Hunter x Hunter

The Succession War is the most complex, well though out, multilayered, finely paced, tightly packed, battle royale... actually story in the entire fiction literature. Anyone who disagrees hasn't simply invested in the deep plot Togashi has been branching in each new chapter. I'm literally having the best time of my life reading and analyzing this arc with its amazingly well written characters that were just barely introduced in the series. The arc is a masterpiece even if the phantom troupe aren't on the ship. Rating it 9001/10 would not give Togashi the credit he deserves for creating this out of nothing, and we're just on the beginning of the voyage! The way he's dealing with like ten different POVs and tighing them all together in such limited time and space shows us how much of a skilled writer he is. I haven't even mentioned his top tier panneling and page composition that literally trashes on all manga alike from shounen trash like OP and BNHA to actually good stories, the like of Berserk and Vagabond. Togashi's art may not be as detailed, but it's extremely subtle and smart. Also his fight choreography and sense of a viewer's angle is sublime. The succession battle is the best arc of HxH. If you disagree, I'm sad to tell you that you're wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


Teen thread

>when you try to be complex but just end up convoluted

I bet that Whorse is gonna do some twisted reanimation shit on Theta and raise her as a loyal zombie puppet.

pay for viz, you cheap fuck... also if you think the guard's though process is convoluted, heroshit academia threads are the other way..

>bait thread

>bait thread
literally everything I wrote is true

You didn’t write that though, some other autist did and now you’ve just copied it and used it to make a shitty thread

I was the autist who wrote that

A good Theta is a dead Theta.

>We will not get resolution on Theta before the next hiatus

What do you guys think about Pitou's dub voice?

Threadly reminder we Chrollobros willl NEVER EVER lose

Based OP triggering assblasted OPtards and BnHAkiddies

It's trash and you're trash. Stop paying attention to dub trash.

You get to have baby making sex with one character from Hunter x Hunter, which one?

>when you try to be complex but just end up convoluted
You're the dumbest poster on this entire board.

After understanding his ability I have to make a decision in order to secure Benjamin's victory > the decision is kill Halk > but the nen beast figured that I'm a Nen user, so if I approach Hawk with intention to kill, he will beat my shit up first! > but WHY he distincts me from other guards? The queen's private guard received the feather, but it disappeared 10 minutes later, meaning that only guards with devotion to the prince are allowed to get together with him >therefore, if I assume that he can use a certain categorie of nen, the nen beast can erase memories, which means that I could be under his influence without even knowing it! > It's dangerous to try anything harshy before knowing the exact specs of his power > hence we need one or two more people to try-out and see if we can confirm this

Now fuck off, retard. This is a PERFECT line of logic thinking and deduction.


It's neither complex nor convulted retard. It's just wordy, which shouldn't surprise you if you know HxH and MS.

Thank you.

Unironic answer: Camillia
Meme answer: Cammy!

Stop posting this. Nobody cares.

Is this DON Freecs?

No, Don is much older than that.



HxH has dived really deep into complex specific interactions between things for which we have no prior context for. Interactions between new nen abilities, physical objects like guns, rooms, walls, plots between princes and mercs and random people and Kurapika and criminal organizations and so on. Characters we see for the first time and have no emotional investment in get tangled up in complex subplots that ultimately just make the overall plot advance at a snail's pace. Togashi is tying nothing together, but rather spiraling out and stretching a few hours' worth of events over months and months.
We usually see drudgery close to the climax of an arc where established major characters are approaching the apex of their respective subplots. Togashi's blown past even that level of time dilation for boring throwaways. This is HxH's lowest moment by far.

recent chapter makes it seem like someone told togashi to hurry the fuck up and stop dragging things out.

that combined with the biscuit fanservice makes me think we're getting a hiatus soon

Killua's edge was handled in a real clumsy way there. I don't think he ever went full retard like that again though.

>Characters we see for the first time and have no emotional investment in
In two chapter Vergei went from being absolute cunt to Kurapika on the phone to an endearing muscle woman lover.

You can't get emotionally invested with every single character of the arc, but you're bound to find a few of the princes and bodyguards to your liking.

Look at all the people still waiting to see if Theta is still alive, the ones turning Sale-Sale into a meme, the ones in love with Cammy despite her being super dumb etc..

Hello, is this google AI? Make recaptcha better, thanks.

show us your nen

/transmuter/user here from last thread

Maybe I'll wait a year and re-read from boarding the ship. Maybe some kind of resolution to some major event will be reached by then.

Unlimited stamina with endless libido.

As if it wasn't obvious with the hiatuses, but HxH isn't for impatient people.

Killua's mom.



Ben's guards are surprisingly smart and capable

What killed the hype?

shutup Togashill

Good one, upvoted.


yeah, i thougth so... but get lost in the sea... is weirdly connected

Pitou is my wife

not enough Pitou lewds.

How is it a character so inherently sexy has so little doujins?

Not this bait copypasta shit again. Sage, reported, called the cops, the FBI, the chimera ants royal guards, and Benjamin's squad, and Halk's fighting party.

It's not convoluted at all, neither that pages is trying to be complex, you absolute brainlets on the brainless pleb house. The complexity of this arc comes from the huge amount arc of all details and characters and how those things are related and coordinated among them, not from a single page.


Because there are so few hxh doujins in general

She died too young.


>people unironically think they will see their edgy mc again

>someone got so shocked and confused by that page that he's spamming it in every thread.
100% pure distillate of brainlet frustration.

Fucking hack should’ve written an LN already, he can write long passages about character’s thought process instead of writing it into manga panels, he can make one or two pages of illustrations. The deepfags are still happy because they are it is still walls of text, everyone else is happy because now it is walls of text in a text-based medium instead a visual medium

Pages like this are absolute garbage. You can't even call it manga at that point.

>hurr durr if you don't like words then the shonen shit threads are that way

Yeah, there are plenty of options for better, more entertaining manga than hunter x hunter. Thanks for proving my point.

Shut up retard

>they are it is
They are still reading walls of text

Why don't you complain about the page with no text at all

Wew, what a tard.

you must be yuropean, it's cute how you think your opinion is relevant at all

Buddy, do you want me to explain how I know you didn't even touch the chapter?
Pss, hear me out: you are literally cherry picking a page of a very visually based chapter.

>Fucking hack should’ve written an LN already, he can write long passages about character’s thought process instead of writing it into manga panels, he can make one or two pages of illustrations.
You do realize the manga is published in Shonen Jump and thus he has a page limit to work with, right?


Everyone knows amerimutts have lower iq than europeans (except for the former)

Because there isn't enough fans like that to create them.

Please stop trying to reverse troll

The Freecss are the Uchiha/Uzumaki/Hyuga of the HxH world so Ging father is probably related to DC too.

Following your logic this chapter had no words and was a silent chapter because of it had this page.
Question: why do you think that someone should take you remotely seriously when you are that fucking retarded?

>Togashi is tying nothing together, but rather spiraling out and stretching a few hours' worth of events over months and months.
So is Togashi Miura?

because her fans are talentless kids

I knew Togashi respected Kishimoto-sensei but not that much

Except that's not true unless you count the niggers and they're all in the DBS and Bnha threads.

I can't handle this much perfection. I just can't!

Not really, those HxH chapters are incredible dense and crammed as fuck, that guy is raving because of brainlet frustration.

Well they did graduate a military academy. That probably requires a bare minimum of intelligence.


Are comics and manga the best way to tell a story? Being able to use text and image, and manipulate both as you please makes it seem really good, but often I feel one of the two is lacking, few people can make them mesh well.

Because I wasn’t talking about those pages and those “no text” pages are not those specific “walls of text” pages? Is it so difficult for you to discren two different things?
And you’re talking as if this is the first time this kind of shit happens. It is still a wall of text in a visual medium. If he don’t want to visually convey what he’s trying to tell in his story, I don’t see why it should be called a 漫画
Last time I checked, he also goes into hiatus for a large chunck of the time it is “published” in Jump, and that wall of text is one of the resulting page. If he can’t be bothered to convey the story he wants to tell visually, then by all means just publish the text with accompanying several pages of illustrations.
Pretty sure that’s a small feat, he already have so much leeway, he can go on hiatus for months on end and openly name mobsters Shu-ei-sha anyway

That doesn't make any sense but alright.


That's actually kind of depressing, no wonder Mito is so mellow

If Hisoka fucks even half as good as he fights then he would be the best lay in this series.

I beg to differ

Bisky, but only the cute one.

Chrollo would probably just lay there stiffly not reacting to anything you do, or if he’s the top he’ll just awkwardly and mechanically thrust in and out unerotically while making really unenthused dirty talk.

>the cute one.
>posts non muscular bisky

user, thats gay

>took 100's of dicks to overpower him
Like I said, best fuck in HxH

If we are talking comics in general, I've read early Hellblazer and Ennis' Punisher. Both of which are quite word dense but not without actual substance and uses inner monolgues to show the thought process of the character in focus. Not unlike what happens with Welfin, Killua, Hisoka and so on. This was literally restricted to a single page. Also, it being proven several times just how shoddy the translation they get for free really is. Just ignore these kids, really.


judging by the hole in the satellite picture

If a mangaka can't convey thought processes via visuals then he's trash. Fuck of.

Pic not related I presume.

I'm just randomly plopping in the convo, but: Cammy's willing to kill children because they are in her way to become King: that's just the nature of the life she was born into: a fight for the fittest to reign supreme. That's different from being a serial killer who kills for fun. Cammy doesn't get enjoyment out of killing people: she gets enjoyment out of people listening to her and giving her what she wants. She's far from a psychopath. She's just extremely bitchy and vindictive if you don't listen to her and was born into a position of power over others and no one has ever stopped her from abusing it. Yes, that means she is a pretty emotional, shitty and selfish person, but let's not act like it's on the same level of evil as someone who's a serial killer who gets hard-ons from killing people and who's entire existence hinges upon killing. Compared to the type of people where killing gives their life meaning: Cammy looks like the lesser of two evils. You legitimately just need to not get in her way and give her what she wants and you're fine. Even if you're in her way she still gives you a choice to join her just in case (RIP Owlguy-kun). For a serial killer, doesn't matter how much you plead and beg: in fact they'd probably like it more.

Yeah, the torture and kill your family thing is pretty bad, but that's actually pretty common for totalitarian governments in order to ensure submission and given she's probably been raised getting everything she's ever wanted, I'm sure she's used that threat plenty of times in order to scare someone into obeying her. If that guy would have been like "holy shit my bad, I didn't know please don't kill my family I'll listen to you from here on out," she probably would be happy that he finally came around and realized he should just obey her. Though he did break her arm so there's probably no changing her mind on that. Yes, that's bad but it's not evil for the sake of evil. It's evil for the sake of obedience.

Fuck of what?

I wish more people were as smart as fucking fodders i hunter x hunter

Please explain how visuals can convey the complex speculation and planning of a spy acting as a guard on stand-by. At best he could display the guard's fear towards the massive aura output.

Endgame right here.
Finally... someone that likes her TRUE FORM. Something is going to happen between these 2

So drawing a charcter looking concerned details thier entire thought process? Fucking moron.

Bisky doesn't like him

>I wish more people were as smart as fucking fodders i hunter x hunter
truer words have never been spoken

The funny thing with the whole "if you don't like words go back to shounenshit" argument is that shounenshit are PRECISELY the most wordy fucking manga out there. Good authors that want their stuff to be read by a good audience don't use words as a crutch and try to avoid them as much as they can. Togashi can do that when he wants, see but pages like the one being discussed right now are indefensible. It stops being a comic at that point.