What was her purpose?

what was her purpose?

To let go

To die, to sleep, perchance to dream.

initially to lead everyone up the garden path
subsequently to lead her up a path to home

To tell a lie

To be funny.

to make pedos cry

Daily reminder that you failed to protect her smile.

>not "please describe this child"
One job

To give Emiri Katou a paycheck.

my dick

But she became a god.

To clarify Bakemonogatari's themes. "You can only save yourself" applies to emotional problems, not getting hit by a fucking truck. She's also supposed to be a cute and slightly lewd loli who has guaranteed enjoyable screentime. She's also supposed to be a friendly and approachable voice of experience. That's her purpose.

>slightly lewd loli

That's right. Most of the lewdness comes from Araragi. Other characters go blow for blow with him.

same like every female charatcer in this series, waifubait.

initial she was an oddity that appeared because araragi didn't want to be at home but they became friends afterwards
she helped araragi a few times throughout the show and helped create some great banter then elevated to god status
one of the best characters in the show

>snail is so universally loved that there's nothing more to discuss

How could anyone not love her, though?

Sometimes normalfags get a boner when looking at her and feel guilty.

To be cute snail loli.
Have a wallpaper.

how could you possible get aroused from imaging her tiny naked chest visibly sticky from protein supplements after a thorough exercise? madness!

haha yeah how strange
what are you guys, like lolicons or something?

i can't believe, my good sir, that you are accusing me of fantasizing about gently caressing her entire body to cause her jolt and innocently moan, only to be followed by a slow introduction of humpy-forcey fun time, each time making her escalate her voice without realizing it until her hips were moving on her own.

I d-didn't know this place was such a den of p-perverts.
man, what more could you do to such an innocent child? you pervert.

First I'd have a lively banter session and then ask for her perspective on some of my problems.

What's in the bag, Sup Forums?

Lots and lots of smaller bags.

To be best girl.

Her corpse.

her best girl status

pedo bait. every series needs a few lolis these day. now that shes not written about so much, nisio added a new loli. some vampire one.

To give us stutterfags someone to relate to

karen fills that role

To be cute

Every series needs a best girl, so she came to fill the role.

Self insert for the author

Is that yoghurt? They really shouldn't play with food like that.

Why don't you have a seat over there?

That's some poorly drawn cum

>posting anything loli related
Don't you know there's an autistic mod who 404's threads that have them

I came user, that's to much, yamete

>Taller than her brother
Does not compute.

Rararagi-kun is rocking some fine hips right there

Araragi is NOT a pedo though.

Shinobu and Hachikuji are sexy older women though.

Providing fanservice to men of culture.

I like Hachikuji and Kanbaru the most. I wonder if it's because they seem to be on the same level as Araragi compared to other characters? He looks up to/gets overpowered by Hanekawa and Senjougahara. He overpowers Sengoku and his sisters. But Hachikuji and Kanbaru are an equal match and the banter goes back and forth.

Tsukihi does a good job of staying on-level with her brother. Shinobu is all over the map as far as whether they're equal or someone is overpowering. Add in those two and you have my top four.

Obligatory Karen is "markedly over 180cm and still growing" at 19 reminder

Araragi in denial once again. What else is new.

That’s what she was there for, that was the plan. To give you a boner. And you got one.

Shitty pedobait

Too right

To be best girl
