Is DFC + a nice butt the most ideal combination? I think so

Is DFC + a nice butt the most ideal combination? I think so.

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Why not have a nice butt and a nice chest?

I prefer small boobs, but that is a very close second.

Booty is all I need.


Chihaya is ideal at least

Her mother is the better one

Yes, DFC with a nice butt,legs,thighs,hips

It's perfect

Explain that to the judge.


No butt is no go

>162 cm
>41 kg

Slender body type a best

The ultimate sum type is DFC + belly + thighs.

I shouldn't need to state for what age group is applicable


I'd call her a boy but that's also true for boys, so it's not really an insult.

Yes. And I'd just like to take this moment to say that Chihaya is absolute perfection.

This user knows


No. 1 and 4 are both unacceptable, although 4 is more disgusting than 1.


Having a nice butt is always needed. Big breasts with a flat ass is unacceptable.

slender a best


If anyone still needs convincing

>think that slender is the most beatiful bodytpe
>but still mostly faps to big tits

explain it

This user is the user that knows his shit

Make a new drawing between 2 and 3 with "transcends perfection" and will wholeheartedly agree

I refuse to dabble in anything Fate, but this character design always makes me reconsider for a few seconds.

Shonobu is beautiful, but her butt is too small.

She doesn't get much screentime so it's not worth it just for her.

I prefer well marbled

Modern fate is only good for hdoujins. The source has been shit since Zero.

Yes. The best combo.

Spics aren't welcome here

1 and 4 are both shit

Well rounded.



I never seriously plan on watching it, but thanks for reinforcing it.

Can I find her lewd cartoons easily?

Define spic.


Only DFC + huge butt/hips

Add nice hips and you're correct.


>big hips and small butt



What about flat boys with nice butts?

Also ideal.

It is.

>Is this guy a fan of Satoshi Urushihara?

Was just about to post this.

I said add nice hips with the aforementioned nice butt.

I went back and checked. You are right, forgive me. I still do not agree, small hips and big butt is still delicious.

>DFC + a nice butt
i.e. a twink
ur gay

Nice projection.

1 is only ok if she is cute.

I think we are assuming equal cuteness in all cases. So basically, you think 1 is shit.

Particularly with long black hair, yes.

too lazy but someone shoop a cat in the last panel

You think that no woman with an ideal body would want you, so you jerk off to braphogs because they're more "realistic" prospects.

There's something wrong with her face in that image.

You think so? Its one of the few pixiv artists that actually draws Yukino in the novel style, not that ugly S2 style.

I'm not sure? The faces seem broader and shorter there in your images.
Feels like he was working off an asian model. Maybe Korean?

Yukino looks so ugly in Feel S2 style, compared to pic related.

>still no Nagatoro

Yeah, but in her face seems like it's squished somehow. Even Hikigaya's face is too wide.
is better but not quite it.

That's the same artist for Yahari novels, I think.

yea no


This. She is literally the perfect 10.

That scene is an outlier. Whenever she's seen from the side it has zero volume, unfortunately.



Any good doujins of her?

Not nearly enough.

Finally people are starting to get it after i have posted it so many times in boobs vs ass threads.

Chihaya is best girl, best DFC, and best mom

Patrician taste

Why is this on Sup Forums?

tsurui makes some very intimate doujins

You can't have a cute tight butt with huge chest

What exactly is DFC? I've seen the term thrown around elsewhere, but don't know what it means or where it's from...

Delicious Fried Chicken

delicious flat chest

disgusting flat chest

Does nice butt mean a small and firm lolibutt? If so, yes.

A very cultured thread.

Yes. Op's picture is an example.

Delicious Fat Chest

Defensa central

YES. It is literally all you need.

An objective truth. A girl with no tits might be lacking, but a girl with just tits and no ass is disgusting

Are the translations up to date? Haven't read this since chapter 5.