So what's the consensus on One Piece? Generally, I've actually found it enjoyable. It's simple...

So what's the consensus on One Piece? Generally, I've actually found it enjoyable. It's simple, but it's been fun to watch with a friend. What's the weakest arc, and why is it Alabasta

It's Dressrosa by far and One Piece is pretty great and fun but I feel like Oda's kinda lost his touch. His art feels less lively and dynamic, all his characters are so exaggerated at times that it loses any sense of weight or form, and His panneling has become cramped and clustered.
That's to say nothing of how Toei seems hell bent on spending as little money and effort on the anime, which is basically unwatchable dogshit at this point.

Anime is not worth watching past early Grand Line stuff. Even watching scenes on YouTube feels so lackluster because of the snail pacing.

Weakest arc is Skypeia. It's kinda fun and Enel is a blast but the other villains are weak as fuck, the terrorized people of the arc are bland (name a single one of the Skypeians seriously), and it has a giant flashback about two characters that add very little to the story (even within the arc) and exists just to pad out the manga. The Sea Clouds and Island Clouds were cool but that's undermined entirely by how the bulk of the arc takes place in a regular ass South American jungle that was lifted up from sea level.

Dressrosa was fucking miserable on a week-to-week basis but as a sit down and read it all in 2-3 sittings arc it's pretty great. The Donquixote Pirates were a mixed bag but generally they were fun as villains and in retrospective the Coliseum fighters were so fleshed out because of their future formation of the Straw Hat Fleet. It has its problems but it's not nearly the worst.

The opinions of others should not influence your own, unless the source content does bad things that you hand-wave through your own faults.
But Dressrosa arc was bizarre because it had 40+ characters, dragged too long, and began the trend of having a break ever 3 or 4 weeks. The arcs after have been the first good ones since the timeskip.
The anime gets Toeid around Impel Down though. Budget goes to nothing and it goes 1 chapter an episode, then fails to do the good scenes justice. A shame, but expected since it's over 500 eps by now.

Fun shonen manga, that's gotten hit-or-miss since the timeskip. Anime sucks after Water 7.

>Weakest arc
Everything Pre-Drum except for Baratie, Arlong. and Lougetown. Nothing about this part is awful, but it's just the most bland and unmemorable.

>fun to watch
Drop it as soon as possible. It only gets worst. Toei is fucking garbage.

It's a fun read all the way through, especially the first half, but it has gotten far too formulaic and bloated with characters and plot points.

I'd also say that it's missing the heart that the series had in the beginning, and by that I mean how whatever arc they're in leaves a big emotional impact on either one member or the entire crew. I'd say most of the blame is on the series forced to continue for another 10 years due to it's ongoing success.

Oh, and I'd say the worst arc is Dressrosa.

What the hell does Toei do to this? I'm at Enies Lobby with my friend, does the animation really get terrible? Anyone have notable examples of QUALITY? It can't be as bad as shit like early DBS or the worst of Naruto filler, right?

>saying anything is the worst arc besides Fishman Island or some of the early stuff like Kuro, Buggy, and Little Garden

My issues with Dressrosa have to do with how cramped it is as an arc and how much stuff just...isn't really used to a satisfying climax.
Rebecca is an utter waste of a character. She was the first time I actively loathed a character in One Piece. Even Shirahoshi was more tolerable.
Despite being around, Nico Robin didn't get to do much. I was actually really hoping to see her do something against flag guy (it's been a minute, I forgot his name).
And then, as happy as I am that Sabo's back...I dunno it feels a little hollow. I hate that he has to fight with a pipe so that we know it's Sabo. Luffy and Ace fought with pipes when they were kids but you don't see them bringing that into adulthood. It just felt kinda cheap.
That and the fight against Doflaming is just one of those fights that just overstays its welcome.

Luffy looks like a third grader's drawing for much of the Amazon Lily arc. His arms aren't even proportional.

>>Dressrosa was fucking miserable on a week-to-week basis but as a sit down and read it all in 2-3 sittings arc it's pretty great. The Donquixote Pirates were a mixed bag but generally they were fun as villains and in retrospective the Coliseum fighters were so fleshed out because of their future formation of the Straw Hat Fleet. It has its problems but it's not nearly the worst.
Pretty much. There's only like 5 chapters that I felt were unnecessary, but it all felt slow because it was too big and we didn't really know what mattered and what didn't. In retrospect a LOT more than we initially thought was very important (due to the Grand Fleet mainly), and the arc managed to do what would pretty much required a timeskip or many arcs under normal circumstances and shorter arcs.

I don't understand how people can say it's the worst when it's got so many good moments, like the build up from PH leading to the 3 way confrontation between Law, Fuji and Doffy, Sabo's revelation, Burgess appearing out of nowhere, Law's past, Kyros as a whole, God Usopp, Barto, Zoro vs Pica, Law/Luffy vs Doffy, Gear 4th, SeƱor Pica and maybe more I'm forgetting.

I feel like with how most reacted to that arc, Wano is going to have a very sour reception.

>has gotten far too formulaic
I'd agree if we were still in PH, how is anything after Dressrosa formulaic? Before everything was arrive to island, big baddie in island causing trouble, help island. And even then it wasn't this simple, Water 7/Enies Lobby changed things up, and Thriller Bark wasn't even a proper island, it was Moriah's ship they were invading. Now everything has a real purpose, things have changed focus from exploration to power plays, alliances to take down bigger pirates, the crew getting major allies and splitting to cover more ground.

The fact that nobody posted the davey back fight is a sin.

Short fun arc that served as a change of pace, introduced Admirals and Akainu and set up Water 7 to hype things up. It's only bad in the anime.

Most of those moments are good but:
He was one of the worst parts of the arc. He does nothing except stand around, lose in mediocre fights, and laugh.

Explain further. I think he's the most boring ally character in the series

>Doffy fight
Good overall, but the part with Luffy running out of haki was awful. That alone drags it down hard. There's a reason almost nobody complained when Oda downplayed that during the Luffy vs. Katakuri fight.

Also Rebecca is probably the worst ally character in the series.

it kinda sucks on the first readthrough because you just wanna get on with the story but in hindsight it's very different and comfy arc

Burgess wasn't all that great, but seeing someone from BB's crew do something was satisfying, especially when Sabo blasted him at the end. It also set up the conflict between Revos and BB, which was nice.

Kyros is one of my favorite parts of the arc, his whole backstory was well written and interesting, his personality as a toy was fun and contrasted greatly with his real one, and that scene where her wife dies in his arms without her even recognizing him or him being able to feel her warmth just destroyed me. After reverting once Sugar got knocked out his character mellowed out and his fight wasn't all that good (even if satisfying), but he was still overall fantastic.

I didn't mind the Doffy fight's extension that much: Sure it could've been trimmed, but I loved seeing Doffy tearing through the Coliseum fighters and Gatz. In any case, I don't think bad parts erase the good parts, and for me the fight had so many great parts that even with its shortcomings, it doesn't sour it for me.

Rebecca wasn't even that bad. She was whiny and cried too much, but on a past reread I tried to understand why she happened, and it made sense, she didn't even appear a lot in the arc to drag it down. There's definitely worse characters, they are just too minor for them to be a nuisance. Also keep in mind I'm doing a little devil's advocate here.

That's so ridiculous. Only people who don't get One Piece don't know that it's a 10 from page 1 chapter 1. If your heart is open enough you'd notice that there are moments of transcendent beauty sprinkled everywhere in the first 4 volumes.

>If your heart is open enough you'd notice that there are moments of transcendent beauty sprinkled everywhere in the first 4 volumes.
Okay, let me put it this way. I've seen people who have Dressrosa as their favorite arc. I've seen people who have Fishman Island as their favorite arc. I've seen people who have the Davy Back Fight as their favorite arc. I've seen pretty much every arc from Drum onward being called a favorite by at least one person (except Amazon Lily, which I guess I should also throw in the "weakest arc" pile)

I've never seen anyone call Orange Town, Syrup Village, Whisky Peak, or Little Garden their favorite arc(s).

Sure, but those are incredibly short arcs, and you know you can't trust the masses, especially for something like One Piece. But I shouldn't have blown up at you like that, you seem reasonable, my apologies.

Why is it bad to say that the weakest is the early parts if everything is good? I mean, you have to choose which parts are superior, it doesn't mean you absolutely hate whichever comes in the last place.

weakest part is fishman island which is actually not that great

That's still debatable. I agree FI is weaker, but I found the lowest lows to be on PH. It also had higher highs than FI, so it's hard for me to compare them.

It is worse than you can imagine, they just decide to switch from sparingly animating it early in the series to completely making it a clip art show later on, marineford is one of the best arcs but it is horrible in the anime.

>my opinion
One Piece was a fun, long ride. Back in highschool when I had almost no time to do shit, every day I watched two episodes before sleeping. It was really nice to watch, especially after I got used to the setting, which took me a while. To be honest, One Piece started losing its charm after Enies Lobby, until the time skip, which pretty much killed the series for me, and I eventually lost interest. Dropped mid of Dressrosa.
>weakest arc
Skypiea. I could pick anything from the beginning, but these arcs are short. Skypiea had the most annoying, uninteresting characters, the fights weren't that good and it dragged a hell lot. The only decent parts of it are the comedy bits.

I'm confused. Dressrosa was the arc that got you to drop it, but it isn't your weakest?

People shit on dressrosa simply because they've only been reading one piece week to week from like marineford or some shit.

From the beginning to around Alabasta, the average episode adapts 2 chapters.
From Skypeia to Enies Lobby, it's about 1 1/2.
From Thriller Bark to Punk Hazard, it's 1.
From Dressrosa to now, it's 3/4.

It was kind of boring, a good portion of one piece fans on Sup Forums read one piece before dressrosa.

Before dressrosa doesnt mean shit. I doubt they were reading it weekly but in big chunks which is a completely different situation. I know this because scans were complete shit in the mid 2000s.

I read dressrosa in big chunks just like every other previous arc.
It's just that dressrosa just kinda fucking blows.

Dressrosa is the worst arc because it's a fucking mess. Even Oda acknowledged the complaints from fans which is why he made Zou a more concise (and better) arc.

I've been reading the manga and I'm only as far as just getting past Enies Lobby. But Thriller Bark has been pretty underwhelming in terms of one piece.

It's not that it was bad, it was just kind of bland. After Water Seven set the stage for some crazy shit to go down you're ready for shit to get real, then you get to these weird ass zombie dudes and a particularly weak fight. It was just underwhelming. I was ready for marine motherfuckers with broke ass devil fruit powers and the whole arc just didn't live up to the hype that Water Seven created.

Thriller Bark would have been better had it been somewhere in between Alabasta and Skypeia.

Also, is Dressrosa really that bad?

It's great

>Also, is Dressrosa really that bad?
-Good villain group
-Some good side characters
-Great main flashback
-Solid ending
-Some great high points

-Has some of the most annoying side characters in the series
-Most of the minor fights in the second half are underwhelming
-Bad Pacing even by One Piece standards
-Some terrible low points

It's got a lot of good stuff, it's got a lot of bad stuff, and it's got a lot of okay stuff. So it's just an arc full of stuff.

>weakest arc
stop reading one piece you faggot