Why do certain "people" non-ironically enjoy shitty dubs, or just English dubs in general? Don't you want to hear the character as originally intended?
Pic related is an example of horrid English Dubbing.
Why do certain "people" non-ironically enjoy shitty dubs, or just English dubs in general? Don't you want to hear the character as originally intended?
Pic related is an example of horrid English Dubbing.
pic related is also an example of a horrid anime that certain "people" non-ironically enjoy
like shiiiiiieeeettt man sm h DBZEEsuper dah best anime ever like dam yall this shit is lit lmfao
I enjoyed parts of it semi ironically only because I still have a soft spot for this series, and the Zamasu arc was an ambitiously beautiful Shit-Show of a plot. However, the new tournament arc is incredibly boring. It's not surprising that spics and niggers are eating it up though.
sounds fine in dbfz
you shouldnt be watching super anyway
>sounds fine in dbfz
But user, that's where it sounds the worst besides XV2.
Certain dubs are good, the rest are average that use the same voice actors because the talent pool is tiny and unions ensure people keep getting work.
Grandma goku yelling as 5 different characters will never sound good
I guess you're right. I remember enjoying the Soul Eater dub. Too bad that show went to shit.
>tfw listening to superior mexican dub
If you say so, some of us, albeit a small minority, love Grandma Goku.
She ain't got the same kind of range or smoothness to her voice that she had back during the airing of Z, but she still tries her best for her age and I can't help but respect that.
Black's English dub was just inconsistent. In Xenoverse 2, made before his arc officially hit English TV, it was just Goku but with a low, guttural growl to it. The voice actor apparently didn't have any context to the character except "yet another Evil Goku". Then the arc actually airs and we find out that it's just an alternate Zamasu bodyjacking Goku, and the voice actor tries to adjust by giving him an arrogant, nobler-than-thou lilt instead. Shit is jarring.
>there are people that didn't watch dragon ball z with bootleg fan subs, japanese ost, and spanish dub
fair enough
Definitely is.
I think for the Super dub itself, it's biggest problem is the shitty script. They somehow made it even worse than the Japanese version. Quite sad really. I guess Funimation and other localization groups are full of pathetic losers that couldn't get a job in any other form of creative writing. So now they have to ruin someone else's work all for the sake of "localization" and "artistic license".
>not checking my dubs
Hey if i can watch it dub i do but if its only subbed then thats how i watch it
The jap dub is not much better (goku sounds terrible). Latino dub is the best.
Nah m8, Goku sounds wonderful in Jap.
This shows her amazing capabilities as serious Goku, even as an adult male.
And this shows her amazing ability to capture an almost obnoxious, yet endearing redneck accent, adorability, bruce lee inspired martial arts yells, and little monkey noises too because why not, he IS Son Goku after all. (Saiyan stuff came later in the series)
If you think this isn't motherfukin' Son Goku, then your opinion is objectively shit and deserves to be thrown into the normie trash bin.
>Don't you want to hear the character as originally intended?
I'm not from jaypan so no I don't want to hear it in moonspeak.
Both Goku and Black are terrible in Japanese. Fuck off weeb.
And for the record, I'm not gonna pretend that her performance in Super is anywhere near as good as it was before. But there are several reasons for that.
One. The Writing and Direction in Super for Goku is incredibly flanderizing and over-board.
Two. She's over 80 years old.
Three. YATATATATATATATAYAYATATATATAT (which is nowhere to be found in the original series, which includes Z)
Can’t I like Nozawa and Schemmel both?
Then why the fuck are you here? (Sup Forums) Get the fuck out ya cunt.
Na, he sounds like a fucking man child, its ok though, to have shit taste
You can, I like Schemmel a lot nowadays for normal Goku. Though, I still wish Goku had some form of a southern drawl. But God knows he would fuck that up like Rose too. Especially since he is from New York and not the south. Oh well.
>he sounds like a fucking man child
That's the point you absolute dolt.
Christ, it's like you niggers have no idea what the series is about and never read the manga.
Who am I kidding, that's probably the case. Fuck.
LOL that pic
You do you buddy, he still sounds like shit even when he is serious. Literal fucking garbage VA.
Now fuck off and watch your yearly isekai and moe garbage you sub-human trash.
Sup, maybe somebody would help me find dragon ball manga (not db super) in japanese?
What kind of release are you looking for? There are dozens. Some of the differences are superfluous to anyone but hardcore fans mind you.
What the fuck is isekai? You clearly know more about it than me you moefag.
Yeah I wish Goku has a bit of a drawl too.
It surprised me reading the subs Goku had a hick accent.
Decent shitpost response desu, keep going
Dragon Ball chapter 1 : Bloomers and the Monkey King
Like first ever release, lol. Or what do you mean?
seems like that's it
Thanks. But I wanna find internet reader
Oh, my bad.
Yeah, I have no idea where you can go other than Shonen Jump digital comics. Dunno if that is available for those outside of Japan though.
>Don't you want to hear the character as originally intended?
If originally intended is a grown ass man speaking with a high pitched granny voice, then no fuck off weeb.
>Grown ass man
>actual half-monkey manchild
Jesus, It's sad that I can't tell if this is bait or not. Also,
n i c e
Americans are incapable of appreciating Goku's Japanese voice because they didn't watch the character grow up and hear his voice subtly change through the original DB.
>Latino dub is the best
Here's the thing... the Dragon Ball dub isn't shitty it's actually really good. The anime (After Dragon Ball really) itself is bad. DBZ/DBSuper is a shitty anime and people who listen to it in Japanese can't tell because they can't speak the language.
Absolutely this, I'm still floored by the changes she made to Goku from King Piccolo to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai.
So Americans aren't nostalgiafags?
Murricans think Dragon Ball is the prequel and Z was first.
Drummond as copy Vegeta was pretty good.
But something about the Super script just feels really off to me. What about it do you like? I want to understand.
Poor user, was killed by angry spics before he could finish his sentence. Rest in pieces, esto el fin...
Overall the script is faithful,the VA are experienced and the some adlib they did add to the experience(Maybe it's the reason you think it sounds off?)
Opinion disregarded
Kai was fucking fantastic and Super english script is pretty good so far they made the Potaufeu arc intersting by bringing Drummondto do copy Vegeta.
Oh and the latino dub is shit,they sound like news anchors that are afraid to scream.Even the french dub of Super and Kai does a Better job,they actually sound like people.
After 3 tries you finally did it, congratulations you retarded piece of shit.
Either you grew up with (it the VAs currently aren't bad in their roles, Black being an exception) or you're too good to be a "weeb", despite already watching this stuff. Or not even knowing how to use the damn term.