So I just watched Re:Creators

So I just watched Re:Creators.

Honestly, if Altair's powers come from people accepting her, why didnt the government just declare to the open public that she's real and trying to kill everyone? I doubt people would have still liked her after that.
Also, Magane best girl.

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Because people would accept being killed if it is to make anime real.


That's a completely unpredictable scenario, having the masses know about Altair would probably fuck with the balance of the world in a very different way than a quantifiable scenario like it played out in the story.

Also Meteora best album

I dunno, if you really think deep into this anime you get a lot of plotholes - Altair, Selesia and Meteora were fighting out in the open already in episode one, and people got some of them(Altair especially) on pics and video. How come nobody recognized lets say Selesia, since she's from a very popular show? You can't call it just cosplay either because humans can't fucking fly. So there should have already been a mass public awareness.

There are no plotholes when you think "deep", they talk about the cover-up in episode 5. The knowledge from the limited interaction is conspiracy tier at best and a bunch of pictures will not get the exposure past the viral marketing level.

Sorry but you cannot defend this show with the 'cover up' stuff when they fight with explosions for hours in a populated area, breaking down bridges and shit with Kanoya landing in a middle of a river causing a 6.8 earthquake.

We don't know GM's complete capabilities to say that it could be visible to everyone considering you've also seen episode 11.

Good taste. If that shark didn't exist I would not have finished this show.

Not that user, but dude you need to accept that this anime makes no sense.

Souta and Altair never once talked to each other in a full conversation

That's not the point of contention.

>conveniently no cars to pass by the broken bridge for the several hours they've been fighting.

>What are roadblocks
>Who drives towards an explosion

>in a full conversation
They didn't talk to each other at all.

Also Magane and Altair never even met after Magane kept saying how she's gonna 'set up a bomb for Altair to step on' Jesus, talk about disappointing, we could have had the best trolling and mindbreak scene of the decade with those two.

>>What are roadblocks
Until Meteora called the government lady she didn't even know their location.
>>Who drives towards an explosion
Police, Curious people.
Not to mention the 1000 people living in all of those buildings with windows with first seat places to watch everything unfolds before them.

>Implying task force is not following Meteora and Selesia closely to close roads if necessary

Also, Meteora was asking for authorization which she didn't have at the time.

>>Implying task force is not following Meteora and Selesia closely to close roads if necessary

Pfft what

They followed Rui so it has precedent.

How much would you pay to be Shark's servant?

Any sequel news?

I know they are doing some small stuff nowadays but it would be nice to see if there's anything big in the works.

Esoteric taste

>ywn be leglocked by a shark witch demon from hell

Why didn't the government just started mass producing rape doujins where she can't beat the cock, promoted them and basically made her a walking cocksleeve?

>I know they are doing some small stuff nowadays but it would be nice to see if there's anything big in the works.

Small stuff regarding this show? Like what exactly

Manga is a third of the way done, they distributed the doujinshi this month, there's talk of new stuff but no solid clue on what it will be

>black cloud in episode 9 not removed in the BD release
for what reason

It's not translated though, is it?

None so far. If I knew some japanese I'd work with the subtitles, since it's going scene by scene. The style Magane is drawn is pretty different, and the rest of the characters are a lot cuter.

Altair wanted chaos as her first plan though, it would make the laws of the universe more fragile. She just took the bite for Meteora's plan since the risk reward was even better.

Not to mention her destroying the world in front of everyone would just make more people acknowledge her abilities as a god-like entity, acceptance is not about what you want the character to do but what you believe it can do (and it's hard not to believe in something happening in front of your eyes).


>Altair wanted chaos as her first plan though, it would make the laws of the universe more fragile

It would, but along with that it would also put all the cards on the table for the general public

>Do you want your world destroyed, or are you gonna accept and believe that this being is now as useless as Souta?

This is a very straightforward solution, actually. There could be retards who would be willing to die for anime, but they would be the minority, Altair would still get BTFO.

It just doesn't work like that man. Altair made an attempt on the universe and teleported out when it didn't work. If the whole world knew anime was real and Altair was the one who started it she'd have a much better chance of crushing it without even taking Meteora's challenge.

She's already rich enough that she throws money around for shits and giggles.
You'd probably have to offer up something else.

Can you link the raws?
Ch.11 came out a few days ago, I think it will be around soon

>you will never be sucked by the void

I'm sure someone's done this already but I wanted it for myself.

Maganefags are lazy fuckers so you might be the first

Magane looks less like a horse in this, yeah.

Did the rest of her spin-off manga ever get translated? I remember seeing a chapter or two floating around.

Only ch. 1 and 3 so far
The other spin-off has two chapters left to go

>Only ch. 1 and 3 so far
You wouldn't happen to have a link for those, do you?
Art is a bit shaky since these were made weekly during second cour but she does some pretty interesting stuff later on, summons monsters, blows things up, spooky stuff all around

>Altair and Souta talking in the manga

Fixed the page borders a bit

Doesn't look like that to me, that's pretty much the same as the ending of episode 5 when he finally remembers where Altair was from

Last page's panel ends with a focus on Sota's face, then afterwards she says something to him, and he replies, followed by her silence, That never happened in the anime, it was all Selesia-Altair exchange with Sota was being useless as usual.

If you're talking about the pic I'm pretty sure that's 11:43 from the first episode

Much obliged, user.

Hm, probably, but there's seems to be a bit more emphasis on Altair recognizing Sota here as well.

the art is fucking wonky

>Who drives towards an explosion
But those are mostly harmless to human beings.

Getting blasted around is harmless.

people who are fans of characters like Altair typically tend to be suicidal

I like Magane and Altar because they both entertain me enough to give a shit about them.
Magane is just hilarious and Altair is incredibly fucking chuuni.

It wasn't so much whether or not people liked her. 'Accept' in this scenario meant did they believe the story they were being told. There's a reason Altair had to get everyone to dick around with their powers before she could zero sum reality.

I tried watching this show like 3 times but dropped it each time because of too much talking and little to no action. Am I the only one who felt that way? I watched till episode 8 and still almost entire episode we have characters talking to each other.

Its not like I'm a brainlet who cannot enjoy dialogue heavy anime. Its just that the dialogue in this one seems boring and forced.

I just think she's very unfiltered and cute so that works really well with her chuuniness.

I watched it for the first time and thought "what the fuck is this bullshit, whatever it has cute grills"
Then the second time I actually understood it. When you're not caught by surprise with Meteora and her infonukes its a lot easier to process.

Are you me? Only picked this show up because shark girl. She probably doesn't even get much screen time either and I fall for this bullshit every time. Decent soundtrack though but seems like it was wasted on the wrong show.

Thank God.

I only watched like 2 episodes but every time I see gifs of shark it makes me want to watch it just for her

Don't watch just for one character, most of the time there is not enough fanservice of them or they are secondary to the main plot Shark doesn't show up in about 12 of the episodes.

Yes watch it for Shark

Is megane pure ?

As pure as the driven snow