Very cute episode today. I'm going to miss this show when it's done airing.
Mitsuboshi Colors
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I want to hire the colors in their cute little outfits and make them do errands for me until I no longer require their assistance
Is this a konosuba rip off?
Just needs a "back to Sup Forums" caption
Caption this
This is illegal. Go to low income east asian countries if you want child workers.
Nothing wrong with children working.
Why is Leader such a failure?
>present is a shaving kit
What does sex with Sat-chan even feels like?
Unknowable because it's not legal.
>user won't continue translating this
feels unko man
Looks like a nice "ADV" game, what is it?
Lottery-chan best girl
She's a dork.
>he doesn't like fangs
Are you one of these homos I keep hearing about?
Dirty. In a good way.
Is she hairier than Subaru?
>if something is illegal then it's impossible to do
Remember when making murder illegal stopped all the murderers, those were good times
I want to FUCK Nonoka.
She has a name, you know?
yes, okusan
Translate what? A drawfag here made that and then it got animated in Unity with the dialog boxes etc. There isn't more unless they make more.
Sorry, but Yui is already my daughterwife
Subaru shaves regularly. Most of her customers prefer it like that.
the blue one must die
Isn't Sacchan just a nickname?
What's her real name.
VERY genki.
Satoshi Kon
>but I unko from there
I will protect Kotota and maybe Yui.
Sacchan can look after herself.
what the fuck am I looking at
>no daughterwives option
Unko poll.
>adding a third option that renders the choice pointless
You don't know what a good poll is
Sacchan a cute A CUTE!!!!
If there's a choice that renders the choices you give pointless then your poll was shit from the start
post yui hugging kotoha
What would happen if the Colors met the Bocchis?
w-what kind of errands?
>1080p only 300mb
this is truely a slideshow
Who are Bocchis?
the last thing you see before you die
No ragrets.
No, this is the last thing you'll see before you die.
that's me before watching an episode of Colors
Katsuwo's other, superior manga
I just finished episode 3 (I've been reading the manga since it started so I'm lazy about the adaptation) and WOW
Where THE FUCK did the budget go? I mean god DAMN, was half the episode unanimated? That was just sad. Not even really complaining about the studio, per se, because I know they can do better. Were they paid in cup ramen?
They were paid in Kotohabucks and poop.
oh shit I'm thinking of episode 4, you know, with the parade
I'm an idiot
The show doesn't sell.
They knew it wouldn't sell, so they aren't going to dump money on it.
it's a shame
I don't think a higher budget would've helped but at least I'd enjoy it a little more
>she sees user's dick
I want to be inside a Subaru
What cars are Saito, Pops and Nonoka supposed to be?
I love the Colors.
I get the feeling she'd be a fan.
Nonoka isn't a car shes my wife
stop watching the anime and pick up the manga.
yeah we all felt that way, but thankfully they haven't repeated that
>Three-Star Colors
>Has five stars on her hat
What did she mean by this?
Fuck you I'm going to keep watching the anime AND pick up the manga. AT THE SAME TIME.
I'm sorry.
Why little girls don't actually run like that? It's cute as HECK.
Is there anything that can be done to stop this evil menace?
My cousin is like 6 and she actually does run like that. It was the first thing that came into my mind while watching this scene.
Why you don't actually learn English?
Let me marry her.
>Sacchan will never shit on my chest
>Kotoha will never smear it around with her bare feet
Take your own advice, bub.
What you'd make the colors do in exchange for lottery tickets?
Your wife is a dork.
I was speaking to him in his own language, autismo.
Teach you English.
>hurr durr I was just pretending
disturbing lack of Saito the past few episodes
I sincerely hope you are.
I'd make them promise to not gamble until they are adults.
My girlfriend Yui is too good for this world.
>wanting them to gamble even when they're adults
>attacks defenseless teenager just because she didn't get the prize she wanted
国家の犬A.K.A Saito
She spent the whole day working for those tickets, just to get a pack of fucking tissues. She deserved at the very least the 2nd or 3rd prize.
Should've span faster then
She didn't deserve a shit, maybe she shouldn't have played the lottery if she wanted fairness.