Was she pure?
Was she pure?
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Yes and no
Yeah, a pure slut.
the whole idea is that purity is a spook
I want to do impure things to those tiddies.
That's definitely impure
This. She had feelings but couldn’t find a decent way to express them.
Another reason why Fuwa is better.
The dead cannot be tainted, so yes
About time we saw this hackneyed post
What's with this stylish trend of tapping the shift key to open a sentence with a capital letter but not being buggered to press a key to bring that sentence to a natural end?
It's easy to get caught up in a post and want to start it properly, but not care enough to see it through to the end.
Kinda depressing this milf dodged lewds for the most part.
What do you mean
I want to fuck Ayame
mobile posters and board culture
Me too. Even if it's more of a hatefuck thing
Would you drink her love nectar?
Hell yes
She was so pure she looped back around to being a gigaslut. It's like the horseshoe theory.
If a woman becomes enough of a slut she gets tired of being used and wants to settle down with a nice, sensitive guy.
If a woman is pure to the point of intense sexual repression, the slightest temptation will pull the thread that will send her spiraling into turbosluttery.
To be fair she only chases after the herbivore MC and I'm not sure if that's even slutty.
If she were just pursuing him she would be unquestionably pure, but her methods were undeniably those of a slut.
Just finished rewatching, this time with dub. It's even better than i remembered.
I want to watch this show but the show taking the law of no sex mentions serously puts me off a bit. I can't take that law or the world serously and the anime should not either.
Society is getting close to becoming this show
i really enjoyed this show and her specially...but we will never see a sequel right? not after the death of her seiyuu....what a shame
god i need more anna porn
I wish there was more Sophia lewds but that's life
She had desires but mentality and knowledge of pure.
Not a slut, just lewd.
Anna is pure!
why is there so little actual hentai of this?
it lewds itself, i thought there would be a ton of it.
Till the end.
its the lewd paradox, it seems that anything that is already really lewd in the source material barely has any fan lewds, kill la kill is a good example
This. The whole point of most doujins is to see uncharacteristically lewd moments, but if those scenes already exist, there's little reason to make original content.
That doesn't really explain series like To-Love-Ru, which gets plenty of doujins.
Or maybe that's just the exception to the rule.
Maybe because to love ru teases it and they just got impatient.
well i kinda get it, it's not like the hentai could show anything that hasn't been shown already
You can be pure and still the thirstiest virgin on the face of the planet.
She's soiled.
(Fuck You)
(Fuck You too)
(Pure shit)
Miserable degenerates
>no Mio
Yeah but she was a slut for only one guy though.
Besides I liked her assistant more.
>"Look ma! I posted my shitty chart showing my worthless opinion again!"
Do (You) do it... for free?
Yes. The restrictions on exposure to sexuality in her world are so great that her scope of sexual expression reduced to that of a rabbit, and you can hardly expect a rabbit to not froth at the mouth to fuck other rabbits right? In fact, MC should consider himself lucky that she is only chasing after him, and realize that in doing so, she is more pure than the rest of the cast, but of course he's too much of a hyper-faggot.
He was scared of her superhuman strength and stamina. Survival instincts and all.
Yeah, you go and bone the daughter of a powerful politician that made sex illegal, I'm sure nothing will come from it
Did you forget the immediate concern of being alive tomorrow?
it is either that or not boning her which is such a bizarre and unreal choice given the circumstances I am not sure how anyone could think that up let alone take that action
literally all talk
What's she looking at there?
Too pure for this world
Not even close. If anything it's going in the opposite direction.
She literally IS soil now.
>kill la kill is a good example
Its not wtf there's a shit ton of porn about that
>Pure girl is secretly a slut
>slut is secretly pure girl
Was this the greatest twist in anime history?
This is what abstinence-only sex ed gets you.
Pretty sure she's ash.
>VA ded
>assume character is also ded
You know VAs are replaceable, right?
Saotome is.
Why are there so few doujin's of this series?
Series wasn't as popular as what was airing
Thanks Trump for your idiocy being a distraction.
I thought everyone on Sup Forums hated the slutty types.
Yes, she was slutty and devoted to only one man
Anna's lewdness is monogamous. As in she only wants to do lewd things to one person.
Did anyone honestly want to watch a series about an anti-lewd brigade? We have enough of that shit in reality.
But the girls are so dickable, especially the lewd hating milf and daughter
>File: OHYS-R~1.jpg (146 KB, 1282x1423)
u tell me.
OC. here
ive been waiting for this moment to post my BDO anna nishiminokiya character.
purity kills. just look at her VA
The purest girl ever.
And ash eventually becomes part of the soil. Remember "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"?
I want rape Anna
Anna would rape you
Anna... had a hard life
You have to be DBZ tier popular to disrespect a dead VA and replace them.
But she's a girl.
We can talk about this dead girl. You can ask me for a Discord here:
Kajou is for ____
Nope, Tales of Zestiria did it too. It has nothing to do with respect.
Pure enough to have a false pregnancy because she has no idea how the human reproductive system works.
That's still depressing.
But it seemed like she deserved to suffer for her ignorance. What good is a person who can't live up to the ideals of the person she desired? She's just a freak without a human heart!
Second season when?
Flops don't get second chances for the most part.
When Miyu-chan comes back to life
For lewd wordplay, of course
literally made for bbc
So pure she made a full circle.
Post more lewd Anna webms dammit
Anna only wants nipponese herbivore horsecock though