Darling in the franxx ep 7

02 wants hiro to come forward, to kiss her, ichigo is determined to conquer hiro, how will this triangle end?

Hiro will cum inside 02 while Ichigo shoots up the school

Hopefully with zero two dead

Please post all of the /w/ screenshots featured in this episode.

I can spam images too, you know.



>(((They))) made our waifu shit
Preach it to another choir, kid. Ichigo is shit enough by her ownsome

With a passive aggressive threesome


I am not joking at all in any perceivable way when I say that Killing Bites has a better plot, set of characters and characterization than DarliFra

Go get tested for stds, 02 you nasty disgusting slut.

Interesting opinion. I assure you everybody cares and is falling to your knees licking your boots as we speak.

>Ichigofags can't even make clean gifs

Why are the haters for this show so fucking autistic?

Ah, now eventually you do plan to have klaxosaurs on your, on your klaxosaurs show, right? Hello?

Stalker shutters got excited because they thought the show was completely flopping. It did a reversal and are now really upset about it.

More clear than ever. For some reason Hiro will no longer be the partner of 002, she will die and Hiro will eventually end up with Ichigo.

The way all love triangles should

Just like how Subaru will fall in love with Rem right after she wakes up from that coma, right?

I don't like to say it but I get the strong feeling that 02 is gonna die in the end.


Everybody is dying by the time this is over. That is not saying much.

Ponytail 002 in a swimsuit is a small consolation for how shit this episode was. Why the fuck would they resurrect a dead love triangle? Any potential for the story to go to interesting places is now clearly dead. And it died because the staff is too enamoured with Cocona.

>Oni doesn’t know that Starwberry also kissed Daarin
>in some future episode Zero Two will get mad
>she won’t be able to sync with Hiro in a fight properly
>Hiro declares his affection yet again
>they use the POWER OF LOVE to defeat some new random dino

This most likely. This is the EMOTIONS arc.


Fuck this shit. Why did I even bother watching.

So uh what is up with the Nines?
I get they're an élite squad and they fight in the "frontlines" but will they actually do something sooner or later?

Will we discover that they're actually like 50 but FRANXX pilots can't age? (Would explain the whole "he doesn't know" thing about Zorome asking if they will ever become adults).

Am I the only one who popped a boner during this interaction?

>World Building episode, they said

Yep. And maybe one char between Hiro or 002 but only in the end

There are rumours that the staff prefer 002. It is also well known that Nishigori is a massive push-over, so he might have been knelt down by the pressure from the other staff members and these last two episodes were so bad because they were changed last minute to set-up a change in who the main heroine is down the line.

people die when they are killed

There's also a rumor that Mitsuru fucks all the girls.

>There are rumours that the staff prefer Ichigo*
Fuck, brainfart. The animation staff seem to really like Ichigo and they may have pressured Nishigori to write her as the winner of the Hirobowl.

I'm serious. Various animators working on the show talked about it on twitter.

Well it would make sense for 02 to be actually way older than she looks, considering how mature she is.

That's not how anime production works.
Also they've poured lots of details and care in the last 3 episodes or so, it's not something you can shoehorn at the last minute.

>trigger animators are wasting their time on twitter instead of making good animation
That explains why episode 4 and 6 are visually dull.

Are you people really this dense? it's Nishigori's passion project. If 02 and Hiro go through some shit it's only to come out stronger in the end.

>they may have pressured Nishigori to write her as the winner of the Hirobowl
HAHAHAHA, Ichigofags are so delusional it hurts

Feel people are forgetting there is unresolved drama to be dealt with when it comes to this kissu stuff, Zero Two wants Hiro to take the initiative and Ichigo has bounced back a little after thinking about her kiss - This love triangle won't be resolved until Hiro stops fannying around and actually does something himself.

Why do nips waste time with these stupid love triangle? If Fatty had to deal with his waifu possibly being stolen, that would be entertaining. Who gives a shit about Ichigo's unrequited feelings? She's not really losing anything and you know she won't gain anything.

I feel they are giving a lot of attention to Hiro's chest. I mean, there's a lot of frames in which his chest is specifically shown... do they want us to keep track of the scar, and how it changes and spreads?

I had an erection throughout the entire episode, but at the same time I was wondering... was a beach episode really THAT necessary?


>Hiro finally gets a clue and actively pursues his waifu after witnessing yet another catfight between 02 and Ichigo
>Goro will understand that he felt jealousy while watching Ichigo trying to get something out of her reach and ignoring him
>Ichigo will understand her feelings and realize that she already had a pillar by her side all this time, Goro
>Ichigo will still be overprotective of Hiro, but she will be more Mother Hen rather than Unrequited love interest

Reminder that Hiro was more flustered at the idea of a kiss from Zorome than he was with Ichigo.

When a woman asks you if you will be together forever, just say you will try.

He feels nothing special for her whatsoever.

As you said just rumor, 002 will die

Clear af, she will die 100%

That plus this shot. End of 002


I'm gonna sport the greatest boner known to man when you'll be proven wrong, a boner so great that they'll have to remove it surgically and I will live the rest of my life as an enlightened monk.

I can't believe Nova-kun became evil again.
>inb4 the show ends with Luluco arriving.


More like clear af Hiro will save her.

Ok just wait and see then. But then don't say I did not warn you

Did you notice Goro being friendly with 002?
He's gonna steal both her and Ichigo from Hiro and punished Hiro, a man denied his Oni will go full blue Oni and begin piloting alone.

02 barely acknowledges Goro's existence, user.

If there's someone who'll end up stealing 02 it will be either her original partner or one of the Nines.

No, Ichigo is for Goro or Ikuno.
Hiro is for getting betrayed and then dying alone.

why do you say that 02 will die?

>02 is going to go full mind break when she finds out Darling kissed Ichigo
Honestly wasn't expecting 02 to be the one getting NTRed.

>It becomes clear that 02 is meant to be some kind of sacrifice/catalyst
>Hiro finally stops being the heroine
>"Fuck all of you, this is MY dinosaur!"
>He swoops in, takes 02 in his arms and runs away bridal carry style
>They get into Strelizia and fly away
>The rest of the anime is them fending off APE's hunters before reuniting with P13 and setting things right with the adults

>The rest of the anime is them fending off APE's hunters
So that's what the Nines are for.
Also makes sense since I can't think of any other way they would justify having FRANXX vs FRANXX fights, and everyone is waiting for those.

I am already hype.

Nigga, please. Hiro is the heroine. He will be carried off by the manly powerful hero 002.

Does "Nishigori's passion project" translate to "shitty love triangle"?

The first cour was completed before the anime even started to air. "At the last minute" does not mean what you think it means. During production, the other staff may have pressured Nishigori to change the story, and since he's a known wuss, he may have caved in to the pressure.

He will save her by dying in her stead. We are on the Jorougumo route. Nishigori fucked up.

Sup Forums is extremely bad at reading the show. They've proven it time and time again. If anyone will die, it will be Hiro.

Hiro already did the death and rebirth thing from the Hero's Journey 101 in episode 6.
You don't repeat that shit again. Too repetitive.

Two points: I don't think Nishigori or the rest of the staff care about "the hero's journey", and more importantly, Hiro didn't die in that scene, either literally or metaphorically.