Darker than black

I really enjoyed season 1, but i heard awfull things about season 2.
Should i watch season 2? Any thoughts?

season 2/the OVA's are literal not canon read the second manga

Season 2 is different. I really enjoyed it. Most anons did not. Watch it and post your thoughts when you're done.


You're being misled, there's no season 2

Is the manga any better?

but isnt ova sequel to manga? it felt like this to me. also seson 2 isnt as bad if you watched ova before

Typical Bones ending. Ignore season 2 at all costs.

The manga sucks
Its not THAT bad, but its not that good either. The action scenes are good though, and the soundtrack is great

Its not as a good as S1 but also not as bad as Sup Forums says it is. The soundtrack is shite though compared to S1, really awful.

>The manga sucks

Why, little friend?

It's awful. But you must watch it anyway.

Don't quite understand the S2 hate. Sure, it was different. I had some qualms with it, but it wasn't bad. The opening is god-tier.

I enjoyed the manga

there was a season two?

Season 2 is ok, the op particularly is awesome.

Am I the only one who finds the season 2 opening weirdly nostalgic?

I thought it was fine, but not as a second season.

It's good but watch "Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden" first before Gemini.

For me first season was: god-tier first half, messy wrap-ups and end (still enjoable). Second: totally bad at start, then it suddeny gets decent in second half. I liked ending of s2 as whole story conclusion too, much more than s1's. But well. that's for me, just watch it yourself.
Also: if you get to watch s2, DO watch OVA (Gaiden) first - that is basically a setup for it.

What says. Just watch it, it has some cool scenes.