Why does Sup Forums hate Subaru? Is it because he's an anti-self-insert? Is it because his character hits too close to home?
Why does Sup Forums hate Subaru? Is it because he's an anti-self-insert...
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Popular anime => hate
He's ugly and obnoxious
He has autism and makes objectively bad choices. I can't care about someone who seemingly wants to suffer and die in edgy and over the top ways. He is utterly incompetent. There is nothing salvageable about his character. There's no progression, only random and jarring shifts. I remember when it was airing, everyone was wondering when the psychological stress was going to get to him and, instead of doing it in a gradual, natural way, it was, happy - happy - happy - happy - FUCKING KILL ME!
The series as a whole is juvenile from plot to romance and the fag kept finding bigger and bigger sharks to jump. Why do you not think he's an irredeemable piece of shit? Or do you and, instead of forming your own opinion, you're coming to a collective to validate your that hatred without having to do any thinking on your own?
How is he anti-self insert in any way? You're severely underestimating how autistic the average isekai fan is.
He's a nonsensical sperg. I've handled low functioning downie kindergarteners that have a better control of their urge to screech retardation.
he ugly
He is incredibly annoying as an MC. I think the author wanted the reader to be frustrated with him, but he wrote his character pretty bad, and the choices he makes are just blatantly stupid and irrational.
He is also one of the most visually ugly characters ever designed.
White Knight beta gary stu
Anti-self-insert my ass. He's maybe not as bad as Kirito but he's still a self insert character.