Less then 1 day until Rance X comes out

>less then 1 day until Rance X comes out
>not a single thread
For shame Sup Forums, don't you even carebeing able to finally fuck Kou?

>able to finally fuck Kou?
Explain further

She grew up

Wasn't she raped by tons of boys?

Of course we care, but we can't really make threads about it since games don't belong here.

>MG are pissing around with Sengoku instead of trying to catch up
I'm not gonna get to play this until like 2025 am I?

>Wanting canon used goods



I wish I knew japanese

user everyone is already on the vg thread

Is this the last Rance?

Chronologically yes. They're remaking the ancient games though.

who cares
used goods

Fuck off.

can't thread. not out yet.

Is Ran in the game? Or is she not because shes canonically dead?

more related to /trash than /a

But there's no furry

Which Ran?

Worst girl got canonically exploded. Soun is still kicking around, though.

Mind throwing an uncensored version of that somewhere? Saucenao can't find it.

Is he gonna treat his son at least half as decently as he does to Reset or is he still gonna treat him like shit

The only thing I can do is pray that TADA gets to make his dream game where you get to pick where Rance is born. And to survive until everything including X is translated. At least we'll get Quest+Magnum by the end of the year, so it's a start.

Wait, Magnum isn't done yet?

What is even the plot of X10 anyways?

Whats the point of his character even in this?

rance kills all the demons

Magnum is 70% translated and 50% edited, where Sengoku is 80% translated and 50% edited. So we're close, by the end of the year at least.

Presumably similar to the last major bit of Kichikuou: Kaybliss and Hornet duke it out, Kaybliss wins, invades the world, Rance with the entire world's nations behind him (and their princesses on his Hyper Weapon) mobilize to stop them. And Gods and Ludo and all that good stuff. No matter what, it's going to be a lot.

Wasn't Sengoku done years ago by Yandere, or am I missing something.

They're doing an official release now.

Brb calling the cops

Is there a point in the official release when most have played the fan one?

Japs can be silly at times i know.

Somedays I pity and sympathize with /r9k/'s mentality, but this is too much you fags.
You shut your whore mouth about best girl, she didn't want or consent any of it.

>playing sengoku rance for the first time
>lost a couple of hard houses to the demon army
>got the brothers assault and the amazon girl
>finally pushed them back to the bridge
>mfw the hype for the final battle
>mfw the lines each character says when their turn to attack demon Xavier arrives

Holy shit is so clique but it was so awesome here.

I wish I could wipe my own memory to enjoy Sengoku for the first time again.

She should have stayed as a daughteru/friend instead of becoming another princess on Rance's Hyperweapon.
I know he's Rance and fucking girls is what he does, but still

Not flat enough.

Game or another H ova?

Now it's time to try Kichikuou, if you haven't already. I'm nearly done with it myself, and while the combat is sadly much worse than Sengoku's, I really love the world, scope, and characters.

>but still
>forgetting he promised (to himself) that he will fuck her silly once she grows up in 3 years later on sengoku

I iwll try Kichikuou but i wanna use the darkess hero mod to turn it a bit more like sengoku.

Any other "big" porn games that have fun gameplay besides the good CG?

There aren't enough, and even fewer get translated.

Try Eushully ones.

Well shit.

Less than 24 hours until Rance fucks Silky.

What are the chances Rance fugs the pink haired demon king in this?

I haven't played all the games yet, I'm not ready.

It's a shame 03 wasn't translated, it was a great game with delicious amounts of Kanami content.

I mean Dark Rance kind of started it. Or are you talking about Rangi? Because Rangi is prime bully material.

I want to play all rance series. But i can't find all the download/buy links. Help me fellow anons

But it's 100% going to be a bad end.

Rance doesn't play if they're too loli-ish.

Didn't stop him from fucking Mill

Mill is so cute. Did he ever canonically fuck her without being aged up yet?


Can I finally fuck Lia again?

Wow really? She would've been what, 13 at the time?

14 technically. He did fuck a 13 years old Patty in 01 though.

Lia and Liafags are the worst.
>wahh I have no screentime

Please user, I just want to know.
Here's another dosage of best girl.

Kanami? You're right, she is best girl.

is she at least legal?

don't worry
Rance killed the kids


or a remake of KR with SR gameplay

she will fuck Kentarou holding hands in the missionary position

>makes best girl
>makes best girl in all rance games
>could have sold oodles of figurines
>could have created a fan favorite staple like saber
>canon gang raped by nobodies
It’s like alicesoft hates money

your waifu gets screentime why can't ours?

>make best girl
>kill her off in a route
>second best girl gets child in the canon route making the route entirely pointless

it's like they hate you

I haven't played a Rance game in a while, is 6 fully translated?
I heard it was better than Sengoku.

It's solid, but not as good as Sengoku, imo. It depends on your taste for dungeon crawlers.

radically different gameplay

All that crazy Kichikuou shit

5D is translated too

Isn't it supposed to have a really weird battle system?

Do you like rolling dice?

Who was that one pink haired chick and guy from Japan? The ones that became demons. Did they finally get back home?

before Rance there was a series called the Little Princess series and those two were the main characters of them

Miki (pink haired girl) is the new demon king and Kentaro was changed into a Dark Lord by her (making them effectively immortal)

epic rape gayme Sup Forumsros

Oh yeah it's weird. Literally everything is based on luck, including the attacks you make and where you go.
If you like Rance story and characters and stuff it's pretty fun to go through at least once and never fucking touch again.
Rizna is a really cute mindbroken slut that tries to hid her crazy from Rance. Compandon is great too. It's pretty short too. Should play it before 6.

rape? what rape? all women on rance games love rance.

I really hope he doesn't.
Kou is too precious to me.

user, I...


Should we tell him?

Has she gotten fucked yet?

Fuck off Rance

She loves a guy that looks like rance, so is ok not rape.

Tell me what?
Don't fucking lie to me.

She'll be showing up in X for sure, right guys? Please?


Did he? Seems brutal, I thought they were ordered to do it.

Why is Rance the perfect hero?

He isn't perfect, he didn't get to Kou first when he had the chance.

He trusted a man ONCE and see what happened, Kou got raped by toddlers.

evenicle "soon"

Any spoilers on Hornet and the twins? Or is it kichikuou over again?

What do you mean?

Well, you see ..

All bow to God Empress Consort of Humanity, Sill Plain!