Can someone explain to me why Japs love bullying so much?

Can someone explain to me why Japs love bullying so much?

Like I can't even enjoy shows where they pick a character to bully constantly.

It just makes me feel bad.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuze is mai waifu!

Fuze is bottom tier and anyone who picks him in rank honestly deserves to be reported for throwing

Sup Forums here.
Bullying is good. Bullying just another form of how we socialize each other, and get socialized. Do children, with limited understanding of the world begin explaining why someone doing something doesn't make them like them? No, they scream, yell, push, hit, cry, etc. They signal disapproval.
As we get older, we develop more sophisticated ways with which to signal our disapproval, and make it known that we don't want someone to act a certain way.

Satania is a giant meme, even to the other characters. Therefore, one of them bullies her heavily, another bullies her moderately.
Of course she is so unaware that she never learns her lesson, and that is funny.
>explains humor to user

Its not that the Japs like bullying, its that our society is completely fucked, as it doesn't want to allow it. Bulling is normal and healthy(so long as its moderated in extremity), as it allows people to signal disapproval, without completely disassociating from someone they dislike, and it can offer the person on the receiving end, information that they are doing something wrong.

Honestly the rise of the school shooter, coincided with the rise of anti-bullying, and kids just excluding problem children completely, as they cannot comprehend how to deal with them, by adult standards.

Bullying is a fun and enjoyable pastime.

>Sup Forums here
Thanks, saved me having to read the wall of text

Even for the victim?

Japan has issues with wanting to silence whatever sticks out too much.

I'm normally cool with it but this show went overboard sometimes.

See >[Bullying] can offer the person on the receiving end, information that they are doing something wrong.

If they're masochistic. And if they aren't, keep at it until they are.

No, but it's not like the dude working at the cinema enjoys picking up your trash. Having fun disadvantages someone else most of the time.

>Sup Forums here

Bullying is highly overrated and rarely a central theme. Lost potential.

How is it overrated but underused?

>Sup Forums here

You have to go back!

>Sup Forums
And why you came here, faggot? Go back, faggot.

Never forget, once upon a time Sup Forums had 2 boards. Anime fans spawned Sup Forums.

Wasted potential. If the bullying nets character progression then its just a means of story telling.
If they don't learn then they are just a meme character there to be kicked. So long as the meme character's existence serves a purpose then its still justifiable.

I will bully you until you leave!

>Sup Forums here.

Literally stopped reading there. Kys faggot.

>anime fans
>Sup Forums

>Never forget, once upon a time Sup Forums had 2 boards. Anime fans spawned Sup Forums.

I don't mind Sup Forums existing. I just prefer that Sup Forums should stay in Sup Forums and refrain from derailing topics on other boards.

See demichan. This type of easily resolved and limited to snickers and 1-2 episodes filler side story is pretty much the only form it takes. Then there is manga where the occasionally doujin tier gurofest happens but it's like the total opposite on the shit scale.

>Sup Forums here
stopped reading right there

Only if you decide to close yourself to other options. That is not the only way one can make another person to know that what he is doing is not accepted in some community. If you believe that is the only way, you're just too stupid to think of other options, and not too intelligent as to express your discontent in other ways.
Where are the fucking mods?

This is why bullying is thus featured in anime. Explain how I derailed? I've ironically engaged more with the topic, than most other posts.

>15 posters, 7 reeing at Sup Forums

You shouldn't have said "Sup Forums here" because now all the brownies won't read your post, and it's right.

Only white people think acting kind is normal behavior.

>If you believe that is the only way
Did you even read his post?
>Where are the fucking mods?
You are not accepted in this community. Return back to your home website.

>If you believe that is the only way
No of course not, and should by and large be something seldom seen into adulthood. However children lack the social skills of adults, and the only way that they learn anything is by bashing themselves at an aspect of the world and see what works. Bullying is the least sophisticated method of conflict solving. Children are relatively unsophisticated.

When resolving a fight between children you literally need to hold their hands and guide them through the process. Later, this translates into a previous example of a fight resolved, that can be built upon.
Note that a fight has also had to have happened.

Fair enough, but that's their fucking problem. They'll just have to learn the hard way.

>Did you even read his post?
Did you even read his post?

>Explain how I derailed?
>Sup Forums here

Bandit best waifu

You're doing it right now, faggot. Also please go and take your flavour of the month waifu with you.

Noted. I shall report back to Sup Forums that in future we should be less honest.

That was you fags derailing by sperging at that instead of replying to the actual on topic discussion in his post.

Disclosing irrelevant information has nothing to do with being honest.

Gentle bullying is sometimes fine, but when every other character just constantly shits on one target (including that faggot dog) it gets to be a bit much.

>back to Sup Forums has become the universal derailment shitpost

I know the feeling, I dropped this show after the first episode when I realized where they were going with this.

>Sup Forums here
Literally started reading there. You are welcome on this board, friend.

He didn't need to say he was from Sup Forums though did he? He only did it to get this sort of reaction.

Are you that Hungary user?


I want to break her smile.

True, but there's no reason to actually give him that reaction.

Have you ever seen one of those japs humour shows? Japanese comedy is all about picking on one single guy and then beating hiss ass with a stick for failing to say a tongue twister

Of course they are unsophisticated, and of course they lack social skills, but how can said kids, with unsophisticated social skills, determine what is good and what is wrong? You're saying that bullying is good, but you're assuming a lot of things, including trusting the judgement of a kid that it's still learning social skills.
And also, you're assuming that if you include bullying into the equation, it will give you some predefined result. But let me tell you something: real life doesn't work like that. Someone being bullied necessarilly understands and becomes a socially accepted person? Can you give a definitive answer? How can you say it's good, when you don't really know the results of said behavior into others?
>When resolving a fight between children
But bullying and fighting are different things. You seem to think that a fight and bullying are the same thing, but they are not.

Can someone explain why she is crying?

Did she want to sit in class that much?

Cause she got yelled at.

This is Sup Forums, reactions like this are almost guaranteed

Someone say bullies?

Also the whole boke and tsukkomi routine is basically about hitting a retard with a fan

She was being herself.

I can agree with this to an extent but it say the problem isn't that anti bully stuff is causing kids to shun big retardos

I'd say it's forced bullying to evolve into a more malicious albeit less physical form, bullying now happens online and out side of school away from adult "supervision" which means it can get way out of hand. And to be honest I think linking it to the riseing frequency of shootings it a rather large stretch

Just work this out in your own head for a second you stupid faggot, and all other faggot posters.
Assume I aimed to derail the thread. (I didn't)
>Sup Forums here
Derail failed.

>Sup Forums here
Thread derailed.

Your a fucking idiot. I am not playing 4D chess, but the comparative gap makes me feel like I am playing 4D chess.
I am in a strange way, proving my own thesis correct through a demonstrative example. Bullying, is in anime as it is a jap societal norm. It is a jap societal norm, as it is works and is healthy. Why? It allows unsophisticated communication.

Example: Don't take the bait, you faggot. (bullying, in order to make a point)

>but how can kids determine what is good and what is wrong?
Parental socialization, which includes good ol, threat of force.
>don't put finger in socket user, or naughty step

>trusting the judgement of a kid that it's still learning social skills
Kids have been hitting eachother for several thousand years. Probably more. Parents job should be to make sure it doesn't leave bruises.

>How can you say it's good, when you don't know the results
The inverse. How can you know its a good idea to stop completely, when you don't know the results? You can never truly appreciate the positive effects of things that you do not like happening.

It was a tad overt wasn't it?

>The inverse.

Also it's funny how this guy came in and said bullying is good because it crubs unacceptable behavior

And everyone started bullying him for his unacceptable behavior in protest

Way to prove a point

>Assume I aimed to derail the thread
Why did you feel the need to mention you were from Sup Forums then if it wasn't to derail? You should know that starting a post like that on Sup Forums of all places will get that sort of reaction.

>I'd say it's forced bullying to evolve
That's a good point actually. Hadn't factored that in.

Also, can a mod explain how deleting pic that was justified?

Who /Frost/ here?

The weak should fear the strong. That's just the laws of nature.

Sup Forums: where bullying fictional characters for fun is triggering but lolicon fanservice is clearly just fake having an issue with it is a sign you can't separate fiction from reality

>fear the strong

I don't know about that but the strong shouldn't be published to compensate for the lack of others

>Parental socialization
Then it's not about kids. It's about what adults think. And if they think bullying is unevitable, obviously it will be unevitable. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. And saying
>Kids have been hitting eachother for several thousand years
It's just an excuse, and it's essentialist. Just because something have been this way for X time, doesn't mean it has to be that way forever. Just like Popper said, just because you've seen a lot of white swans, doesn't mean that every swan, through all history, through the world will be white.
>Parents job should be to make sure it doesn't leave bruises
That's just conformism, and not taking responsability for having kids. There are kids that don't bully anyone, never. And here are the words that give away that you're not even reading or understanding what I'm trying to tell you
>hitting eachother
What is the point if you just keep ignoring me?
And you still seem to confuse fighting and bullying. I'm assuming you don't even know what you're talking about when you're talking about bullying.
>The inverse. How can you know its a good idea to stop completely, when you don't know the results?
The same shit. That's not the point. The point it's that you're including you're own interests in this, saying that it's good. You can't say it's good unless you have some interests of your own. I say it's unnecessary, and it's not unevitable. Kids can learn, and they'll learn. What are the things that you want them to learn are the adult's responsability.
And if you want to look at the positive effects, you're ignoring the totallity of said reality. We could see only the positive effects of any fucking things, and say it's good. Bullying it's not a necessity, and therefore, there are not excuses for it to keep on happening, unless you have interests of your own.
And following your logic, it's not the kids that are hitting each others; it's the parents through it's kids who are hitting each others.

And usually, what happens it's that the one who is stronger prevails over other perspectives. That doesn't meant that what you see on kids is good, it's only that the influences of the parents and the avail to act in a rude way is seductive to a child that it's only seeking satisfy his egoists desires, and seeing how he can influence the world, normal characteristics of that age. Just like the kid that want to pee and defecate in any place that it's not the toilet.
>Hey! Kids have been peeing anywhere they want through all history, for several thousand years. Parents should learn to clean their shit when they defecate themselves.
That's your logic applied to other egoistical kid's desires.
Bullying is behaviour that is unnecessary that causes pain on others. Saying that it's good it's just ridiculous.

>Why did you feel the need to mention you were from Sup Forums then if it wasn't to derail?
I use multiple boards. In ranked order Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums.
Think of it like this. I am currently here in Sup Forums, but here in Sup Forums I am putting my Sup Forums hat on, rather than my Sup Forums hat

>You should know that starting a post like that on Sup Forums of all places will get that sort of reaction
You're just trying to get me to say it was deliberate, therefore ban. No, I wish I was that cleaver

Look it depends how many (((brackets))) you want to apply to what I'm saying

You could go full Sup Forums and assume that I wrote that, as bait, to then completely prove my point correct on all levels. It's not what I intended, but never let a good opportunity go to waste...

>Just because something have been this way for X time, doesn't mean it has to be that way forever
>You can't say its
>I say its
Post Modern bullshit

>Popper said, just because you've seen white swans, doesn't mean every swan will be white
No. However, that is the initial element of Poppers Philosophy of knowledge, which led to his standardized that all testing should be done on the basis of Falsifiability, rather than proving something to be true. Popper's approach to knowledge was that while all the swans that have been seen may be white, this only remains true until a swan of a different colour is found, and endevours should be preformed to do so.

Just because you can make changes to a society doesn't mean you should, as there is a greater likelihood of breaking something, than there is of making an improvement
Should you question everything? Sure. In an appropriate setting. Should you question everything all the time? No, you'd never eat in fear of it being poison, or yourself not being real

>That's just conformism
Its social conservatism

>hitting eachother
>ignoring me
Words can be used to inflict pain. The more sophisticated the children the more sophisticated the methods see He details it better

>I use multiple boards. In ranked order Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums.
>Think of it like this. I am currently here in Sup Forums, but here in Sup Forums I am putting my Sup Forums hat on, rather than my Sup Forums hat
Doesnt explain why you did it.
>You're just trying to get me to say it was deliberate, therefore ban. No, I wish I was that cleaver
No I'm telling you to know about the boards you are posting on. You should know these basic things and not complain when you get called out.

>t. Youhei Sunohara
Felt bad for him though

>Post Modern bullshit.
Nice way to ignore the fucking point.
Of course the words of Poppers were used in that context to refers to the falsiability on scientific claims and the critique to the induction. Those words were just used as an example, fitting for your logic of
>kids hit each other for thousand years
Which is not a fucking justification. Stop trying to lead the discussion to other ways; I know the history behind those Popper's words, that's not the fucking point. We're not discussing that.
>Just because you can make changes to a society doesn't mean you should
And why not, if you have some interests, or if the forms in which we live as society is unfair?
>there is a greater likelihood of breaking something, than there is of making an improvement.
You're assuming that the world works in some way by some misterious laws? Let me laugh for a moment at your reificated ways of seeing the social world.
And also,
And who is there to say that something is an improvement? It really depends on which side you are and how you interpret it.
>Should you question everything? Sure. In an appropriate setting. Should you question everything all the time? No
And what defines an appropiate setting? And who are you to say that people should not question everything all the time? You can doubt about all those things, and it doesn't necessarily mean a harm. People can doubt whatever shit they want, and doesn't mean that the world is going to fucking end.
>social conservatism.
Of course you would see it like that, you're just needing to justify lazyness, thinking that things can't change.
>hitting eachother
>Words can be used to inflict pain.
But hitting is not a verb fitting for inflict paint through words, and you're still ignoring the fucking point. You don't even know what the fuck is bullying. It's the third time that I'm tellying you this and you just keep ignoring shit.

sexual bullying is the best

Just fuck off back to Sup Forums this is not even a discussion about anime anymore.

Basically this. It's a form of crude information filter. It's a functional solution oftentimes, but it also favors discarding useful information at times, as seen in the example in this thread.

This is where, depending on how much spare resources you have to give something the proper scrutiny, we can all benefit. And if you're beat from daily life, at least respect the fact that you're taking an easy route which might not provide a clear picture of the situation. Again, not trying to condemn taking that route since not everyone's got time for leisure.

Most people that get bullied in anime act fairly retarded, though. I am mostly surprised with some of the autism shit a lot of the characters put up with.

>And usually, what happens it's that the one who is stronger prevails over other perspectives.
All that matters is power. Post modernism again.

>to act in a rude way is seductive to a child that it's only seeking satisfy his egoists desires, and seeing how he can influence the world, normal characteristics of that age.
Oh good you made an interesting point. You garbled the introduction, so I don't know who is meant to be doing this, whether natural instinct or bad parents teach children to do this.
I believe this entirely to be true, if from the natural instincts perspective. Life in nature is nasty brutish and short. See Africa.
Therefore it is the parents, and wider society to guide children into acceptable beings to be around. This is done at all levels by all people at all times in one way or another. The worst is avoidance. The best is successful coercion into something that is constructive.

The problem is, to take a pedantic post modernist point of view... no one really knows what either of those two things are, and its difficult. Therefore its impossible to say if these two factors are unknown, to then derive a strategy. On this basis where does your claim to completely do away with the social norm prior to this come from?

>your logic applied to kid desires.
Hardly. This is actually a simple one(that no one told india).
>We have toilets
>Kids need to defecate
>Allow kids to defecate into cloth/nappy
>When old enough teach kids to defecate into pretend loo
>When successful, teach them how to do the same in actual loo.
But that's because there is a clear a to b. Its high resolution.

>I know the history Popper's words, that's not the fucking point. We're not discussing that
Well now we are, since you used him to prop up post modernism horse shit. He's not a post modernist but knew that the key underlying foundation of post modernism, that we can never know completely what is true, due to lack of information appears accurate

Your entire proposition is because I cannot truly know, that therefore we should adapt to a different world view, because it would suit you better
Not you of course, but your world view, which in no way gains anyone power, but rather makes everyone feel lovely

>You assume that the world works by some misterious laws?
No. I am assuming that maybe we right now, understanding society is just as complicated as a cave man understanding a computer.
Just because you believe yourself to understand how things work, does not for a second that you do. You can't even spell the word mysterious, nor have the care to correct it. Just because you can question everything, does not mean you have the answers to how anything should be done. Just because something does not meet with your niceties, does not mean that it will stop and leave you alone. That's not how any of this works.

>And who is there to say that something is an improvement? It really depends on which side you are and how you interpret it
Power is everything. There you go again.

>And who are you to say that people should not question everything all the time?
>you'd never eat in fear of it being poison, or yourself not being real

>thinking that things can't change
Oh no. Only that its safer if they change slowly. Its also best if you are not the one acting as the guinea pig

>You don't even know what the fuck is bullying.
If you have never worked out that any bullying has an underlying, or overt threat of either physical violence or threat of some action deleterious to yourself then you don't know what bullying is. Again see for the more insidious form

What did he say?
Faggot deleted his post

>Power is everything. There you go again.

Power can be useful, but it's not everything if it doesn't serve to maximize your own wellbeing. I found the ability to have others work for me in the creation of fiction (which as you might know can be used to easily get an empathetic positive feeling) as a matter of intrinsic motivation much more potent than anything power could provide.

Of course you might end up aspiring to create a world that everyone considers somewhat fair, as a matter of personal joy, if you go down that path.

Faggot here. Mod deleted my post. Technically, a faggot still deleted it.
See pic here I agree. But, that world view that Power is everything, is the world view of Post Modern Neo-Marxism (separate to post modernism).

How about a different theory? Bully is a douchebag who gets off on a dominance and control.
In a healthy collective, some confident and dominant person would immediately kick that person out from the group for being a douchebag. Nobody(aside from bully's henchmen who get off on the same thing) likes that person, which is why it's increasingly rare to encounter bullying in adulthood: career options for bullies are limited, because(surprise-surprise) nobody wants to work with one.
The only positive aspect of bullying is that it's a convenient excuse to teach people some self-defence.


>Mod deleted my post

>I don't like X in fiction so I won't consume fiction with X
>X in fiction is as serious as X in real life
There's a difference, dumbfuck.

Once off belligerence is not anywhere near the same as long term physical or emotional torment.

You're just some edge Sup Forums teenager. Go back there, scum.

>There's a difference, dumbfuck.

Not when it triggers my memories of my own bullying

Mods deleted his post because they are soyboy faggots.

>memories of my own bullying
>if bullying nets character progression then its just a means of story telling.
While summarizing an extended period of your childhood like this, may be seen as a tad flippant, change the words to something more appropriate and it remains true.

You can either faced up to it and be crushed by it, or be crushed by it, but either way the brutality of the world will crush you eventually, whether at 8 or 80.
You can either allow adversity to cripple you, or you can endevour to take what you have gone through, examine it, internalize it and make yourself stronger in the world because of it.

One of the two most used psychological treatments is exposure therapy. Expose someone to what is plaguing them. The goal is not to prevent someone from receiving triggers, it is to harden the individual to the effects of those triggers.

Satan-chi's bullying was not for character development, it's because Japs think pain is funny.

As I said. There are 2 functions that bullying can take in anime as I have seen it. Bullying as character development. Then, bullying for humour. The character in question will also be painted to deserve it to some degree, and will be immune to all outside attempts to change them.

Satania is most certainly the latter, getting kicked repeatedly by the creators for being an idiot(in an endearing way to viewers), but never learning.

lmao that post was not delete-worthy, it legitimately brings up valid points

What the fuck I thought this was a siege thread

Which operator would she main?

>Down attacker
>Revive him

>Can someone explain to me why Japs love bullying so much?
>It just makes me feel bad.
>It just makes me feel bad.
>It just makes me feel bad.
>R: 418 / I: 90
>Mitsuboshi Colors: I want to bully Kotoha that she's bad at video games while she keeps on stepping on me in revenge

Leave it to soyboy mods to delete everything they don't like. Welcome to the internet 2.0.

Post the pasta about this show and Satania bullying.

Internet 2.0 is already a thing, stupid Sup Forumstard.

The pasta I found is too long.
Here it is in picture form.

I like bullying, not enough anime bullying goes far enough