40 minutes until next episode
Gintama Thread
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Talk everything Gintama here
/biz/ Sup Forums and kagurawaifufags BTFO on the same chapter
is gintama really ending? I still don't want to believe. How can jump continue without a manga full of dick jokes and poop?
Where's kagura
>Is gintama really ending?
>40 minutes until new episode
Did they changed the timeslot, or it's just exceptional?
Some weeks it happens.
Next week is the usual time.
It's Sadaharu birthday, today.
Say something nice about him
More than a dog.
How much respect do you have for MADAO?
I have a lot of respect for him
It's basically /ourguy/
Currently on episode 245. When does this garbage get good?
Just kidding, I love Gintama so far.
Enjoy it while it lasts because it's going to start to go downhill soon
Not really
You have a few consecutive cool arcs
This garbage is still running?
Years remain
from the thumbnail it looks like he's nudging his head against a massive throbbing orc dong with phimosis
oy vey
Of course!
RAW out
Wow that's fast
>Despite being on this situation a few seconds ago he was laughing his ass off about Zurump making Edo great again.
kagurawaifufags BTFO
how? best girl is back
But not grow up like degenerates wanted.
I am sad that the final scene of the episode had such shitty animation.
and next week
I think they are focusing on episode 350
Seems like it. Sad how badly animated those kunai were.
remember he died off panel- SPLAT
Why does Zura think he and Kyubei's characters overlap with each other?
so, they tok the fight, the post fight and the aftermath and put it into one episode?
this is gonna be fast
Because Katsura disappeared when Kyubei was introduced.
They are hyping episode 350
Well to some degree when the director changes and Bamco Pictures takes over
are you trolling user-kun?
Sunrise Gintama was better than Namco Bandai Pictures Gintama and Yoichi Fujiti was the best that could happen to old Gintama. I don't see the problem here
>Sunrise Gintama was better than Namco Bandai Pictures
even though they are same fucking studio?
it's a meme
oh right memes...
This episode definitely maybe too fast. Especially the last fight scenes
4 and half chapters.
They are going to slow down next weeks
hopefully if they keep that pace the anime is going to need to take a break
you think that's a turn-off for the shippers and waifufags?
you're wrong
Yeah, if it's a "meme" it's fine then
Next week's episode has the title of 623, so looks like another 4 chapters.
Anyone who makes that claims always fails to actually back it up, instead cherry picking examples that always have counterexamples they can't refute. That's why it's a "meme" no one can take that shit seriously.
The people working these last seasons is basically the same
I know, I was saying the whole "BNP is worse than Sunrise" argument is bullshit.
I look forward to see Kagura's new look
exclusive design from Sorachi
heh you are funny guy
no joke, I wouldn't mind some badass battlescarred eyepatch Kagura
The kunai felt weak as hell this episode.
Never watched/read Gintama. Is the anime adaptation good? Should I read the manga instead?
why not both
Is this true? I stopped watching because I felt the quality drop when Sunrise didn't make it anymore.
I really want to watch again though I fucking LOVE Gintama.
Is the new studio/director any good?
how about reading thread
Looking forward to Prime Minister Assassination Arc
They really rushed this boss fight way too fast. Probably should have slowed down a bit.
You can argue that the lack of anime original content is a downside
But BNP IS worse than Sunrise in every aspect, take a look at the 2011 season or Enchousen then try to defend poorly executed arcs like the Shogun Assassination or Rakuyou, one simply canĀ“t
Either they didnt care for Ougai or Kyubei and his family.
Gintoki vs Takasugi was a 5 stars fight though. The best fight of anime 2016
Man this episode was the worst for me. Thank fuck that I read the manga.
It felt even worse for Tsukuyo with the shitty kunai animation. Well hopefully next week won't rush her moment in focus too.
Explain to me how those arcs were poorly executed.
same people but i think the big difference is the director
yeah she fucking sucks
How so? The animation is taking a hit due to deadlines in place by BNP/Sunrise, I guarantee it. This type of also thing happened less when the old director was there, because there was less action overall. The humor is still solid, and the pacing outside of the Rakuyo arc has been on point. Some episodes look bad. It sucks, I get it. Basically criticize the corporation that Sorachi has alluded to being the issue on several occasions, and not the staff that's been mostly on point over the years.
Man, last week's preview made me think we'd get a grandpa Yagyu vs Ogre chief fight so I was kinda disappointed he didn't get his time to shine. Still a great episode though, and nice to see the Yagyu Elite Four again.
Looks like Jirochou's back next week which is amazing. Hope he gets some good and well-deserved screentime.
They haven't been able to use those still background / recycled animation joke episodes in a very long time as well.
you ever wonder: what if Gintama is just a single very drawn out penis-joke?
Several staff names changed or changed position during the Sunrise -> Bandai Namco Picture transition for Gintama. So, even though BNP itself is mostly composed by ex-Sunrise staff, that transition did bring changes to Gintama.
The director and main anime script writer are obvious ones (although there's barely any filler in the new Gintama in the first place), but the art director/visual directors also were replaced. Many episode directors also were lost (although some remained).
Also, there are some shows that are co-productions between Sunrise and BNP, but Gintama isn't one of them.
As for difference in content? The original anime team added some of their own humor to Gintama, like the meta episodes, or cast in-fighting (sometimes with still screens, but with actual budget sometimes too) that was even carried over into the live action movie due to being so associated with the series, while the new Gintama has little of that.
As far as serious arcs goes, Fujita avoided turning the impact waves from the manga into actual beam effects, only using that for a few rare moments, like the Housen battle. The new director uses that effect all the time which just makes the battles look cheap even when they're well animated. And, yes, doing many serious arcs one after another results in worse animation than what we saw under Fujita. It's hard to say if he'd be able to avoid this issue, but he definitely was better at stretching budget. I could some extra static comedic segments thrown in to avoid static shots during battle like what we're often getting now.
>making fun of bitcoin
>making fun of Trump
wtf I hate Gintama now
I'm pretty sure that the degenerates are the ones who don't want Kagura to grow up.
Why didn't they just hosed down dakini with hot water and lotion?
>you ever wonder: what if Gintama is just a single very drawn out penis-joke?
That's ridiculous.
It's obviously a very drawn out testicles-joke.
Is Gintama going to end with one of these big stupid action arcs or is it going to go return to being fun for a finale?
I think we're still at war
Is it next week already? I can't wait for more Ai Nonaka.
>Four Devas was 7 years ago
Fuck my cunt
I don't believe it...