I want Cibo to look down on me!

I want Cibo to look down on me!

Reminder that Sanakan won the Cibobowl

Sanakan is cute!!!

Reminder that Cibo wanted Killy's moderate D GBE more than terminal genes, though not as much as Net Sphere access.
The cutest.

I want Nihei's art to be great again.

Where did all the atmosphere go?

Why does he write moe uguu character stories now? I know it's nowhere near K-ON! levels of empty fluff, but it still seems a far cry from the substance he had before. Maybe the lines are so light the story feels less weighty too.

His daughter said she hated his works. Cue his new stuff and artstyle.

His daughter has atrocious taste.

Nobody was paying for his rough early stuff and he decided to adapt.
Remember to support things that you like right away rather than wait and see if you can get a good deal some time down the line.

heard Ian m. banks "Culture" books are going to be adapted to DTV but not Feersum Endjinn what a bumer!

People are talking about the Culture adaptations since before Banks' death.
Doubt it will happen.

Daughteru turned him into gook Moebius. It's always weird, and in Sidonia it's especially apparent, when he slips back into his old artstyle for a second. It makes me miss it. Some classic Nihei stuff like his city architecture and weapons being insanely long is there but by and large an utter disappointment.

why are Killy and Cibo such a patrician ship?

as expected of the master Nihei

Boy and girl true companions over an extremely long journey are the best kind of ship

>It's always weird, and in Sidonia it's especially apparent, when he slips back into his old artstyle for a second.
my thoughts exactly. you can see some of Blame!'s architecture and esotericism bleed through into Sidonia during several points.

>Nihei stuff like his city architecture
I don't think that's ever going away.
He dropped Architecture school to become a mangaka because he realised he could never build the stuff he wanted to, after all.


didn't Blame! sell decently well?

>tfw my favorite ships almost always end badly

I feel you man.
It frustrates me because I see some pages from his newer manga and I swear to god it looks like he removes preliminary details once he gets to the inking phase just to make things look 'cleaner'.

Not to mention the insanely stupid romance in Sidonia. Killy and Cibo were a million times more romantic than What's his face and uguu~ dick monster. The only really genius moment in the series was when the captain asked if she's stay with him until the rain stopped and then it cut to the bear looking at her old picture. Great tie-in that everyone of the oldfags was essentially living vicariously through the MC, unfairly to him. The comedy was also overused. If it had been used sparingly to defuse tension after dire moments sure, but it got annoying later on. Everything else was subpar. Taking the gauna-Guardian out of the game was so fucking stupid too. She was the best antagonist.

>being chased through hell by monsters with the face of the only woman you've ever loved on them
Truly horrifying

Is there any possibility that Cibo can be revived after her death following Killy's encounter with the Level 0 Exterminator? Was the purpose of that dream sequence log near the end to show us that Cibo's data and personality were being stored following her death? Can she be brought back? Why else would Nihei have her last appearance be in a psychedelic nightmare with a giant monster?

To be fair, most characters in Blame! have the same face

>Blame! is just Killy superimposing Cibo's face onto every decently attractive girl because he subconsciously misses her


La Creatura De La Nihei...

>ywn have a tall robo gf to travel the really large world with you

is that TKMIZ?

I don't think that was Cibo, it was pendrive girl (to be fair IIRC she used some of Cibo's mind data to replace part of her own damaged data).
Still, it's weird to think humans create their own literal afterlife and ressurection system. Awesome, in the biblical sense.

Will there ever be anyone like him again?

I miss him, Sup Forums

The pen-drive girl got merged with Sanakan not Cibo. Cibo's dead.

>Cibo's dead
so then who is dream sequence girl?

I just watched the recent CG movie for BLAME! today. I thought it was going to be bad but I actually enjoyed it a lot. I didn't really care much for the girl and her little town, but seeing Killy, Cibo, and Sanakan portrayed so well was great. The final act was really good. It looked nice, too.

Definitely a more "basic" approach to storytelling in the BLAME! world, focused on the girl and her town and all, but it was a nice little romp. I wonder what kind of story the sequel will go for?

I don't know why I thought the movie was going to be in the same canon as the manga. I liked how it worked in certain things like Killy meeting Cibo's decayed body and all.


When Sanakan said Killy was a body stolen from the Safeguard, I was confused. I thought he was implied to be something that existed long before the Safeguard or whatever? Can someone help a guy out who hasn't read BLAME! in years?

I need to pick up those new collections.

They announced a sequel, yes. Hopefully it follows the manga a bit more closely
I can understand why they didn't follow Killy at first. He isn't the most talkative character

Read in a couple places that the producers said they were going to do a sequel. I hope it goes for a more "pure" BLAME! approach opposed to the easy-to-digest first movie. Also, Killy has to meet back up with Cibo-arm.

Safeguard was basically the government's defense system. Killy is also a member of the government. It's likely them not understanding.

Killy is pre-modern safeguard for sure though

Killy is ancient as fuck.
He likely existed back when the NetSphere was still up and running. Nihei said that his profession would have been that of a police officer or something similar.
He is similar to the Safeguard in ability, but the nature of his cybernetic augmentation allows him to operate entirely separate from the Safeguard's function. Think of him like an OG Safeguard

Pen drive girl. I don't think she has a name in the manga.

Wait, dream sequence girl wasn't Cibo?
Was I wrong this entire time?
I thought it was sweet that she still remembered Killy in the afterlife, even if it is barely

>Cibo ded and gets replaced by a literally who
this truly is the worst timeline.

Scientist heroines are generally top tier

Yes, Killy finds a dead girl and downloads her mind to a pendrive he has laying around. She is the one who with him after Cibo becomes a 9th level Safeguard.
I don't think Cibo and Killy even meet again.
Cibo mistakes Sanakan for him before dying and then Killy shows up and he and Sanakan tagteam the Exterminator.
But I have read it years ago, so I might be misremembering.

>Sanakan impregnated Cibo by pretending to be Killy

So it is true? Jesus, what a cunt.

This is the last canonical appearance of Killy. What do you think he does now? It's likely he'll go on living even after single-handedly restoring the NetSphere. Do you think he'll settle down somehwere? Maybe bring Mori back from the storage area for some company?

I think she only confused them when she was already half dead (Sanakan appears and Cibo call out for Killy while looking at Sanakan).

>Cibo call out for Killy while looking at Sanakan

Is there anything better than the Stoic Male and Expressive Female couple?

i love Blame! but a lot of the fans are insufferable retards who feel special for reading this despite misunderstanding or just entirely missing plot elements.

and idiots like this who know Nihei is negatively critical of moe and try to ride his coattails, despite the fact that K-On is one of the few moe anime that doesn't fall into the usual sterility of the genre.

and idiots who somehow don't realize that Sidonia was meant as a satire of moe but Nihei isn't anywhere near a good enough writer to pull that off.

anyway don't be elitist about reading Blame! if you're stupid.

>and idiots who somehow don't realize that Sidonia was meant as a satire of moe but Nihei isn't anywhere near a good enough writer to pull that off.
Nihei wrote Sidonia to be a Attack on the Titan scifi clone, because Titan is his daughter's favourite anime and he wanted to do something "fun like it", as she asked him to.

Cibo is cute.

>no genki girl to cling to me while I pretend to be cool
why god, why did I exist

So you can be tormented

Only in Blame! a character like Cibo could be said to be genki

>killy was forced to kill monsters with Cibo's face for who knows how long

Is the adaptation actually worth watching? I loved the manga but I'm wary of CGshit

that's interesting, but it doesn't contradict what i said.

she is.

Killy was true suffering.
I don't think it took the time to really put that message across.
That pale-faced crusader has been trudging across a destitute cityscape for literal millennia, and the only person he could ever recall caring about just up and fuckin died.

I meant that I'm not sure Sidonia was meant to be a parody of anything. It pokes fun at some tropes, but that's it.
But I agree that fuck elitists.

I can like the prior artstyle and wish he went back to his old ways of telling stories without being an elitist, user. His newest work is almost impossible for me to read because all that white with light sketchy lines gives me a headache. The technical skill is there but it feels like it lost a lot of soul with along with shading. Also it features Bland McBlanderson on Post-apocalyptic adventures with a Unique and Interesting Girl (tm). I don't trust Nihei to do it well after Sidonia was lukewarm at best, and that had an interesting premise and promising moments at the start.

yeah, it is.
just take it for what it is, though.

The Safeguard doesn't sleep on the job.
When cibofaces didn't do it they started sending killyclones too.

I really need to reread Blame!, are the new versions of the manga worth getting or are there too many changes?
It's decent fanservice, not much more

The new versions took a lot of the DARKNESS out, or so I've heard. Meaning it's less incomprehensibly dark and messy but it's also less BLAME! for it.

there are scans of the ""master collection"" floating around out there somewhere.
they're more-or-less the definitive version of the manga. The scan quality is godlike but the resolution can be a bit hard to handle.

>they're more-or-less the definitive version of the manga
fuck you and die

>m- muh darkness!
the new clarity with the master edition touch-ups are nothing but good

That's almost Clamp giving Watanuki ammnesia to justify not drawing faces on the background characters.

master edition scans are out of control high-res

oh yeah i meant the romance subplot rather than the work as a whole. my bad.

APOSIMZ is pretty disappointing. actually everything after Blame! is kind of a letdown. Nihei doesn't write very well.

if I steal the get maybe nihei go back to good art

Who are you quoting? Fuck the fuck off, you neophyte piece of shit.

>not merging the two for the true terrifying definitive edition

Holy shit, that's almost an entirely different work. Any more examples? Perhaps it's just a cherrypicked comparision.

wait i was told the white picture was master edition, what is the one you posted

I merged the version on the left with the version on the right to induce fear in anyone that laid eyes upon it

He literally overlaid the two images as a joke.


Wait, is Master's Edition a redraw and not a rerelease of the original?

Some parts are redrawn, as you can see from the posts in this thread.

His new manga is so fucking bad.
Jesus it hurts.

why would you do this

what the fuck nihei

the changes are good

IIRC Nihei didn't redraw anything for these. The final drafts for some of these were lost, so these pages are scanned from earlier drafts

Having read through original scans and the 'master edition', this is I believe. Although having the finalized version in that scan quality/res would be a gift from above.

It's a shame I have to cut down on quality before posting, raw pages are like 4MB, spreads hitting the 8MB territory

I really like this part of the manga. Tall girls solving manlet problems.