Made in Abyss

Chapter 45 has been finished. Point out mistakes, read, enjoy.

Other urls found in this thread:!lrBASKwb!hW7eg96-npabmWBxoO7Nbw



In this chapter Tsukushi has began to add furigana translations above the Narehate speak to show that Riko is now familiar with language a bit.
Would it be fine for us to show it like this?

Also, Veko is cute!






Trips of truth have spoken.






Eh, that was made by the scanlation team?

pan 3 bub 1 I cant -> I can't

Absolutely no connection. They slapped the unproofed script on raws even if they were asked not to do so.

Oh, I didn't notice, because I didn't even look at the page. Good to know.



pan 2 -> shouldn't there be only 3 periods/an ellipsis?



Reminder that the Invisible hand of the free market is a cute girl

Communists, Socialists, and Liberals GET FUCKED

Well, Kaija looks really sorry about fucking over Riko and Nanachi



Yeah, I feel sorry too, I misjudged him

It seems she doesn't shave



pan 2 bub 6 orphanage hyphenates or·phan·age


This is such a cool page.

And that's it. I will fix the mistakes and upload it to places, this folder included!lrBASKwb!hW7eg96-npabmWBxoO7Nbw

Also, I guess we are looking for proofreaders. If you know your English very well feel free come here

The worst part is that I have no doubt in my mind that the story will go through with one of these.

Thanks anons. Hopefully you'll find a PR.

Legs, easy choice.

Not neccesarily. Riko can brainstorm something new. But Reg will be surprised to see her when he returns, that's for sure.

>It is nothing
>To Berafu it was just always sucking Mitty
This entire sentence is just constructed wrong.

It's gonna be eyes for sure.

oh wait actually since Veko is out of the pit is Riko even capable of turning any of the three options into value?

thanks user

How would you do it?

Fucking Nanachi ruins everything now. Useless bun.

Veko does not know what "6th layer" and "white whistle" mean. Yet she had a delver outfit. She must predate the standardized naming of layers, so predating the mapping work of the white whistles, and predating the whistles' entire concept. How long has she been there, then?

Some of the expressions she makes also seems like she has ulterior motives, and that she quickly told Riko how to remove her bondage implies she manipulated Riko into freeing her and that was her goal. She probably doesn't give two shits about reg and fuafua. it doesn't seem like Maa recognizes her, so he is a newer inhabitant. How do other inhabitants come to live there? Just delvers who go too deep and cannot return?
So does Veko intend revenge on the village? She seems to be outside its laws already since she predates its creation and has not been part of the ancap games. I want to know what she will do.

Riko gets headaches if she doesn't have her special glasses, was that forshadowing?
Losing half the innards might work, you can't explore the abyss blind or without legs unless Reg just stuffs Riko into a backpack

I'd go for half of my innards

Let's see, a lung, most of liver, part of intestines, part of stomach, spleen, appendix, a testicle/ovary, and perhaps the whole bladder?

>Riko gives her eyes to Berafu
>Mitty gives her eyes to Riko

>riko -1 eye - 1 hand
>+regs hand + mittys eye

The only prosthetic relic we have seen in the relic encyclopedia is a prosthetic arms. It might be a good idea to pick arms based on that fact alone. There's no knowing if there are prosthetic eyes or legs out there.

Arms were not an option.

Riko please. Youre the daughter of the Lord of Annihilation. There's only one option here.

So this Mitty is a perfect copy of original whose Reg killed before?

Why does she have any value to Nanachi and also Riko if it's artifical fake clone?

If only she'd said toenails.

Fuck I guess I'm a dirty speedreader.

I wonder why arms weren't an option.
Riko could've made a deal by giving one of her eyes and her bad arm away or something like that.

So a generic little girl costs more than an immortal creature maid with science. Why did he bother to bring her and not some little girl?

doing one of one and one of other was not an option.

Finally this chapter shut up the fucking "nanachi is dead" trolls.

missing an L

Nanachi is a dumb furry that's why.

why does everything he draw have to be so sexual? I ccan't handle these chapters

damn, what am i doing

>missing an L
Might be intended, but I haven't seen the raws.

I think violating the NAP isn't really an option in the village itself if you don't want to die/get torn apart for "value"

Have you tried not being american?

Because he probably noticed one of her arm is damaged goods

I agree the bartering doesn't seems right. Parts of a human kid in exchange for TWO whole beings, both of them blessed by the abyss? Belafu obviously paid a heavy price for something that was important (infinite food) so how the hell is Riko's hair, delving gears, a few fingernails and eyes/legs/innards going to make up for it.


You mean you can't handle this manga?

But really, what was so sexual this time? Even naked Veko has her hair to cover herself.

It's a manga written by an author who is shamelessly self aware of just how big of a lolicon he is. It's practically a running gag that cute, small, fluffy, innocent things are held in high regard in the abyss. There are plenty of cute narehate in the lower levels, but a cute little young girl that deep is a rarity, if not unprecedented.


It's shiro, white, not whistle.

This sage was already scary without the mouth eyes,such a good design.

No problem man.

Because a human that is still human is something extremely rare in the 6th layer, in fact she may be the first child to get that low.

Still, I wonder if they know that Riko is technically a zombie.

Cheers user and team, you da bes. At work right now so I can't really update the other MEGA. Will do when I get home in like 7 hours or something

Bondrewd brought down a lot of children with his super funtime kid-friendly elevator to the netherworld, if children have near-infinite value in ancap town he should have abused the economy and made a killing.

Belafu also said she would do her best so that Riko doesnt die, so that means she will not take the ones required to live

It shouldnt be that rare when you have Bonerewd with children farm upstairs.

At least she didn't drug Riko for her kidneys.

>Riko agrees to one of the three deals
>the arms don't show up
>Belafu realizes Veko is gone
>Riko steals notmitty and dumbun and they all escape together

I wonder how the village feels about deals made under an inebriating influence. In a civilized society the person would be considered unable to consent and the contract would not be considered valid but this mutant village is a big ball of fuck so who knows.

and then the whole village falls into chaos as everyone realizes there is no longer any enforcement of the NAP and the protection of invisible hand of the market and everyone begins to loot, rape and murder

How do you think he got his cool relics

That would've just driven the price down, besides, he needs to sacrifice a few kids to make a back and forth trip.

have you learned nothing from Layer 4?

Because the village is all about "what you value at this point in time"

so no drunk girls consenting to sex and then later accusing the man of rape when they break up

Had to go look at the raw. I would probably translate it as "It's no big deal. For me, eating Mitty is a usual thing."

well its supply and demand

all the other kids he brought down were consumed, so now demand is very high

>No matter what I had I couldn't pay for it.
Maybe a better way to phrase that is "No matter what I offered, I couldn't afford it."?

i just want the village arc to end now, wtf is even happening anymore?

>organ trade
>human trafficking

bongdong is best dong

Find out in the exciting episode next week

milking the franchise? Unless the author has another adventure in store after they reach the bottom, I think it's pretty much stalling at this point.

>Bodies of whole children
Shouldn't this be "Whole bodies of children" as in, it's the bodies that are whole not the other way around.

Because this isn't LISA. Yet.