ITT post your favorite hairstyle
ITT post your favorite hairstyle
Every delinquent haircut
>80s and 90s Japanese highschoolers were /fa/ af
>Modern day Japs look like Koreaboos
What happened?
Choose your poison.
You can't choose hime cut though, that's for me.
>sharp teeth
Best girl, best haircut
delicious delinquent
The Grudge > The Battle Braid > Hairstyles that show the forehead >>> Men's hair > Hairstyles that cover the forehead
Yanki mullet
The person who made this hates ponytails.
Yanki Mullet > Delicious Delinquent > Tomboy Deluxe
Either one of those are fine.
manga's name is Torako, Anmari Kowashicha Dame da yo
>fuck yes another great manga added t-
>only 2 chapters
now i am sad. this author artstyle reminded me of some doujin i read.
its already has 16 chapters don't know what group is going to pick it up
what a waste. the story seems like the kind Sup Forums would like too. i hope some TL sees this
Per post reminder Sup Forums is not a hivemind
that's quite the haircut
The Mean girl Leader is mine, i will turn her into a deredere.
4th row >>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
I should really get a new hairstyle
I will be a mother in two months and I have this exact hairstyle
Nice knowin ya
Default 70s anime protagonist
This is my pick, but I'm sure other anons will post something better. All of Utena's hairstyles are cool as fuck, for instance.
Fucking patrician taste.
The Yanki Mullet, but The Yuri Queen is pretty sweet too.
The villain's secretary.
Bobcut is best
>haven't cut hair in years
>friend tell me to get a proper cut at the local hair salon
>Fine, whatever
>trying to pick a new hairstyle and decide on Araragi
>walk into hair salon with picture of Araragi in hand
>women greets me and actually compliments me on my hair
>she sits me down and I show her the picture
>I get embarrassed start mumbling while she pulls coworkers over to laugh at me
>run out of there as fast as possible
That's the story of how I haven't gotten a haircut in 3 years. Thanks for reminding me OP.
Middle-length hair with braids is my shit.
If I had to pick, it would be either "Fighter's Fringe" or "The Action Girl".
My Niggas. delinquents are the shit
Is it bad if I happen to find the girls in the background to be better than the men? Good fucking Lord.
The suit, the face, the short hair - combined, they all make me diamonds. The girls manage to look way more intimidating than the men.
when the ponytail works, it works
Wavy hair that almost touches the shoulders, like in pic related.
Girl On The Team in blonde.
The araragi cut is a fucking bowl cut with an antenna diy
Prince Ryger from Daikengo.
>The Untrustworthy Attendant
Good fucking GOD I'd fuck that for days.
I don't think I've seen this hairstyle on anyone else. I find it cute.
Bob cuts are amazing.
I really wish I were a girl just so I can play around with various haircuts.
Pic related's my favourite, by the way.
I want to touch the fluff.
Even helmets had sideburns
Dude has the nicest hair
You brought it upon yourself, that's a shit cut
>work of fiction
Now that's a major improvement.
The Nana Osaki. I'd DESOTROYA my dick inside her if I ever saw a girl with that hairstyle.
And fuck you, the Hime Cut is the objective best overall.
Really /fa/
I liked his original design a lot before they turned him into a pretty boy.
>the dead mum
she is good looking
My husbando
>walk into hair salon with picture of Araragi in hand
>she sits me down and I show her the picture
Do you legit have autism? How the hell could you think that would go any other way?
There is a good reason why people hide their powerlevel you know.
On topic. Hime cut is by far the superiour hairsyle.
>tfw i cut my hair.
>tfw when the cheapest place around here is bout 15 bucks for a male cut.
Spending money on shit that you can do yourself is pretty dumb if you ask me.
Koreaboos? What the hell are you talking about? A week ago throughout my entire time in Japan the easiest way for me to tell the difference between Japanese and the Koreans outside of language was their fashion sense. It's nothing alike. Japan is always fashionably utilitarian both with clothing and hair + makeup. Whilst Koreans emulate their Kpop culture's fashion. Perhaps it's different during summer but at winter always simple and slick /fa/ with the Japanese.
>only 15$
I think the place at the mall by me is around 30-40 bucks for a man cut.
I'm really happy my mom is an educated hairdresser, or I'd go skinhead.
15 is pretty fucking cheap. Most places charge ridiculous amounts.
Any tips? My hair almost reaches my shoulders now, and I want to make it shorter. Maybe like that guy you replied to - I want the Araragi cut.
Onee san always got my interest. Shame that they are always secondary characters.
Next time let her know you have autism in advance.
Where's the "I have Autism' cut?
pic related
>Actually walking into a barbershop with a fucking anime character to use for reference
>My hair almost reaches my shoulders
I hope you're not a dude
What if I am?
Long hair is /fa/. Get with the times, grandpa.
>yanki mullet
I need more of this
I like twin tails and ZR, so naturally pic related
I love the little ahoge on top
For me it's the Untrustworthy Attendant: The most patrician of the hairstyles.
My fucking nigger.
Ponytail > all
I agree.
>The hot principal and the fantasy princess
If you genuinely can't get a real life lookalike, just draw a fucking picture of the cut.
Any one of Marcille's hairstyles is pretty great.
Duke Nukem haircut
The Hi--
Fuck you!
The delicious delinquent then.
Shou to Bobu!
tire hairstyles. extreme supremacy. the redefinition of beauty. *not to be confus'd with koara style or ring hairstyle
The Lockheart Special
> the onee san
> hot principal
> yanki mullet
Undisputed best
This but in particular this one.