It's a good show but what's so special about it? Why do people praise it so much?

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Nostalgia.
2. Even though it's overrated, it's still above average. Especially compared to other entry level shit.

Are we excited for more or nah?
As long as The Pillows wanna do the tunes I’m down for whatever.

It's cool.

>Great animation
>Great designs
>Good pacing
>Interesting themes
>Fun characters and sketches
>The Pillows
Simple as that user

Good visuals and good soundtrack only if you ask me. I forgot how this shit is called. Visual pornography?

fooly cooly refers to some sort of sexual perversion

Unironically the greatest anime of all time

Not even close. It's not even the best among the ones Sup Forums pretends to like

Because most anime is shit, so good shows like this really stand out

What's your favorite anime, user?

Is shit

people remember it fondly because it had the decency to end on a high note and left the audience wanting more

I don't know I think it's Samurai Champloo

It aired on adult swim. There you go. It was alright, was short enough that the convention-breaking wasn't overdone, and the art style is pretty good. The pillows.

6/10 anime

>Amazing animation, especially for it's time
>Equal mix of interesting and down right bad ass characters
>Has a symbolic story you piece together yourself
>Great sound track
>Short and not saturated

I think FLCL is just such a standout from the predictable, slow ass, 1,000,000 episode anime that were so common at the time. Also nostalgia


This, that's literally the best adjective to use in describing FLCL, it's really fucking cool.

it's crap
cant get pasr ep2

Go find the unreleased second half, where they go into space. Literally the spiritual prequel to TTGL, except done better.

>Go find the unreleased second half
The fuck are you talking about

Because it was one of the first anime they saw when they were 14 and it was almost certainly their first experience with a completely absurd tale.

So they can tell themselves how deep and meaningful it is. Except when pressed all you'll get is "The horns symbolise erections, it's about growing up."

Animation quality is bloody fantastic

Please be real, if your'e bullshitting im gonna be pissed

Not a bad choice, even if the ending sucked

The ending was great for me. What's your favorite anime?

Alright I can agree to that too.

Naruto shippuden


This but being less of a faggot about it.

FLCL is a simple, workmanlike coming of age tale that happened to air in the West when a good chunk of current anons were coming of age. It has unique style, from music to animation to cinematography and oozes charm.

It was a cool-down project after GAINAX made EoE and Anno said "Fuck, that was stressful. Makki, you fuck around with the other animators while I look for a building to jump off of."

The horns symbolize more than erections. They all say something about Naota's feelings or emotional states in each episode or scene, and not just scenes that are sexual, though that does happen as well. And it's usually drop-dead simple what they say, it's not some deep and complex shit. It's just a simple storytelling device.

In episode 1 Naota is trying to figure out his relationship with Mamimi. Even though Haruko appears almost immediately at the start of the episode and starts fucking shit up in ways that allow the entire plot of the rest of the series to happen, most of the episode is about Naota and Mamimi's relationship. When Mamimi overflows, Naota starts freaking out because he's a little kid and doesn't have a single clue what to do. The situation is out of his control because it's beyond his understanding. And not coincidentally, that is the exact moment his N.O. channel bursts open and lets Canti and the other MM robot through, which is the start of something else that's way beyond his understanding or ability to control. It's simple shit user.

>It was a cool-down project after GAINAX made EoE and Anno said "Fuck, that was stressful. Makki, you fuck around with the other animators while I look for a building to jump off of."
I realize that was stated in an official interview but it's always seemed odd to me because EoE and FLCL are 3 years apart and both Anno and Tsurumaki worked on Kare Kano between the two.

>Go find the unreleased second half, where they go into space. Literally the spiritual prequel to TTGL, except done better.
OTPirate ending ftw.

I dislike it. That doesn't mean I think it's bad, just that I personally did not like or enjoy watching it. I'm 30 years old in a month and have seen FLCL four times, because I kept thinking maybe I was just too young to "get" it, maybe my tastes had changed over the years, etc. But no, I guess it'll just never click with me.

The Pillows are great, though.



I always think of Eva when someone brings up FLCL so I want to say 'How can FLCL be your favorite anime if Eva exists bla bla bla'

should've been when, i'm sleepy

Both work user. You could have gotten away with it if you didn't say anything.

Eva is a very close second

>just found out that Naota's mother was a space officer and Haruko's colleague in the novel
this better not be her

Oh, ok, sorry. English is not my native language so I can't speak it for shit
Some things depend on one's tastes and preferences but in my opinion Eva is OBJECTIVELY better than FLCL

FLCL is the spirit of Gainax in its purest form. I didn't fall in love with it until after watching the commentary with Tsurumaki where it's evident how much fun they had making it.

It's all metaphors and symbolism for puberty and most people here watched it when they were going through puberty. A lot of if is nostalgia but not just nostalgia for the show, nostalgia for the awkwardness and strangeness of becoming a man. Also it has good music, animation and an esoteric plot.

There'd never been anything quite like it before, and nothing like it since. It's a wholly unique experience, which gives it a timeless quality.

>It’s a good show
You said it yourself OP.

I like that art. I'm not a big Eva fan but it's a fact that it is and will forever be Gainax's foremost show. For me like for many others Gainax is always associated with depressing and deep stuff because of Eva

Basically the bright colors are pleasing, the enemies' designs are extremely totemic and cool, and all the characters feel solid yet can turn rubbery at any moment

>tfw you watched it in 2003 and found Sup Forums the year after.
Good times.

I didn't have AS but a local network ended up licensing a lot of the shows on there, but man this shit is great, makes me feel like AS was more than just the shows themselves.



I have seen every piece of animation that Gainax has ever produced and Eva is the only one that can be described as "primarily depressing". Gainax's roots are Daicon IV, Gunbuster, Otaku no Video, etc. They've always been a celebration of anime culture--Eva is the anomaly, not the norm.

Hm, that's cool. I'm just not a Gainax fan. In fact, I don't even have a favorite anime studio, I just watch everything

the people who say horns only = erection are the people who didn't bother to piece together the plot. It's not like it's hard to get or particularly deep, it just takes another viewing bc of the absurdism

You watch it once for the visuals
Twice to figure out wtf is going on
3rd time to really piece it together
and infinity more times because its fucking great.



Serious question now: did Naota's father actually fuck her? There clearly was that scene

it wasn't "sex" per se, she tried to open up a portal from his mind so it didn't work. So I dunno if that's the equivalent to erectile disfunction

I haven't watched it in a while but I dont think so. I think Naota just mistakenly thinks they're fucking.

I could only find some kind of shitty fandub. Help?

I think you're the only one who thinks it's supposed to be deep. The puberty allusions are as blatant as can be. Doesn't stop it from being meaningful to people.



the only results im getting for "unreleased second half FLCL" is this thread and articles about FLCL 2. It's not even on the FLCL wiki.

This. FLCL is incredibly, ridiculously cool.

Boku no pico

As a kid, it appealed to my tastes cuz of the animation and funny moments that weren't present in other shows around that time. Rewatching it now, it makes you realized how much you missed and how disappointing modern anime is.

Also the pillows amazing soundtrack helped as well.


The coolest.

Basically represents everything I love about anime and want from the medium condensed into 6 episodes.


On a side note, how many of you FLCL fans have watched this movie/ova? What do you think about it?

what the hell is that?

I didn't, but I did like redline a lot

Dead Leaves. We can call it an OG Gurren Lagann

Why did Redline blow it's load too early? The pacing of there second half just didn't compare...

I like this thread. It's like a small island in a sea of shit


>What do you think about it?
too long. it's just constant over the top action for an hour which gets dull after a while and the OVA doesn't really have anything else to offer. I don't regret watching it though.

As someone who watched for the first time a couple of weeks ago I'll say
>Incredibly entertaining characters
>Bizarre and over the top story that keeps you hooked, it's simple, but there's a lot of stuff that you can dig into
>Elder god tier soundtrack
>The visuals and the animation in general holds up incredebly well, it can easily pass off as a modern show
Even though I watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago I still felt a strange nostalgic feeling about it, I don't know why


>Anime that women will never understand

0 40 what's the song?


Isn't that what he's saying, makes sense to me

it's with the kids sing out the future

oh well shit, still a good song though

Gainax series in general tend to be these weird time capsules of their particular time period, FLCL moreso than others.

Name anything similar that achieves the same better.

> Nostalgia

I watched this when I was in college in 2010. There's plenty to like about it without resorting to "muh coming of age story that I can relate to".

How did you react to the southpark skit user?
I was such a dumb fucking kid when I watched this I couldn't fathom the concept of a tribute or parody and thought it was some legit crossover shit.

You are right about that
I felt that the 2000s hit me in the face with a guitar
There were other things that added to that feeling
for example the translator notes, like holy shit when was the last time I saw an anime with those? goddamned I feel old now

>Not looking up all of The Pillow's lyrics.
They're like a fucking Japanese Nirvana with some of their songs in my opinion. Also one of the longest running bands that hasn't broken up. Been together since the 90s or some shit.

because it was the first anime a bunch of brainlets saw and they can't see beyond the bias of that emotional connection they formed. it's really quite beautiful.

FLCL is Fully Cooly.


>Japanese Nirvana
No, Nirvana is fucking garbage

I do too. Makes me wonder how the sequels will affect future flcl threads.

where can i buy their music online? I don't want to shill out 30 bucks for one cd