How will it go?
How will it go?
She still looks retarded
She just woke up. Say something nice about her.
>People think she'll be fine instantly
She'll suffer massive trauma even if she vaguely has her mind back now you fucking retards
I haven't seen anyone thinking she'll be "fine" immediately. Everyone is predicting a different level of distress because of the thorns.
You haven't been in any berserk threads then
Except if you were actually in berserk threads instead of circlejerking over VEG you'd know what's been happening
I don't care what sort of character arc she goes through, I'm just glad she's finally going to get a character arc instead of being stuck as the passive potato.
>I literally haven't read the manga and only look at the neat pictures: The post
After years of tarding around, her body will be weak and unfit to fight. I could see her wanting to take revenge on Griffith, though, which would lead to the final confrontation.
I'd love to see her train and get back in shape. Maybe have her train with Guts and then switch to Serpicio because his fighting style works better with her and have him fuck with Guts a little.
I'd take care of her, I will give a warm bed to sleep in and feed her with care every single day!
>He thinks Miura still writes grimdark edgy bullshit
We slice of life fantasy adventure now.
But I don't because unlike you retards who weren't even alive for %90 of the manga, I understand what Miura is writing
They'll go back to see Griffith, and since the author said it has to end in a happy note then once they'll see him he'll probably say "yeah, sorry" and ask them to live in his kingdom. Then he'll probably give them back their son and live happily in Griffith's kingdom.
If we're 2/3 into the story then that means the remaining 1/3 is just the boat trip back home.
>wants revenge and to kill apostles
>gets raped again
>another boat trip
I won't be surprised if this is the actual ending.
>"Damn that was a good dicking."
Skull Knight told us so
And the loli and pyromaniac fucked up with her heart
>"This, I sacrifice."
20 volumes remaining if this is 2/3rds then.
The early 90% of the manga and the final 10% took place a decade apart
Berserk isn't the same anymore, grampa
>draw half face
>mirror it
digital was a mistake
Something nice about her.
Its pretty much confirmed that she will ask for Griffith
Guts gonna be mad as fuck
What I think is that the hex is self imposed. She feels guilty because she betrayed Guts by actually enjoying being taken by Femto despite watching all of their comrades get brutally butchered. She probably doesn't even hate Griffith like other anons are proposing. Her fear of Guts probably comes more from this than anything he did to her physically.
Stop this meme
It's simpler than that. It's just trauma from the eclipse.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>You got pranked Guts, holy shit you should see your face
holy shit that is perfect
A talented user made it in an earlier thread and I'll never miss an opportunity to repost it. It's so good.
>guts' face when casca rejects him after all the shit they went through
so how long until Griffit sends Sonya to the shadow realm as the next step on his keikaku?
fuck off with that
she is clearly set up as the rival to schierke and I want my loli wizard fight
something nice about her.
She can't even fight, fucking retard.
>wants revenge and to kill apostles
>uses Behelit for powerlevel boost
>Guts has to kill his waifu
Casca always had a round face though.
She did enjoy it though. I truly hope she rather leaves Guts rather than staying with him and call out Griffith's name when she's fucking him.
>American reading comprehension
why did casca got darker over the two years trapped inside a cave, should not it be the other way around?
>implying I'm American
You're really showing your insecurity m8
Casca was always brown/tanned, you can see it from the colored illustrations. I guess it's just because back then the screentone techniques didn't allow as much.
My fucking sides
Because she got dumber.
I feel like all the faces were messed up this chapter. They're so short for some reason, Farnese looks a lot younger than normal.
i think the scans are fucked up and caused warping
Have a bigger version.
I don't like reading stuff online, so I haven't read more than a few chapters of Berserk.
How many years has passed in story since she became a vegetable?
Around 3 or 4 years I believe
I'd say around 5 but it's in that ballpark.
Obviously Guts was gone for 2 years almost immediately after the eclipse but between him returning and the current arc I'm not sure how much time has passed, I know for a fact that Guts is 24 at the moment so if you know how old he was during the eclipse then we can work it out
she's literally done nothing of note since the Eclipse
>we get several in-depth chapters of Casca's workout routine and see her build up her muscles
Jeez I wonder why
What are the odds of hiatus after the next chapter lads
>next chapter is Rickert POV
>hiatus for 9 months afterwards
I just want to see Zodd again bros
Wrong Miura.
>Berserk ends,
>Everyone is happy, Guts and Casca are free from their pain
>thresia shows up last panel and kills everyone
how would you react?
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
Is go Berserk
/r/ I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.jpg
She got blacked.
Because her surviving the Eclipse was an after thought. Miura said in the guidebook interview that he kept her around to prevent Guts from moving on.
>Hi Guts where is Griffith
>Is he safe
>Is he all right
She also spent 7 years on a boat. You catch the sun a bit on the deck
Schierke looked fine, better than normal even, because her mussed up hair is just too adorable.
She gave birth to the Demon Baby, then ran away after/during the Lost Children Chapter.
I actually really want to see Rickert or Falconia again.
Sometimes you really do have to wonder why we're still here.
What's the next plot McGuffin now that the 15 years long Casca curing arc is complete?
Are Guts and Griffith gonna go Goku vs. Jiren powerlevel fight?
Casca is not a virgin anymore so why should we care about her character if she has no redeeming qualities left?
>people think Casca is going to fight
lol Miura is making her into a Saint. She will be who humans rally around when Griffith is exposed
>She will be who humans rally around
She'll probably just be a symbol though, Rickert will be the one actually leading the fight.
That would be satisfactory.
>he doesn't know about the new idolmaster web game
>Continues late march
because that's when the next issue of the magazine is out
I'm just surprised by now that no one was able to mathematically calculate hiatus times from all this waiting.
>Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
>Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
>Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
Casca runs and gives Guts a hug
That's not going to happen faggot. She'll likely avoid him.
I can't think of any way for time to have passed off-screen between the Conviction arc and the present, save for a couple weeks on the boat, and they've repeatedly made a big deal out of how their breakneck pace hasn't allowed Guts any time to heal between the constant battles they're in.
You will receive your hug. You will also receive the Caska in Denial arc, where she won't come to terms with shit and believe it was all a nightmare, and beg to go confirm for herself about griffith.
It's been established that time moves much slower on Elfheim than the rest of the world. The next arc will be all about how ten years have passed, and everywhere except Falconia is a post-apocalyptic shithole where Rickert and Silat are struggling to build a society in what's left of the Kushan homeland.
guts will go on the boat for get her
then they will get on another boat to get to griffin
but the boat never end
everyone in Sup Forums will reach 100 year old
no one will see the end in their lifetime