What's your favorite anime couple

Mine is Satanichia and Raphiel from Gabriel dropout

>pic related

Sakura and Syaoran

That looks kinda gay user

Not defending the fag balls but You seem to have overlooked OP's dyke shit.


I just said it looked kinda gay

what's worse, being gay, or being satania?

I ship them

If you are Satania you get to be raped by Raphi

Does Vegeta top?


>Does Vegeta top?

those gays are supirior


They switch?

Pic related and Kaoru + Kenshin


tsundere redhead and pissypantsy nerd from GTO


I like to think that Vegeta secretly loves Goku and thus Vegeta is always bottom. Plus Goku is a lot taller than him.

That sounds really predictable, Piccolo would probably let Vegeta top once in a while