Hey Sup Forums you can vote right now

AnimeJapan 2018 is here and you can vote which manga you want adapted into anime, Yotsubato! is among the contenders

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The only thing that matters is this:
>3. Mar 25 [Sun] 13:30 ~ 14:30
>About “3DCG now and the future of anime”

>emilia over rem

Kind of like that one segment of Shirobako, then?

Kinda yes, but more sophisticated.

Yes don't give me a link to make things easy. fucking retarded OPS


thanks, i was looking for this one.

>Kuroko no basket LOGH

It fucking irritates me every time I look at it.
I’d rather even have CLAMP do character designs then fucking FujoIG

Sent :^)

Subaru and Rem are busy doing love

I dont' see any kind of vote on the website

Yotsuba will never be animated, the creator will never allow it after he say what happened to azumanga daioh.

Nah, she’s too busy being a vegetable.


Here you go.

>tfw being a vegetable is more than enough to win against shit elf

>witch hat atelier
wut there's barely anything done, how could it get an anime
this list is fucking dumb

Kadokawa will simply kill him, then blame the murder on an idol who did it.

>28. 『かぐや様は告らせたい~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~』(集英社)

vote for Gal Gohan (number 32).

This is actually a pretty good rec list

Keep dreaming. Your maid won’t win against the waifu of Tappei.


Translated list.

135 baby. Preferably by WIT since they would be able to capture the beautiful, and whimsical atmosphere of the series.

>wins because the author is a biased bitch
can't get more pathetic, you can have it

Mah nigga. Aki deserves to have something animated, she's churned out nothing but gold

>Still numbered
you're doing this on purpose aren't you

Why would you remove the numbers?

Anime when ?

>8 .『Fate/strange Fake』(TYPE-MOON)
Truly the only good thing TM has made recently.

Hmm. I would probably vote for Dungeon Meshi, but I'd rather wait for now until the author has made 20-30 chapters more.

I dunno how the jank art would translate to being animated but Beastars would be fun to see animated.

Please vote for this.

Stop letting it be a meme.

Are you fucking retarded?

Wow, did you do all that manually? Seems like a lot of work. Thanks.

no, I took screenshots from a blog post on MAL

Why? There's nowhere near enough to animate

I should've linked it

My first thought was yuri but then I saw Hibiki at number 89 and I couldn't vote for anything else.
If you're reading this translator, translate faster.

I think by the time they would decide to make something there could be. It's on 3 volumes now and probably needs about 5 for a 12 episode season? You'd be looking at 3/4 seasons after an announcement so it could be close enough.

Looking at the trend of the magazine it's running in, it will get an anime for sure.

Why would you want Yotsuba animated, the stories are too short and sweet for it to work well

I voted Tomodachi game

It's probably gonna lose anyway, but if there is a chance
Beastars, please i swear it's not just furry bait the story and characters are actually pretty great please read it

When has a death game anime adaptation ever been good?

Can you vote berserk?

Voted for hoshi no samidare, its probably never going to happen but a man can dream.

If anyone votes for Kimetsu no Yaiba i will personally come to your house and murder you in your sleep for ruining the last bastion of tolerable shounen.

Yaiba ist shit

It shouldn't be. Kiyohiko Azuma is the good guy here.

where did you read that? I'll be going on the 25th but there are no stages that discuss 3DCG

Art looks like pure shit xx

It's a filter style and it's obviously working.

>42: Darren Shan
Holy shit.

As much as I want to user, there are bigger things we need first. It has decent chances without this as well because the age of gyaru is upon us.


I voted for Kimetsu no Yaiba.I know it will get an anime anyways

It warms and also breaks my heart to see Psyren there.

>Amano Megumi
>Dungeon Meshi
first priority
>Mai Ball
>Shakunetsu Kabaddi
wtf a Kabaddi manga? PTR
PTR, although I'm a FG fag I'm not a Daigo fag
Plan to continue reading (have caught up to the part where MC became a farmer and translation seemed to have hit a hiatus back then)

skip over domestic

Not like I wanted to vote anyway.

Either Kaguya or BukuBen.

should we do a IRL meet up at AnimeJapan? like we could go to the con and after that go to a sushi restaurant?

Don't act tough. I bet you would be more than ready to suck his dick so he would keep the potato alive.

why would you ever want to meet up with the failed abortions that populate this forum

I'm not a huge fan of dragon ball but isn't that manga the one about a guy isekaied as Yamcha, that would be awesome.

Animeonlies are stupid and don't understand monthly series. Though It has just a little bit less chapters than CCS Clear Card and that has a running anime.

Fuck of normalfag.


do it

>Beastars at 4
Kemono age incoming

It's in alphabetical order you dumb piece of shit

>list ends on an L title
Sure thing nerd

Btoom was decent.

I voted Strange Fake even though I hate modern TM overall. Narita actually knows how to use the Nasuverse setting, and understands what made Nasu's old works good (while rendering that all in his own style).

>tfw a Witch Hat Atelier anime would never live up to how beautiful the manga is

stop trying to blend in so hard, meet-ups have been a part of Sup Forums for many years and are still one of the resons /soc/ exists

Go back to /soc/ then, i'm here since 2009 and I never heard anything about a Sup Forums meeting.

Fuck no, you cancerous autist.


How many of you scum didn't vote Yotsubato.

I didn't because it's overrated trash.

They won't animate the winner anyways Ledouche so it doesn't matter. I voted Yamcha Isekai.

>tfw want to vote on the Three Stooges and a Semen Demon in 20th Century Nippon featuring Michael Jackson from the Jackson Five
>tfw don't want it to get animated cause of all the baggage that comes with it
>tfw it will happen anyway so fuck it
>mfw I have no face and I must breath to scream

Darren Shan please.

Unlikely but you gotta hope, I never thought I would utter the word Code Geass S3 but here we are.

I know it's a shit comparison but you just never know these days.

What about that post made you so mad?

Fucking nips can't into internet, as usual.

Does the numbers mean something or is it just randomly ordered?

Don't you shitpost with Albedo you fucking scum.

Vote for n. 70 please

Too late. He's already ruined it. It's not cool to post with Albedo anymore.

I voted for Kimetsu.



Why do I feel like it's going to be a monkey's paw type of situation?

Voted Komi-san.

>no Princess

that don't need no votes, it's a guarantee

I got this too, what does it mean?