Why do english dub suck so much?

Let's talk about this taboo subject

So I have some experience with romance lang dubs and even tho a big bunch of them are kinda low quality in the sound design department none of them (except for the BR portugese ones, they suck so bad they are gold youtu.be/elSwQsT7xKc, italian and rumanian for some reason all their dubbed characters sound like pissed off young adults that gave up youtu.be/gIsEiodjcLA , youtu.be/bnfI43X-wCo ) are as sloppy as the english dubs. here is a comparison:

eng: youtu.be/a_RTWlCHBxw
esp(lat): youtu.be/mAcu5eDfs7M

eng: youtu.be/8KzYhIixC8A

eng: youtu.be/GnbzEwG7tQ0
baguette: youtu.be/eAvQCe_IdCs

eng: youtu.be/0g7Q5ii8E7c
catalan: youtu.be/DR-mzmTuI3A

(Also I'm very conflicted about the Potuguese dubs. they tend to have really mediocre translations and voice casting but the voixe actors tend to be competent and do grow on you youtu.be/J6xPTuGbG30 )

All english dubs seem to have voice actors that struggle to not make cartoony voices and whenever they try to say someone name it sounds so alien, like the reverse version of engrish.
The only good dubs tend to be comedy or Westaboo leaning, the best examples of english dub done right has to be bobobobo and adult swim dubs.

Also no to mention the butcher their localizations (jelly donut and that)

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Because NA is full of retards that would rather change the lines to fit their social agenda (Like that one time they changed a line in Maid Dragon to talk shit about the Patriarchy) than actually be accurate.
Anime is still seem as something made for kids, and as a such it gets wacky ass voice actors who should be dubbing Ben 10.

Any country outside of Japan will treat animation as something for kids.
They'll throw the cheapest VA available to shit out a show as soon as possible since kids will eat anything up. If a show doesn't sell enough toys, stickers, books plus whatever other merchandise they'll move on to """dub""" the next cartoon on the infinite line.

>BR portugese
>Posts Portugal dub

That Yuri Lowenthal Joke was good

It was so shitty I suspected it was some 80s brazilian dub that video brinquedo picked or wathever

I downloaded the dub for Takagi since her voice is sex in Japanese. I was just curious to what dubfags subject themselves to. I actually thought it couldn't be that bad but it was worse.

My issue with dubs is that they recycle the same 10 VAs instead of finding fresh blood or something.

You’d be surprised that every year newcomers keep poppping up in anime dubbing.


okay retard

Is DBZ the only one where the Nip version is the worst version?

It always feels like most dubs are done so halfheartedly compared to the originals. Like the VAs are just to embarrassed to get into their roles proper. Or the director doesn't give a shit so no ones does.

That dub was made by a small studio full of northern people by adapting the French version.
The Porto accents are disgusting and at the time they added lines mentioning the channel that aired it so in the future other channels couldn't air it, like with Pokémon.
This shit is awful, yet everyone here loves it and is supper nostalgic to it to the point of still calling Picollo Coraçãozinho de Satã (Satan's Little Heart) and whatever other changes where made and get mad if you talk smack about it.
The popularity of it was such that they got the same VAs to do a Super dub with the same level of quality.


This shit is full of real location and tv show presenter references. It's disgusting.

I'm not cherry-picking, english dub suck hard senpai

here is a challenge for you, google for the dub version of some anime, and count with your hand the ones that don't suck terribly. I did it, and so far I got 2, yuyu hakusho and sailor moon, and they were mediocre at best.


Trigun, Baccano and Space Cowboy come to mind.

>BR portugese ones
The Portugal Portuguese ones are considered the so terrible they are funny, not the hues.
The BR-PT are just mediocre.

Didn't sailor moon's dub try to cover up Uranus and Neptune being lovers?

>"the best examples of english dub done right has to be bobobobo and adult swim dubs."

>Because NA is full of retards that would rather change the lines to fit their social agenda
Remember when Prison School of all things mentioned Gamergate?

>Cowboy Bebop
>Space Dandy
Off the top of my head.


If you looked at the image you posted, you'd get 3. Cowboy Bebop makes 4. Baccano! makes 5. Wolf's Rain makes 6.

Dubs suck because Japan actually gives a shit about its voice actors whereas in the West we use movie stars for high profile voiceacting

Enough people but bitched about it so they cut it out of the home release.

As long as we bitch, we keep them in check.

That said Prison School sucked.

I've watched a fair number of BR and American dubs (lived on both).
American versions are universally awful. BR butcher the source to the point that it feels like a different show, but this is sometimes good. Brazilians are meme masters and some of their dubs are legit funnier than the original.
Yuyuhakusho BR dub is a legendary example.

And? What makes this an exclusion?

you asked for examples we provided, dubs usually suck but some can be good.

>Why do english dub suck so much?
Because 99% of any material is best enjoyed in its original language. Is it that hard to understand?
But i think a few dubs are great, for instance Hellsing Ultimate. Both the dub and the sub are amazing. I think the dub fits the setting better, but the sub has Nakata and Wakamoto

Also Ghost Stories exists

br dubs are good bro


I knew it was coming and I still cringed when I saw it.

Jesus fucking christ you fucking brainlets read the fucking thing

>The only good dubs tend to be comedy or Westaboo leaning, the best examples of english dub done right has to be bobobobo and adult swim dubs.

Space dandy, outlaw star, cowboy bepop, big O, etc. all of those are included and the ones in this list armorgames.com/community/thread/11251229/nec-adult-swim-anime-list-2001-2012

the problem is that MOST of english dub are low effort and fucking alien.

If you have a list of dubs that don't suck hard fucking balls rather than the ones that do then IS a problem.

Gundam Wing
Ghost Stories

>Deep voice Frieza
I cant go back to it after the jp version.
t. hue

Tailesin Jaffe deserves to direct more dubs.

And before you all ask, he’s the guy that voiced Flash in Injustice 2, he’s also a ADR director.

Death Note is the best non abridged comedy type dub.

Prove me wrong.

Panty and Stocking had a really good dub.

The medium not being written for the language is one of the main problems, and not just because of timing/animations. The tone and way it's voiced goes through two filters: for many anime, its manga > adapted to anime in japanese > japanese is adapted to (whatever language). It changes no matter what.

This gentleanon is also right about it being considered child shit in other cultures than the original. In lots of countries, the way animation awards are chosen is what the judge's 5 year old grandchild liked that year.

Man, for a while I was pretty sure I was just nostalgia-fagging but I checked out some English dubs I missed growing up. (Like JoJo OVA dub and YuYu dub.) And it really does seem like English dubs USED to be way better like 15 to 20 years ago, and got really shitty around 2006ish. It really just happened that most of the good dubs wound up on TV at the time.

Not really sure what happened, because the voice actors themselves are mostly the same. My guess is that a lot of the good dub directors died or left the industry. Also, video games tend to consistently have way better dubbing than anime, and still do.

I still usually prefer Japanese for everything except like 3 entire anime/games, even for ones with good dubs, but yea there was a time the dubs didn't suck completely shit and were a viable alternative to reading subtitles. That ended like 20 years ago.

aw fuck I meant to quote only. My bad

I don't see the point you are trying to make, literally everyone here acknowledges dubs are usually awful.

It's been talked to death and we all know it's because typically material is cut, the voice actors are shit, or translations are fucking awful.

There, your thread is over, that is why English dubs suck, but they will continue to come out like always, shit or not.

Well, I can't really tell if it's the same for anime, but for video games it's often because the Japanese editors are sending acting directors to the USA to oversee the dubbing. Because, you see, they consider English dubbing as important so they think the quality will be increased by doing so.

The problem is that those voice directors are Japanese, and therefore are fucking clueless about linguistic or how other languages than Japanese work. In particular, they can't even think that different countries and languages use different tone to express joy, anger, madness... and they end up asking the voice actor to dub with "Japanese" tones. Which explain why a lot of English dubs sounds stupid, childish and overacted.

The irony is that they're not doing it for other languages, as they don't consider them as relevant enough, so the voice actors from those non-English speaking countries are free to use tones that fit their own languages.

Source is this guy, Grégoire Héllot (the guy who is not Miyazaki), one of the most knowledgeable guy in the world about Japanese pop culture, publishing director for manga of one of the biggest French editor, worked for Famitsu, know everybody at professionnal level (and sometimes personnal) in the various manga publishing companies and big Japanese vidya studio (especially Squarenix and Sega). The guy was chosen as the internationnal referent for all the international markets during the recent seminar organized by all the manga publishers under the Japanese governement and culture-related stuff ministry.

Because your a faggot

Honestly I think dubbing only started getting good around 2002.

Before that point it was hit and miss.

>here is a challenge for you, google for the dub version of some anime, and count with your hand the ones that don't suck terribly.
This was your request, and it was met. Nothing about adult swim dubs.

Dubs confirm. Voice acting is an entire industry by itself in Japan. In NA it's done by faggot tumblr users for minimun wage.

The content matches better with Japanese voice actors and their incessant noise-making, from whimpers to screams to laughs, it's just better. Second, the animation is synced to a Japanese script and it will always be more seamless than an English dub full of washed-up Nickelodeon voice actors and an English script butchered in translation to shoehorn in vaguely similar but always unnatural English.

Only children watch cartoons, there's no point in putting effort into it.
It's not like there's anything good from it for them to take.

>the guy who is not Miyazaki
You mean Miyamoto?

>the Top 10 Reasons the 4Kids One Piece Dub Sucks videos that got me to watch the show no longer exist

It's not all that bad.


1. I've been in the games/anime voice over industry. It is beyond nepotistic, skill doesn't really matter whatsoever it's 100% about who you know. This leads to the same people being overused in dubs and in games far to often. For many shows in anime, there aren't even auditions. Some AAA games don't have this problem, but the weeb-o-sphere or japanese games have the same problem that the english dubbing community has.

2. There is no depth in the English voice acting community. Out of the neptositic group there are some good voice actors who can do good voices; however there are maybe 4 guys and 6 girls total who can do a good job, and maybe 20 total who can do a passable job. JRPG's specifically often have 20+ voiced characters, and because there is no depth English voice overs can be fucking awful for some of the side characters.

3. The Japanese Voice acting industry is far further developed and more professional. The japanese voice acting industry has a huge amount of competition and a much larger amount of new blood entering it every year. Because of this there is much more depth of talent in the Japanese industry, meaning that JRPG's often have passable voice actors in games with a larger cast of characters.

While there is some nepotism and picking because of popularity, there are auditions for pretty much every show and game to get the roles, there is always a chance for new comers. This also means that only the best will actually voice act for the end product. This generally means that voice acting is better, because only the most talented will make it.

4. I prefer the sound of Japanese than that of English. There are two main reasons for this; First Japanese is far more sonorant than English because it is a syllabic language, there are less stops and glottals in Japanese. Because most humans find sonorant sounds pleasing to hear, Japanese sounds more pleasing to me. Secondly the Japanese language flows much better than english because the language omits many pronouns. That is to say that sentence's omit 'he', 'I', 'etc' in normal speech because it is often not needed with context. This often means that sentences flow much better than they do in English because unnecessary language is used less often.

That's weird to me, because the voice actors on Critical Role have a variety of fame and you wouldn't think that'd be the case if it was all about "who you know."


Only retards and children ever watches dubs.
So it makes sense that retards make them as well.

How high is your iq

Never taken an IQ test, so have no idea.

I laugh when everyone says dub VAs are washed up Nick stars....lol.

When I think about it I'm glad I'm an EOP who only know basic phrases, hiragana/katakana, and some very basic kanji.

I don't think I'd be able to enjoy anime nearly as much if I were able to actually understand jap. When I think about it, half the shit I read in my subs would make me cringe like a motherfucker if I heard them in english.

DBS dub is probably the best in the last 3 years. Also SNK dub is underrated.

The only thing that's changed between then and now is that more shit shows are getting dubbed. Garbage begets garbage.

I'm german and both are pretty bad, the english one is a bit better of course.

Lip flaps. Lip flaps are awful to work with. Not only are you trying to translate these things, but you also need to feasibly fit it into the scene and mouths.

I think you’re right, with all the broadcast dubs if shows nobody really cares about or will forget after the seasons over, overworking themselves over it, yeah that’s why you could argue dubs got worst.

The English version is a lot better than the Japanese shit, but still much worse than the German dub. And I was just joking because both are just shit at that part.

DBZ's dub is horrible too. They couldn't stick to the script if their lives depended on it. Changing music, changing names, changing the aspect ratio on DVD and blu-rays. It's just a bad dub.

I'm worried about learning too since I hate music sung in english and a bulk of it turns out to be Japanese just because that's the other language I'm exposed to the most. Oh well, there's always the constructed language stuff I can't learn

>Dissing italian dubs
I'll find you and beat you with spaghetti.
yeah after 2000 they drop in quality

The voices for OP's 4kids dub were actually pretty good. The accent fit Sanji.

I liked the rap too but I like corny shit.

Do you realize the english dub of DBZ is one most offending one has ever existed? They basicall rewrote the characters.


Plus, in every non-US country studios are used dubbing every major Hollywood movie or TV series, and hire experienced, professional VAs

you mean this guy ;)

This only happened twice that people ever point out. It's not widespread enough to be the reason they suck.
In America they're mostly using cheap non-union actors and they reuse the same actors over and over again. This means there's less ones of quality and sometimes they'll completely miscast people just to save time (like squeeky child smoker voiced Greg Ayres as the originally deep voiced Chrono).

I would say that it is because you are a super fag.

I think 90% of the problem is the fact that they have to match the original japanese mouth flapping. A few dubs like DtB, Mushishi, Cowboy Bebop, Champloo, and FMA have really stuck with me over the years.

Also, another big problem is that it's always the same dozen or so people in every single anime.

DBFZ sounds fine to me. I've only read the manga but I've heard theres like 3 different english dubs so idk what the fuck is up with that.
I love Yamcha's super cheesey shounen anime voice and I would rather have dub Goku than grandma Goku

For the people who specifically bitch about the constant music changing in dubs
Check out the Pokemon S&M dub, its fucking hilarious. NONE of the original music is kept, and every 20 fucking seconds they change the BGM.

spics need to stay out

Man that voice does not suit Freeza at all. Either have the Japanese voice of the English where he sounds like a grandma that's been a pack a day smoker for 40 years

FLCL is better in english, fite me.


>obvious spic ESL
>the best examples of english dub done right has to be bobobobo and adult swim dubs
>Also no to mention the butcher their localizations

1. Learn English before posting
2. Dubs are bad, we don't care
3. Fuck off and lurk more you retarded piece of shit ESL crossboarder

>DBS dub
No, go back to Sup Forums.

No budget is why.

Latin American Spanish dubs suck ass and thankfully they never recieve home video releases.


4kids sucked because they were taking shows aimed at teens and mangling them to target 8 year olds.

English dubs in general suck because they
A) Spend no money on them and
B) What money they do spend is spent hiring Steve Blum to liberally deviate from the script

Also they put like no effort into actually voice acting.
>English dub: Oh, no!

People who unironically think Goku's English voice is better than the Jap voice because "granny voice" are fucking dumb.

Goku is based on the fucking monkey king, it makes way more sense he would sound like a monkey.

The biggest shame about 4kids was that they had some really good voice actors but terrible direction. It's sad most of them left the industry when they went under

Jojo has hands down one of the worst dubs I've ever heard and convention going normies fucking won't stop blowing it.

Who thought making Joseph fucking Nigel from Codename Kids Next Door was a good idea?

>they had some really good voice actors
No they didn't.

>The only good dubs are studio Ghibli dubs
>John Lasseter is BFFs with Hayao Miyazaki and has access to unlimited funding and is himself a giant fucking weeaboo
>All other dubs are shit
>Creators of those dubs are not BFFs with the original creators, have access to finite resources and are generally not giant fucking weeaboos

A pity Disney sub-licensed the Ghibli films to someone else. Goodbye to the Mexican dub of Spirited Away.

Have any of you ever and just thought, maybe this is a bad show?

As a long term One Piece fan, no I haven't.

It is definitely a bad show.

Because with most of those shows you posted they werent worried about faithful localizations. Their goal was to repackage them and try to sell them as original programming to US audiences.

>Because NA is full of retards that would rather change the lines to fit their social agenda (Like that one time they changed a line in Maid Dragon to talk shit about the Patriarchy) than actually be accurate
Dubs generally sucked long before that shit even happened, and it's only happened TWICE (Prison School and Maid Dragon) unless i'm missing something. No other company does it except Funimation.

>Sailor Moon dub
What the DIC/Cloverway one? They cycled out actors like a revolving door.

>It is beyond nepotistic, skill doesn't really matter whatsoever it's 100% about who you know
That's literally every entertainment-related business (and many others, try networking for once. It does wonders). Generally speaking the people need to have some sort of range, but at the end of the day you're barely paying these people anyway

Marisha Ray hasn't done shit i had never heard of her before Critical Role was a thing. Matt Mercer is actually a cool guy in person, and has fairly solid range. Surprised it took him this long to make it up the industry ladder. I guess Overwatch and Bleach helped