Only cool dads are allowed on this thread

Only cool dads are allowed on this thread

Are cool grandpas allowed?


They are also dads




Best dad.


The best dads make their little girls women.


Cool, not meme.


give "dad, the beard gorilla, and I" a shot.

If we're talking purely cool and not necessarily good

He wasn't the best Dad, but he was good.


Thanks, I'm picking it up, I love this kinda stuff

Does he count?





This is cute. Picked up.


>Being a great-great-great-great-grandmother


looks like neet siblings

It is, thanks.


> Anonymous 02/23/18(Fri)09:28:09 No.168891437▶
Hatarakanai Futari

coolest dad
with the coolest death

How can others even compete.

she's going to spend a lot of time at uncle's house playing with her cousins...



The best

>births OP son
>master of eugenics
>cheers him on whenever
>wants to be the best dad for his son
Endy truly best dad.

Was looking for this one.


I see what you did there
shameful boner is shameful

How the fuck

>tfw haven't see any updates more than a month

> new chapters never

some user said he had some free time coming up

Maeda's dad, can't remember his name


The best daddy.

Offtopic, I wanna know the font from the title.



Scan team's waiting for tanks.




I came into this thread and was disappointed to not find best dad already posted.

what about best mom?

80er Teenie Demo


Thanks mate.

A dream

>hehehehe want some of my meat little girl?

next volume is out at the end of next month, we'll get dayly updates and than wait for 1 year at the very least


he did his best