Name a better anime scene

Name a better anime scene.

Pro Tip: You can't.

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That looks awful. I can't even tell what it is.

It's even from the same series


This one's one of my favorites at the very least, though honestly it's more that the entire episode is great.

Not even close.

Thanks for the video.



This. Eureka Seven is still my favorite Anime to this day.



Say what you will about Tomino, he has a habit of hitting it out of the park in the final episode.


Now that you mention it the only Tomino endings I didn't like were Daitarn's and L-Gaim's. L-Gaim's just felt a little underwhelming and Daitarn's just left me feeling like Banjo did, which was probably the point.

how does her hair blow in two different directions

I know you've never been outside before but thats called a light breeze.

I remember Sup Forums going apeshit during this scene.

I miss you a.f.k subs.

Almost 40 years later, Char is still the coolest.

Best scene in best romantic series.


Pure Kino

Crispin Freeman and Sugita did such an amazing job as Kyon in that scene.



I mean it was really good. The fact that it never went anywhere is a bigger disappointment than endless 8



>it'll be nearly 7 years since the last volume
Raildexfags had it easy.

This isn't even the best scene from Haruhi.


This is why it's so hard to pick between sub or dub

I got the DVDs and constantly change between either audio tracks. Both are so good.


I love that episode


At least post the right one

Reminder that Haruhi was so terrible that it killed any chance of anime ever being good again.

user was so retarded that he killed any chance of Sup Forums ever being good again

That's blatantly false, because Sup Forums was never good. You'd know that if you weren't a filthy haruhifag.

Sup Forums was only good during Endless Eight.

Gon v Hisoka fight is literally the greatest scene of any anime ever made