>Checked out JoJo
>The second part is the only god tier part
>Rest are ok
>Can't leave now
Look does it get infinitely better when Kira appears in part 4?
>Checked out JoJo
>The second part is the only god tier part
>Rest are ok
>Can't leave now
Look does it get infinitely better when Kira appears in part 4?
Yes. When Kira shows up the tone takes a really nice darker shift due to how it's set up. You get really nice character moments as well. I can't say it's infinitely better because that will depend on how you like your story. If you like P2 then I think you're going to like the Kira arc in P4. If you preferred P3 the most notable and overrated (in my opinion) part, then probably not. Again it depends on what your looking fro in a story.
You will like Kira. Especially when he starts dishing out his stand powers and shit. After part 4, its gets a little crazy but still good in my opinion.
Yes, Kira makes everything better.
I think that
steel ball run is best jojo
Why is Kira so universally liked as a villain? Not saying I don't like him, just don't see the mass appeal, he seems kinda niche. Is it because he's relatable?
Actually nvm, it's gotten really good now best JoJo has appeared.
I'm worrying about Araki's capabilities to make decent villains after Kira.
Pucci and Diavolo had similarly bullshit stands but they somehow weren't as memorable as Dio/Kira/Column men. I'm not really feeling the president either..
Well think of it this way.
>Dio: Psychopath who wants to dominate the world
>Kars: Twisted individual who'll betray his own Pillar bros to rework the earth in his image..AkA Rule the world
Kira may not be strongest or have the most recognisable personality, but he someones who "just wants a normal life." He has no sense of wrong or right and is literally a serial murderer. He went through a lot of cunning ideas to maintain that, even a time/space warping stand power.
>it's another anime-only judges a series by a mediocre to bad anime adaptation episode
I liked Pucci and Diavolo but because King Crimson really delivered that feel of impossible to beat OP final boss, better than DIO imo.
jotaro best jojo
fight me
>Horrible dad
>basic personality
He has his moments but he's so popular for no reason other than Part3 was the when JoJo was starting to be noticed.
Patrician taste
All Jojos have pretty basic personalities.
I've always liked how Kira is the one powering up throughout the series, not the heroes. It kinda makes sense, as it pits making allies against personal power and planning. It's also great to see a villain that knows when he's outmatched, so he only picks fights he can win.
I thought Josuke was very varied to be honest. Showed sadness at many deaths, Showed anger when his mum was threatened/friends threatened. Used techniques Jotaro taught him with his own twist.
Jotaro being basic I mean...He has the standard "Sasuke" personality that's in A LOT of anime. He's happens to be cool, but just not uncommon.
To me Jotaro becomes a much more charming character after part 3, because he stops coming across as some badass teen, and you realize he's just a serious, yet incredibly dorky adult.
He's unique as a villain with mundane, but still completely evil, goals. No world domination, no hubris, just wants to keep killing people without being found out. He's believable.
>no hubris
He didn't think his actions wouldn't have consequences.
He went full retard with Hayato and became a generic asshole but still has his moments.
I just met Rohan, his stand is actually really interesting, aswell as the invisible baby.
This is getting really good now.
Part 3 Jotaro is the worst Jotaro. I really liked him in 4 and 6.
This. What else is interesting to note about Kira is that he's not a mastermind waiting to be overthrown by the heroes. If you notice in Part 4, Jotaro is an experienced fighter who is familiar with the abilities and limitations of Stands. Everybody else is slowly figuring things out for themselves.
This includes Kira. There are plenty of moments where his own ignorance of the grand scheme of things is revealed. In his encounter with Shigechi, he was just now learning that other people had stands, and that they come in different varieties. He had no idea people were looking for him either. It was Kira's lack of understanding that cost him that first encounter with Jotaro and Koichi. So he wasn't like Dio or Kars who was just sitting on top of the world waiting for their schemes to come together. Kira was part of the hustle.
Kira wasn't the same kind of edgy that Dio/Kars was. Kira hardly knows the difference between beating somebody to death as the same thing as shopping for cucumbers at the grocery store: totally mundane.
Let me correct you there, because it seems you didn't understand his character at all.
Kars : more or less the first transhumani..transpillarist, Wanted to surpass the limitations of his species.
Without giving a shit about morality and natural order that is.
Normies disagree, he reeees them. Hard.
His bro and two brats remain, goes on a quest to reach his goal.
Makes it abundantly clear that his waif..goal comes first the whole bloody time, nakama second but he does care for them when not in conflict with his dream.
>The ultimate meme
After ascending tries to off Jojo in order to avenge his friends before moving on to genociding the weak humans..maybe..if he can bother to deal with them that is.
>Le emperor
Dude he is 100k old, he probably got that out of his system somewhere around the egypt-rome era. Dio is an infant to him, he had more important shit to do then get blowjobs and care for the livelihoods of smelly monkeys.
Thats what makes him compelling, twisted morals and mindset and yet not insane and uncomprehendable. And more importantly he 'works'/plans/acts within said mindset/morals.
Yes friend no Hubris, you are confusing Hubris with pride.
Pride is having enough awareness to accurately measure yourself and others while not playing 'le humble'
"My stand is stronger then 90% of yours i am smarter and more successful, in finance terms, then 90% of you and i know my personal failings.
So stop claiming you are better then me!"
"KONO DIO DA! A mere human cant beat me, i am the best thing since sliced bread, my Stand is unique..5 minutes later, not unique but the best! Muh superior life form etc etc."
It's SoL until Kira shows up, then it's mystery with a bit of SoL
Hayato was a mistake.
read the manga
He's a crazy guy who wants a normal life. He also has a cute wife, and Killer Queen is cool as hell.
i liked it because of the little character moments, like when old joseph appears, it made me kinda sad because old people are my weakness when it comes to emotional stuff
i didnt know sensible people browsed Sup Forums
gyro>gappy>jolyne>josuke>parts 4-6 jotaro>joseph>jonathan>part 3 jotaro>giorno
He really was. Kira's daily life was great except for him. I'd honestly watch/read the shit out of a series that's just stuff like Kira having to deal with Stray Cat.
if you liked 2 you'll probably also love 7 and maybe 5
the rest I can't vouch for
Part 8 is kind of like that, and I don't mean it in the literal sense. It gives me the same vibes.
because he's David Bowie
Part 1 is my favorite honestly.
My nigga!
Based hairposter
Kira makes Part 4 much better, but I still liked Part 2 as a whole the best in all the anime parts so far. Kinda defined the whole "JoJo experience" that people always described to me before watching it.
Kira is the best villain in the series and is a joy to watch. You will end up rooting for him.
Who is johnny joestar?
started reading the manga at part 5 after finishing the anime, did I miss out on much by not reading the previous parts of the manga?
3 and 4 manga is better than anime
I liked the whole setting of 4 in general, the SoL + weird supernatural stuff going on in small town feels very nostalgic to me
Nah, in terms of story you haven't missed anything important. I do think there's some cool paneling work that doesn't carry over in the anime adaptation, though. Made stuff like Kira vs Josuke feel a bit more flat in the anime.
how could anyone rate joseph so low, he's clearly a top 3 jojo
I can see 2 and 3 being appreciated by children, but I'm surprised how much better 2 is than 3. 4 is the one you really appreciate as an adult, though.
It's absolutely insane how well Part 4 handles Kira and even more insane how terribly it handles everything before that.
I was actually considering skipping Pt4 until he showed up. It's like a whole different show.
If Jotaro knew Hamon, would that be a detriment or advantage to him during the DIO fight?
Wouldn't Star Platimum combined with Hamon be pretty deadly?
considering SP's crazy breathing power, he wouldnt even need to use SP to destroy DIO in one punch
Part 1-3 are all the iconic moments
everything else is just downhill literally who cares from there
Honestly I thought of similar things, however, a major point during the DIO fight is that he needs to get close to DIO. Granted DIO eventually resorted to not getting close for a little but if he had known that Jotaro had Hamon, I highly doubt he'd get close during the whole fight at all. He didn't touch Joseph for example as supporting proof.
I definitely rank part 1 pretty high. I just love the relationship between Jonathan and Dio. It's what really got me hooked into the series.
>Hubris is defined as arrogance or excessive pride.
this fits kira, especially in the final arcs