What is this archetype called?
What is this archetype called?
Girls that deserve better than being run to the ground for cheap drama. I don't even get the point of having a shitty love triangle in the first place when it's obvious the first girl will win.
loser of the MCbowl
Girls from seasonal shit that r/anime will go on about for the next year.
Pretty sure Rem is more of a cuck than Ichigo.
nice one
turn it into a meme
trips of truth
Got comaed after practically getting engaged, its next level cucking
Cuck queen is the correct term, iirc
Oh and she is probably going to lose all her memories
the cuck queen is the female bull
It's cuckquean.
"The Blatant One-dimensional Waifubait"
Every post above mine is 100% correct.
Fucking faggots, she's more Kanna 2.0. Girl in love with MC before special snowflake main heroine shows up and sweeps him off his feet, stands zero chance and partially that's her own fault anyway, already has great guy who's sweet on her but she isn't interested, fans like her because she's cute and pitiable. Here's hoping she doesn't also end up alone.
>can't do anything to help the MC no matter how much she tries, familyzoned the MC by calling him a sibling.
>the winner 02, gave the MC all the help he needed and even more, she even admits her love for him, totally worth it.
>did everything in her power to help the MC even at the cost of her own life, she repeatedly admits her love for him.
>the winner Emillia, saved the MC on an alternate timeline but did nothing for the rest of the show, totally not worth it.
How are they comparable again? You mean just short blue-haired characters?
Both shitposter bait.
Cuckqueen or "Always lost to the main girl"
Ichigo is a true loser
Cuckette is far better, to be quite honest.
An archetype would imply a personality trait
>t. ADHD sufferer
Both were written to be likeable girls who liked them MC but had no chance.
However, whilst Ichigo is fucked because she cannot make things work between her and Hiro, and 02 gives him all he needs, Rem was written as someone who had a massive impact on Subaru. There's also the fact that Emilia is rather useless and her own character had so little impact, Rem became so popular that the author has to keep her relevant not to lose readers.
Blue balls(female)
Shitty waifubait.
Waifubait that gets cucked
it's a shit archetype but it's actually very realistic. lots of humans, even humans on this board fall into the "do dumb shit, want dumb shit routine of self-harm."
"i liek grill even do she worthless. xDD"
Remfags are out in full force tonight lmao
Sacrifice for the main girl.
cocona core
Haven't watched the show the above girl is from, but I guess she's also a waifubait like the bottom one.
"Unnecessary third wheel for cheap drama" girl. And what pisses me off the most is that they will never be able to move to someone else because the authors won't let them. Gotta store the third wheel, I guess.
Also you missed one.
the sex archetype
This is perfect in every way
>have crush on main character
>all of your friends help you get together
>sister pushes for it the hardest
>start dating the main character
>halfway through your own route, it suddenly becomes your sister's route
>main character spends the rest of the route trying to figure out how to dump you so he can fuck your sister
>the only ending where you end up with the main character only happens if the sister route isn't triggered and it plays out like a bad end
That's a haircut, not an archetype
The Little River Band put it this way in 1979: LONESOME LOOSER!
Cuckette it is.
>pubes visible under micro bikini
This make my penis the big penis.
It has a japanese word "baddo woraiotingu"
Rolls off the tongue.
Sup Forumsedditcore thread
>prepubescent girl
Love and suffering.
bestgrillneverwin archetype
worst girl.
how bout
Blue Beta Bitch(es)
>Worth it
Emilia didn't try to kill the MC just because he smelled bad.
Emilia didn't do anything of note so it doesn't mean much.
>she repeatedly admits her love for him
Maybe we watched a different show, but I seem to recall Rem repeatedly stopping MC's advances, and rejecting him when he finally came out and wanted to run away with her to be together. After that, she leaves the show. Real dedicated waifu.
Sounds like you were watching a different show or have very selective memory due to the holes in your brain.
Must be, because the show I watched had some short blue hair demon maid that turned the MC down when he tried to get with her.
The "pitiful chucks" archetype
People latch onto these characters purely out of either pity or contrarianism
In any generic shit show like this you need at least one girl to be a cute loser because it appeals to suffering moe.
"worst girl"
>ywn gently brush ichigo's hair away from her eye before kissing her
Girls like this also end up being more popular than the main girl most of the time due to how sorry the audience feels for them.
I'm still mad. Even now, they still shill Emilia at the expense of not just Rem, but Subaru, Roswaal, Betty and everyone else
Japan calls them just "blue girls."
If you mean shill as in promote, then Rem is by far the most shilled. She is everywhere in Japan. You can't go to a store without finding some sort of Rem merchandise.
Who is "they" anyway? Emilia's fanbase is far smaller than Rem's.
If you bother to check in the TL threads, you will see people complaining about the LN because of its bad changes (such as adding a plot convenience teleporting crystal ), in particular, one of its biggest flaws is how it's characterizing and how it's giving too much prominence to Emilia. The coma scene in the original (which was a powerful moment between Rem and Subaru) was rewritten to include Emilia and removed a really powerful description of Subaru's resolve and replaced it with "Emilia is so kind, Emilia is comforting Subaru in his worst moment"
I don't know anything more than the anime, but from what I understand of Re:Zero, Emilia is a much more important character than Rem to the story and in the world itself, so it makes sense that she is getting a larger role.
She is pretty important in regards to envy, but Rem is in no way a small part of the story. In fact, she is the major focus of arc 6 as that arc is dedicated to waking her from the coma
Don't let the anime fool you, Rem is important to Subaru, and the director (Watanabe) has admitted that he is an emiliafag and that he sees Rem a sideheroine, hence why a large portion of her development is cut from it. Had the anime kept these scenes in, no one could or would call Rem a cuck
The original
You have never been to Sup Forums before, have you?
Contrary to belief, people would start to call Emilia a cuck.
Suffering is a popular content nowadays, you know.
>implying she's anything but mary sue
>asserts herself after MC falls for meme girl and has a huge impact, gets cucked by events
>"I feel nothing"
>cucks herself
it's not even close, being Ichigo is suffering
Being ZeroTsuu is suffering too, to be honest.