They see your dick

They, as in plural.




>Caring if a dyke sees my dick
Might as well whip it out for a bag of worms.

One of them would take dick, right?

>They, as in plural.
as apposed to singular?




Wait, what are these two gonna do?

Worth it.



>posts one girl

>he can't read
OP couldn't have made it more clear, you retard.


I should have known that Sup Forums is a sperg nest

>two Aquas
>instead of adding Megumin and Darkness to the image
You should step up your game if you want to play around these parts, lad.

I think the OP made the thread for the sole purpose of catching you post an image with one girl. You should be honoured.

I'm pretty sure I can play with you with both hands broken and is still will be at the very least a tie.

He's so clever, that OP guy.


>train sex

Let's do this

What is this reaction? What is she thinking about?





He must've been a special kind of stupid


Give me the source
