>Rance X is out and there's no thread?
Are we ever gonna get an adaptation of a game other than the first? Should a studio make a full Rance adaptation without showing explicit graphical content, like a TV-series? And why is Rance so badass?
Rance thread
Rance is a poor mans Slayers + Bastard! with porn.
Its funnier than both
Rance is an annoying as fuck type of character but a couple of the games have damn good CGs, X CGs were lame though.
Is Rance done?
we already have konosuba
Avaible in onlyhentaigames, but still japanese.
About damn time
Dumb afrohair.
>most of the humor is exclusively Rance being a cunt
>Is Rance done?
Yes. Rance 10 is meant to be the last main series Rance game. I expect they'll keep remaking the older titles though. Rance 4 will probably be next.
>Have to wait 5+ years to play the big finale You can't learn Japanese.jpg
At least waiting 6ish years for Magnum will finally pay off by the end of the year.
Actually everyone won but Sill live longer than the rest of Rance wifes except god and kalar because she got frozen
Counts as winning!
No it's not.
>lol he put benis in bagina
Was good. But seemed kind of... short.
Would have thought that being the final official entry into the Rance saga that they would have gone all out. But each girl only got a couple scenes max, if even that.
>No translations
Sill am I
Sill waiting
This world to
Sill hating
>That ending
You can't leave me here! I love you!
Did Rance realize he loves Sill?
when is rance going to be part of power level shitposting
Didn't he become the most powerful DK of all time? So I guess he could be.
On his deathbed. Yes.
that's exactly what i mean
wanna see him on one of those ugly cringey rainbow color coated charts next to demonbane blanco
Well? What happened in the end?
He fucked Kou.
Did the Nips finally figure out all the endings? Are there summaries anywhere for all of them? I'm torn between wanting this to be Rance's sendoff and wanting games featuring his kids. Zance (Rnace + Lia's son, pictured on the far right) has the makings of being a complete Rape Machine.
Dunno, but there is at least one for the TRUE ending which is so god damn good and heartwarming it's a miracle.
I want to know about all of Rances's kids. And it would be interesting powerlevel discussion.
That picture just made me a bit gay.
>ywn be rance
what the best machine translator to hook with this? im having trouble and will soon resort to brute forcing with image capture translation
how many children did he have anyway
In my previous post it shows 8 sons in the hot springs, and here he has at least 7 daughters. There's most likely more. Shame he kills his sons in the route you get to meet them (I think, I don't know the game spoilers, just have a few CGs from /haniho/) .
Didn't spoiler image cause I'm stupid.
I recognize Reset and Shizuka's daughter is obvious. but what about rest?
that's probably shizuka herself, friend
>Shizuka didn't have Rance's kid
0/10 WGOTD
Like I said, I don't know much. All I know is the pink haired girl behind Reset is Rance and Kanami's daughter. Who is also Suzume reincarnated. Blonde girl on the rock is Alkanese's daughter, Don't know about anyone else
did he gather all his wifes from all game or what ?
Ah, here comes the EOP shit
That true end gave me more feels than I thought it would, I actually cried.
>we will never have Kichikuou anime
>Rance and Kanami's daughter. Who is also Suzume reincarnated.
At least she is not useless as ninja, like her mother.
Pretty sure the blonde girl is supposed to be Sheila's daughter
Sengoku and Kichikuou would never work in anime format, 6 or 3 would work better
Like I said, I don't know shit about dicks, sorry