This is what a the ideal bodytype is. Those that say otherwise are either fatfags or lolicon

This is what a the ideal bodytype is. Those that say otherwise are either fatfags or lolicon

How am I a fatfag or a lolicon for liking girls with even larger breasts?

Himeji Mizuki has the ideal body type. Though I doubt you know who she is. 2oldschool4u.

I prefer her onahole form.

>Though I doubt you know who she is. 2oldschool4u.
>BakeTest is considered old school now

I want to get off this ride

Does 2010 not feel long ago to you? My life has changed a lot since Winter 2010, user.

I thought this show aired two or three years ago. Thats' how fast time flies once you get to a certain age

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

That is not a body type, that is a chicken nugget

Only if you want to use her as an onahole and share her with your friends

Oh look, another meme rat spam thread

You're the only one spamming Umaru, dipshit

>makes several general threads daily
>b-but it’s not spam guise I swear

This thread is supposed to be about body types. Fuck off and take your anti-autism medication before you decide to post again

>stop with these spam threads
>spams every umaru thread with bully images
or just hide/filter umaru threads you fucking autist

Lurk more

>not shitposting in garbage threads for being garbage
Newfag detected

Umaru is love, Umaru is life.

Post titties or get out



Umaru's golden triangle is the ideal


How about these ebins



Most boring girl~desu wa



Stop trying to bait him you dumb faggots

Unless of course this is just the bullyfaggot replying to himself

It’s not



>Too lazy to make new abuse pics
You're losing your touch.

>Posting the same replies like
Shut up, cunt


it is, the ip count never moves