What does Sup Forums think of Devilman Crybaby?
I just finished it and I think it was pretty good.
What does Sup Forums think of Devilman Crybaby?
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dude what if....... what if humans are the real monsters.......
Normalfag meme show.
fuck off
But the good guy in the end was a demon with the heart of a human.
Mediocre, it only gets hyped up by people who don't watch a lot of anime. Probably Yuasa's worst show to date.
Can you offer any real criticism of the show or no?
it's a shitty remake of a good manga but with forced nigger character and other Tumblr friendly social commentary. A shitty adaptation that normalfags will swallow because they don't know anything about the original source material.
Yeah I have to admit the forced diversity shit and rapping were what held it back for me as well.
The source material is bad aside from the ending though...
>JoJofag in charge of having good opinions
>forced nigger character
The rappers? They were all Japanese.
Your lack of arguments reinforces my opinion. Devilman is dated as hell and not much more than your average edgy shounen battle series before the ending. While it is commendable that it was one of the first to do that type of thing, it doesn't change the raw quality of it. Devilman Crybaby actually decided to flesh out its characters, which was hit and miss, but overall improved the story dramatically because Yuasa knew that the boring demon fights weren't enough to run on.
i think he means the devilman with dreadlocks
I felt the concept was good, but the execution really lacked. I never cared for any of the characters even the main cast like ryo, miki, and akira.
They really rushed this production never really taking a moment to pause and really let you get a feel for these characters.
They also used a lot of low tier "sad" moments like when akiras parents were killed. I didn't even care for akira at that point, and there was no real reason to even slightly care about his parents they were there and gone within an episode.
racists get out of Sup Forums
i almost cried a few times while watching the anime but i'm a crybaby as well
redditors get out of Sup Forums
I guess to each his own, what scenes made you cry?
I'm guessing mikis death is at least one.
It was shit. Bad animation and story. It failed in delivering the themes.
yeah that one and the one where akira's mom's was begging to be killed. i think also one of the scenes where akira is going around trying to turn demons into devilmen to save them but he fails. few others i can't remember right now
yeah the animation was dogshit. i'll agree with you on that one for sure. seemed like they were trying to go with this newschool shit that a lot of modern anime does nowadays but failed miserably, probably a budgetary or time constraint issue if i had to guess. either that or they just tried to be unique and failed
All of these could have been powerful scenes to me if they had taken an extra episode or two to really make me care about the characters, instead of rushing headlong into a story they seemed to be trying to piece together as they went.
yeah it was definitely rushed. like i said i'm just a crybaby
I think we can all agree the soundtrack was fucking incredible
Only good things were Satan's new sex hair and the devilcat.
no based Dosuroku
Great adaptation overall, but they handled Ryo poorly. I wish there was a MY FATHER DIED scene.
tumblards get out
Devil Lady when? Yuasa is the only one who can capture the expressiveness of Nagai's art
Does Devilman G have Ryo in it? I heard that it's similar to the Toei Devilman anime, which doesn't have Ryo in it. If there's no Ryo than I won't bother reading it.
It might even be so okay as to be fifth best Devilman adaptation.
It has a Ryo but he's way different
I enjoyed it. It's the type of old timey fun, gore and nudity I don't see as much in today's anime.
Devilman is so iconic due to its bold misanthropy and its exploration of evil. Crybaby neutered Devilman to be some exercise in lowest common denominator sentimentalism and humanism that would appeal to the masses. Worst of all was its integration of millennial liberal mythologies like "those gangsters are actually good guys and the police are abusing them" or "my twitter status will change the world for the better!". On top of that the design work looked so goofy, flat, and undetailed that the violence was'nt even cool 90% of the time, and the demon's blood looked like spilled orange paint. The animation usually was mediocre, with the fluidity of the sex scenes being the only consistently well done part. Combine all that with poor pacing and useless and hamfisted character arcs like Miko's and you get a mediocre anime and an atrocious Devilman adaption.
That final shot of Sirene in episode 5 was really nice though.
I really liked it
I thoroughly enjoyed that Devilman Crybaby attempted to revive the pretentious mindfuck miniseries subgenre.
Oh yeah the LITERAL nigger faggot, I keked hard at that gay scene, I mean wtf why?
yeah i thought he had the hots for miko but then they showed him fucking some other dude like the next episode
Yeah that scene literally had no purpose, why even have a gay character when he added nothing to the story
those were two different people
what the fuck? really?
Biggest disappointment for me was the title got me looking forward to a different take on Akira, like his personality was going to be less altered and he'd have objections to every thing his monster body wanted to do. This might be the most reveling in it of any version.
>forced nigger character
Who the fuck are you even talking about? Everyone in the show was japanese aside from Miki who was half white.
Also not being a Sup Forumstard doesn't automatically make you dumblr.
I would've added to your post that the soundtrack was good.
Great post btw
Did they just cram a 26 episode series in 10 episodes? That was what I felt after finishing it.
Yeah, apparently the rapper trash guy, the dude at the store that caused a commotion and the gay traitor were all different people.
What was the point of the rapper? They gave him lots of screentime then he did literally nothing and died offscreen.
jesus christ what the fuck did they mean by this? i thought the devilman one was the rap guy because miko went to the sabbath with him after he confessed in his stupid rap shit thing
I felt that, aside from the blogging scene and, to an extent, ending, it was the embodiment of this image in anime form. Further, I felt it fetishized Russia and Eastern Orthodox faith, in closely depicting T-90's, MSTA's, Smerches in its almost-fashwave'y montage of the final stand at the end of the world.
>Devilman Crybaby thread
>Crossboarders and normalfags
every fucking time
Was the show trying to make a point that people with intense/deviant sexual urges become demons? Akira, the faggot, Miki's little brother, Miko. Then again even a fucking cat was a demon.
It's normalfag trash. The black girl at my work loves it
>The nigger at my wageslave center
But her twitter status was shitposted throughout the whole world and she got brutally murdered over it
Used to be even Sup Forums didnt know what you're talking about whenever you brought them up so at least theres a small improvement. Overall it was a decent adaptation that will make the pleb generation reeeee and have the image of kind waifus heads be on top of sticks haunt them for years. Yeah the pacing was fast as fuck but so it was in the manga, final battle was actually longer in Crybaby than it was in the manga.
Satans last dialogue wasnt as good as in manga and rappers and Miki croaking because they took too long realize they're targets as well was a bit silly. Like just have them go "Shit we have to leave right now!" and have their driver and boomboxer betray them way earlier and delay their escape, scene wouldve made more sense that way.
He didn't get out of the party alive. This is in with Miko fuckmurdering that random stranger and her flowers dying, the shit she didn't care about anymore.
christ what a mess. why have 3 characters that look almost exactly the same?
I thought the soundtrack was fucking fantastic and it had some really good scenes, but the pacing was pretty poor and the whole second half was so rushed that a lot of what could have been great scenes fell really flat.
Why wasn't this scene adapted at all?
hey xpic
It was still what created the Devilman army for Akira though, and in this case the Devilman army fought for humanity at the end instead of rejecting humanity, which really neutered the plot. I mean it would've been worse if that saved the day entirely and Miki suffered no consequences, but it definitely was a bad way to do things. The way it was juxtaposed with Akira's awful speech that got all the kids hugging him and the people to stop attacking him probably made it seem more effective than it actually was to me.
To anyone saying it's "Normie trash" do you forget that it was ultimately unrestrained lust and degeneracy that destroyed the world? Beings that could not control their urges upset the balance of society. Simply depicting faggotry isn't promoting faggotry. The literal nigger-faggot was a "bad guy." He sided with the devils and had no redeeming qualities. Yet he along had the normies flocking to this show. But that goes along with the degenerate belief that humanity isn't worth saving, that we're the real bad guys. But so often we were shown the goodness of the human creature in Crybaby. Never did we see the demons portrayed as "good." Closest we got was the harpy that got raped and the notion that demons could love potentially. The reality is that Crybaby is a very messy work. There aren't always clear-cut answers, but it's not always worth analyzing. It can be enjoyed for what it is, even though it's sometimes hard to insert your own philosophy into it when the normies are screeching theirs so much louder. I think it will be forgotten by them in later years when it isn't relevant to them and remembered by the people who weren't free to enjoy it because of their monopoly on it.
Now, my biggest problem was Ryo. He was a bad antagonist. "Ryo did nothing wrong." No, he did everything wrong. Literally nothing right. From tactical errors to double think and moral hypocrisy. Seeing him/tits'n'dick finally be true to their feelings in the end wasn't enough for me to excuse the shit I was supposed to swallow that it was the true mastermind behind the fall of their world. That said, I still enjoyed it, just not as much as I could have, and I don't let the bad opinions of normies sway me.
>"those gangsters are actually good guys and the police are abusing them"
Yeah, then 2 of them are part of the lynch mob at the end. Those rappers were the modern version of the rockabilly-bullies.
>Now, my biggest problem was Ryo. He was a bad antagonist. "Ryo did nothing wrong." No, he did everything wrong. Literally nothing right. From tactical errors to double think and moral hypocrisy.
At the end of the manga he outright admits this to the corpse of Akira. That he realized he's no better than the tyrannical God he fought against. Only thing the protagonist managed to do in the end was make the villain feel remorse for his actions when its already too late to fix it. What are the odds Berserk is going to end the same way?
I interpreted it as part of the themeing around people with flaws or differences, even ones so far as to be degenerate and ugly, are still humans inside, and so long as they don't become their urges they can conquer the "demon" inside.
Which is what sort of irritates me when you have Sup Forums memesters coming around and complaining about niggers even though everybody's a fucking nip. There's a light on less respected and strange parts of society, from the innocuous rappers who are the low end to the sabbath fuck parties that are literally where demons spring out and destroy everybody while in the absolute abyss of their humanity. It's not diversity pandering like the stormfront brainlets insist, since they see red whenever something that they don't like just like tumblr faggots do and the only difference is what their justification is. If it was then the gaylord wouldn't have betrayed humanity and none of those rappers would have danced around with Miki's dismembered corpse on pikes, and the theme of overcoming differences would have rung hollow as nobody besides the setting around the characters, and none of the characters themselves, would have become demons rather than defeating their demons, whether physically or metaphorically.
But it's easy to pretend to analyze something you haven't watched, after all.
I liked it, fuck the ending though
You're right, he's not a mastermind. She's there, but Crybaby really neglected how important Jenny was to making anything work.
Except Griffith is a good antagonist. He was competent. He had a goal. And he accomplished it. His philosophy is consistent and I would be beyond pissed if it ended that way. He's always been emotionless logic and everything he does holds up against his beliefs. But Guts and Akira do have some similarities. They're both raw emotion. I would be surprised if Guts pulled out the victory, but Griffith going back on everything he's done would destroy him as a character. Ryo doing it was believable(mostly) because the flaws were so apparent as were the contradictions. Griffith can't because he holds up to scrutiny.
I think she has more impact on subsequent viewings. She was obviously a devil in the middle episodes, so it can be inferred that she was important, but yes, she did have a minor role in Crybaby.
I did like what the animation...could have been. It looked like budget animation on a budget, and it really needed heavier blacks more often. The airy pastels work for the lighter hearted calm scenes with socialization, and there's a lot of places where the color is fantastic, but the linework doesn't mesh well because it looks like another step has to be taken. It's not the deformation or the fluidity, it's when it gets jerky and messy or abstract as hell that it hurts.
Also there were some scenes that fell flat. You have old classic face turtle guy, for example, and his fight is basically wasted. Really needed more back and forth.
Soundtrack is on point tho.
>when this kicks in
Griffith has the whole dream-thing going on, he's already shown regret of getting his comrades killed before. Berserks version of "apocalypse happens, everyone dies" is obviously going to happen in the new capital. Odds are Guts takes him away from his dreamland back to that pit of corpses after most everyone else is dead and they had a final battle. Guts death probably being the catalyst that finally makes him realize what shouldve been most important to him. Drama and tear-jerking could go on a whole next level if Casca is sane, alive and present in the end. How the fuck do you apologize to someone after raping her, dooming her to hell and killing all her comrades, husband and probably their child?
I enjoyed it, I actually liked the weird, very abstracted and pastel to super saturated colors and art style. The story felt kind of rushed like I remember just thinking “THINGS! HAPPENING! OKAY!” because so much was going on so quickly. But I still liked it, even the ending.
>pic related ending
I saw the three old OVAs, how good is the new series in comparison with those?.
Easily AOTY
The series itself it okay, nothing special outside of maybe a few scenes towards the end
But everything else is a fucking cancer
>Used to be even Sup Forums didnt know what you're talking about whenever you brought them up so at least theres a small improvement.
Firstly, that's bullshit. Secondly, even if that was the case I'd rather people not know about than attract normalfags, and Sup Forums and Sup Forums fucks
It still contributes to the "humanistic empathy can save us all!" theme. The two traitors just failed to have the empathy for what appeared to be demons and demon sympathizers that Miki had for them.The rockabilly bullies joined with Akira due to his strength, they ended up as protagonists at the end not due to humanistic empathy, but as part of their own bestial nature. Which again, is what makes Devilman so iconic, the anti-humanism and flipping morality on its head, the idea that the ideal being is the one can integrate evil into themselves and in a strong sense abandon their humanity. The protagonists are the ones who abandon their humanity and reject humanity. Crybaby bastardized it to "the good ones are the ones who are human and empathetic on the inside, appearances don't matter", hence why the rappers are shown to just be misunderstood youth, even if a few of them break down at the end to just further the point.
Less hammy than Amon OVA, more emotional scenes than any of the OVAs, smaller budget and cruder visuals than OVAs. Crybaby follows the manga pacing more faithfully than OVAs, which is not necessarily a good thing since manga had pacing issues as well. OST is way better, not counting few rap songs. You like it more than OVAs in a sense that it actually covers the whole source material from beginning to end. But it also makes you wish they would make 10 episodes of Devilman with the quality and production values of the OVAs. For example Silene battle was way lengthier and better in the OVA than it was in manga or Crybaby,
>pretentious mindfuck miniseries subgenre.
imagine being that much of a brainlet that devilmeme is a mindfuck
Its mainstream so we have to hate it
Collectively they are 9/10, Crybaby is a 5/10 at best, if you ignore that it is supposed to be a Devilman adaption and don't mind monsters that look about as scary as the ones in this picture being treated as actual threats.
>The two traitors just failed to have the empathy for what appeared to be demons and demon sympathizers that Miki had for them.
You're overthinking it. At the end the prime positive humanist gets her cute head stuck at the end of a spear. The rappers are the modern versions of counter-culture misfits that the bullies and demons and Devil-men were in the manga. And the two traitors were hypocrites. Finally Akira himself couldn't make the entire humanity hug his furry legs and his two-goody-shoes message failed. The whole point of the story was nobody got what they wanted in the end and the murders and wars the caused were all for nothing. Devilman by Nagais admission was always about an anti-war message, probably since the whole thing was concepted and made during Cold war. It didn't really change here. If you want "demons and furries are people too!"-preaching to the point of absurdity, look at Devilman Lady the anime.
Thought it was ok, but I prefer the manga immensely.
Now what did you guys think about Devilman Lady?
>Devilman franchise
Nigga please
The ova builds up to the club scene the same way the manga does, which makes the club scene way more impactful then just having some minor dialogue and a bad driving scene to get us there, because of how it slowly builds up the tension and immerses us in what is going on. Crybaby also wastes time( that we could have used on good stuff like the build up to the club scene) in the middle with the drawn out and ultimately pointless stadium scenario, humanizing the gangsters, and all that, while also cutting the fight scenes way too short. The amount of time spent on hyperviolence vs extraneous dialogue and added point points is way more on point to the manga' s pacing in the OVAs than Crybaby. So I don't think that the pacing in Crybaby is closer to the manga's than the OVAs'.
>improved the story dramatically
>doesn't even explain anything and leaves obvious plot holes that weren't in the og manga
fuck off xpearse
In the Devilman Lady anime Jun explicitly rejects humanity and her humanity at the end after her girlfriend dies. She straight up rejects humanity and leaves them to rot and focuses on the Devilman army. The humans are worshipping Asuka as a God and Jun's final words are literally saying to Asuka that "If you are God, then I'll fully abandon my humanity and become the Devil to take you out". It was a genuinely ambitious and well done take on the story.
You are not accounting for the "Baton of empathy" scene at the end juxtaposed with the fight, at the end Ryo finally gains the empathy that Miki passed to Akira, through hamfisted symbolism of the baton pass in track. The point of the story was Ryo finally getting "the baton of empathy" passed to him magically through his final fight with Akira and finally crying at the end over it. The anti war stuff was totally downplayed for the milquetoast themes the director wanted to insert in.
I just felt i was watching a "clean" version of Kemonozume.
But again, yuasa.
or maybe you're a brainlet unable to actually get the themes without the show telling them to you out loud.
devilman is a classic manga from the 70s that mostly japanese oldfarts like anno and urobuchi love to fellate.
in comparison, their works are much more mainstream and normalfag than Devilman ever will be. Just because the work aired on netflix and some people are finding out about it the first time doesn't make it normalfag.
Go Nagai works are always fetishistic in nature and generally obscure to most modern otaku
stop shitposting xpearse
you realise when you say it's dated that's actually a good thing? i can't stand most modern manga or most modern japs anyway. they're a nation of cucks and anything they shit out is garbage nowadays.
most good manga came out before the 80s, before the otakus took over.