enjoyed it as its own series, but as a follow-up to the first few episodes, I couldn't really find much to enjoy. This is purely personal opinion, though. I don't fault people who enjoy it (unlike anyone who claims to enjoy late Arc-V, who just objectively have shit taste).
Carly is cute. Cute!
The ride was indeed fun user.
It's nice that all the content from the threads are still in the last 3 Sup Forums sings during the run.
I guess that's a valid reason.
Yusei did have some nice moments as a great MC with accel synchros and clear mind on top of all those great duels; but I can see why that would disturb anyone when Aki and the twins get shoved to the side.
I just liked how they explained Jacks rise as a king during the WRGP with Team Ragnarok and Kiryu returning in Crash Town.
At least Ark Cradle redeemed Leo and gave the show a nice finale with those great duels.
Jack did get Red Nova so I'm not too sure on the joke part but I can see why you would see that.
Every show has situational cards but the combo playstyle in 5D's probably isn't for everybody; but as a long time player I'm a sucker for those.
damn, I love what they did at the end.
No one deserves this level of suffering.
Trips of truth.
The fact that they gave each villain from Yliaster their own backstory was a big part of why I like them so much.
Why aren't you fucks just posting cute cards instead.
I don't know about that one user
The non card girls can be cute too. Well, I guess Kisara can count as a card girl but still.
>Well, I guess Kisara can count as a card girl but still.
Alright then.
Can we also post good OST?
5D's stays as the yugioh anime with the best duels.
Kaiba is the best rival though.
Kisara and Aki are the best girls.
Get ready to duel on the dancefloor then.
>Kaiba is the best rival though.
I voted for 5Ds but I am glad GX is winning. 5Ds got me back into ygo but I enjoyed Judai as a character much more.
Mature woman can be cute too.
I was about to post some Arc-V and 5Ds but somebody beat me
Zexal 1 gets way more shit than it deserves
Can't wait for Arc-V sound duel 4. Only youtube rips from the series for now.
Serena was top tier in that department
Good OST coming through
This is an ED but I like it a lot
5D's had the best villains.
Yusei vs Z-ONE was too good.
It's probably the fact that they tried to soft reset everyting with it.
The basic rule explanations because it's a kids show are annoying and Yuma being a beginner isn't too favorable.
Vector is a great rusemaster though I'll give you that but that's Zexal 2.
>and Yuma being a beginner isn't too favorable.
I actually like how he started off weak and got better with time
I don't understand why everyone wants static characters who are as strong in the first episode as the last one
The problem was they occasionally took how inexperienced he was supposed to be, and stretched to the point of him actively being a dick:
Astral will die if I lose a duel? Let's do the exact opposite of everything he says.
Kotori is in this roller coaster ride with me and is telling me exactly where the traps are and when to avid them? Fuck her, let's just hit them all. Katobingu, am I right?
I forgot my entrance sheet to the wdc, and have to sneak in. Better make sure to forget my heart pieces at the finals, too. After all, what are friends for but picking up after your shit when you're too lazy/retarded to remember vital items?
Atem and Yusei are liked because of their way of doing things.
They both still developed and got stronger throughout the show.
Atem dueled in a harsh environment with actual shadow duels so there's a reason he's not even merciful when Kaiba wants to commit suicide.
Yusei wasn't always perfect since he had his loss against Kiryu and wasn't instantly able to perform an accel synchro against placido.
They're both stoic characters with liked traits who did develop even though they always seem strong.
In Yumas case he had maybe more annoying mistakes than other MCs but it got funny against his last duel vs Astral with gogogo golem.
I'd say they should've handled him like Judai and Yuya.
Yusaku is probably the worst offender since he's called stusaku at this point, but it probably comes from his trauma of losing.
Hey guys, when we have a new TAG FORCE game?
Bottomless at 3.
And the new Traptrix support is alright
Why hasn't the best theme been posted yet?
Reminder to always watch yugioh subbed to not miss out on any season or OST.
Tag Force Special was disappointing and Konami only cares for shilling Duel links.
Which is sad since the Tag Force games were the best gateway to get into the game back then.
>They both still developed and got stronger throughout the show.
Really? I don't see it with Yusei and Atem
>Tag Force Special was disappointing
Its such a good game though
Why disappointing? I like
Not so much as previous one but i consider a decent serie's game
Mah nigga.
Truly the most awesome summon in the whole franchise.
5D's is the series for me, mainly because it was the first one where I actually liked the main character.
It's all about timing, user.
Herro Northwenko user! How are you?
It's due in part to the drastic change in target audience. 5D's was largely for those a bit more on the mature side, then Zexal swung it around to a younger one, which is jarring since the anime never went that far previously. GX, for example, was laid back for a while but there usually was something of a danger lurking closeby, even if it was just an episodic villain.
But once you look at Zexal I for what it was meant to be, it tends to seem somewhat better. Perspective is everything.
There was a ton cut out of the game.
They didn't add any new animations to the character monsters.
Character endings had a lot less content and they removed field spell animations.
Characters spoke a lot less and had no more full body animations.
The fact that they wouldn't add a proper online mode with a constantly updating card pool is also sad.
>All these GX votes
What's the appeal?