
New episode anticipation thread. T-minus sometime tomorrow or something. Let's talk matsu.

Here's a thread topic: do you think the "emotional" episodes this season have been less impactiful than the ones from the first season? What do you think the difference between them is?

>that pancake pan
I want it.

I have a hunch we're getting an emotional/drama episode tomorrow. The comfy previews have too much of a "calm before the storm" feel to them.

Me on the right.

>Tickling Jyushi
You're right, there's no way they'd give us something that cute if they weren't planning on breaking our hearts immediately after. Otherwise the show would lose it's balance.

What do the posters mean?

Which matsu would Popuko like the most?

This is cute.

Yea I agree with the others. I also have a bad feeling about this.

>that pigtailed Karagirl

Finally, Kara shows up as a girl and she is beautiful. [spoil]I would fuck her up so bad[/spoiler]

Choro scares me

Obviously, Kara. Because there's that special connection.

But real talk, she'd just toss them all in the trash can where they truly belong. And they are broke ass NEETs who can't give them money for their Blurays

Choro and Juicy team epic when?

You can only choose one. And you can't have number 38 because he's mine.


41 because delicious brown Kara



Why do you want a Kara that dresses and acts nothing like the original Karamatsu?

>that Kara
Also, is that little girl Chibita?

I wish AC-bu would animate a segment on this show

I wanna eat Kara.

>dresses and acts nothing like the original Karamatsu
Well, none of the AU Karas do when you think about it

>interesting character design
>got way more screentime in s2
>tall and skinny
>wears a suit
>hot dumpster garbage
>well adjusted older man
>not a manchild with a bowlcut
why doesn’t Sup Forums want to fuck iyami?

He might stab me with his teeth

How the fuck do you flip the pancakes? Am I being trolled?

I think you cook the bottom half by itself then flip the rest onto a larger pan to cook the other half

Second pan, I presume. You have to go to some effort if you want to create art.

Critical fix.

Nice save. If he’s not making a dumb :3 face I don’t feel the urge to punch him in the face nearly as intensely.

>well adjusted
In what universe?