Violet Poopoogarden

How is KyoAni going to recover from this dud?

I just don't understand why they spend so much effort on animation and don't bother to write properly at all

It's a fucking war healing story about a protagonist who has no war wounds except that she lost her boyfriend

By outlasting every other company.

And her hands, friends, understanding human emotions, etc etc. As the boss said at the start "You'll one day see you are covered in burns."

Also it's more or less been spot on, the show is based on a short novel series, it was wrote this disjointed akin to Kino.

Holy fuck, the absolute state of Sup Forums.

Kyoani's was in top form back when they were still doing adaptations of Key VNs. Hibikek and Hyouka have been alright but then they also put out garbage like Free and Musaigen.

demote ishidate

Mostly she's just fucking boring. In the 7 episodes I've seen so far she's learned to smile and write a decent love letter, but she hasn't grappled with the heavy shit--like murder--she did. And the supporting staff (the other Dolls, the delivery dude) are underutilized.

Aw, are you mad because she stepped on a canadian during the lake scene?
We know it's you, boy.


I don't even have a suitable reaction picture for that. This is just unbelievable. I'll just sage and report. Underage are not welcome.

Violet Poopoogarden.........Poopoogarden
grow up a bit and mabey your taste will get better.
And no war wound.... comon get your head out your ass and start looking at the screen

It's a shitposting circlejerk.



unfortuantely the community is so filled with autistics that i fully expect this will become a "must watch"

Thank god /spa/ happened. Truly showed who's ruining Sup Forums: Leafs.

>posts off topic drivel
>blames others for "ruining Sup Forums"

>off topic drivel
>on a thread with a /s4s/ tripfag's name on the OP
Sure thing, dog fucker.

What is this grade school post?

Go back there.

Why is Violent Peepeepoopoo such a bad show for stupidheads?

What are the odds of seeing the final part of the LN animated? Is there enough time?

KyoAni will 100% animate the whole novel.