Mfw it's a day at the beach episode

>mfw it's a day at the beach episode

>literally nothing happens

Ichigo still best girl

You mean like literally every other beach episode in history?
Never would have guessed.


Forced drama-chan a shit.

Did they just skip over explaining why he didn't die from the blue aids, by giving us a beach episode?

Am I the only one who's getting a Zegapain feeling from this anime?

Wasn't this going to be Miku and Zorome's episode? Fucking Ichigo hijack

I want to cum inside Miku

>Ichigo's VA's first foray into voice acting
>she's literally perfect

Can't wait for the onsen episode.

Did you literally not pay attention the previous episodes when they were talking about Hiro's blood.

did they say anything besides he has a lot of yellow blood cells? whatever that means

No, I did, I just felt it was too retarded to be an actual explanation.
Yes, he has yellow enzymes/blood cells. but how does that make him not keel over?

Honestly I'm more concerned about how he got the blue aids in the first place. I get that it was via their franxx connection, but it's hard to really get a good grasp on that when we have no idea how their mech piloting works in the first place.

That's all the explanation we're getting for now. Hiro's blood just reacts in an opposite fashion to the rest of 02's prior Stamens. The "sickness" was just the body adapting and building immunity, akin to chasing off a fever.

I thought it was death flags: the episode

Sure, tough his reaction was more tangential than opposite, it still bothers me how they just went from blue aids pustules to non-descript scar, without mentioning the fact that he got sick in the first place.

This picture is the very reason I'm not watching this show. Hard. Pass.

most disappointing show, first two episodes were pretty good, now its absolutely crawling.


it's called character establishment, if they skipped over this part it would just be yet another SAO.


I want to cum inside this klaxsaurious

Character stagnation is more like it in regards to the "mains".

If that was true, the anime would have ended with the episode where they fought the snake klax, seeing as none of them would have any ambitions or wants beyond saving the colony.

Gurren Lagann's beach episode had them defeat one of the four devas, prove that the regenerative abilities of Gurren Lagann could withstand underwater pressure and therefore space travel, and Nia gets a haircut, which as everyone knows is a sign of great character development in an anime.

>a haircut, which as everyone knows is a sign of great character development in an anime
Fuck off, Nisioisin.

>mfw OP doesn't know what subtext is

What do you mean, was it not a day at the beach episode?

>no combat=no character development
It's like you've never watched a mecha show before