What the FUCK does this mean?

What the FUCK does this mean?

If you want to pilot with 02, you must not fall in love with her.

More importantly, who fucking cares?

oni ded confirmed

I care, nerd.

Don't sex your battle buddy

It means don't fall in love, or else you can't keep piloting the Franxx with her. The kids are all ignorant about sex and romance by necessity - the show hasn't told us why yet, but you can't be a pilot if you're aware of that stuff.

What happened to "Love Conquers All?"

Can love bloom on the battlefield?

Who said that?

>say something incredibly cryptic to a kid that barely even understands his own emotions
Good job, Doc.

It means pimps don't fall in love.

The good doctor has to pay.

It's pretty obvious what he's saying, investing emotionally in a crazy girl is bad ju-ju.

Just gotta sound foreboding enough that he can flashback when it becomes relevant.

Being in a relationship means more than becoming one; it's important for people to be themselves. It's not uncommon for kids to get infatuated and obsessed with each other at that age.

Non-organic attempt at adding some suspense, so can happen.


Hell most adults think that

Don't stick in crazy

Pretty much a giant "she's evil" flag for 02

Missing the last line: he's saying "If you give her everything you have, she'll take it all and leave you with nothing but pain."

Because it's true: being codependent isn't a healthy way for them to proceed.

Don't be codependent.

What do you people see in this

It’s so generic and uninteresting

It’s like a saltine cracker

>He doesn't like saltine crackers

Not by themselves. They’re good with horseradish. Or in soups. Or with a salad.

it means dont ever fall for a girl, it never ends well

That is hippy propaganda, you fucking commie.

Go into one of the threads and check what the people there are putting interest into discussing. Don't ask for ready-made answers, we can't make you like a show.

It could be the fact that zero two is falling for him and as he really doesn't know about those things and he could fuck it up. As well it could be that if he catches feeling as they go to each others minds her monster side could consume him as he would be at the weakest.

Don't let her woman you; meaning using her vagina to threaten you into making stupid decisions.

Most of it is “ say something about about my wife” tier posting

It's too difficult for a reditor like yourself to understand.

He's seen it happen before with others. She's been around the block.

Literally every thread on Sup Forums complaining about episode 6.

This is Ichigo. Say something about how autistic she is for getting fucked over multiple times by her childhood friend.

I think he's sort of saying don't fall in love with her but I think he's more specifically saying that he shouldn't let who she is and what she wants completely eclipse his own self and desires.

A healthy relationship has give and take, if all 02 does is take and Hiro just gives in every time to make her happy it's only going to end poorly for him.

02 is pretty clearly trying to turn Hiro onto her cynical point of view, it's important for Hiro to try and push back on that.

Ichigo is the modern Odysseus

She will overcome

She deserves much more pain than she receives

>Cryptic dialogue that goes nowhere

This is an Eva parody alright.

My guess would be don't let 02 just lead him along, he needs to take charge too. Judging from the rest of the episode and the way the next arc is shaping up, he needs to kiss her not the other way around.

>Hori realizes he is in love with ichog
>They go on to pilot the best most powerful mech and save the civilization
Wow so easy to read

I just want to know what happens with Kokoro.

>muh cryptic dialogue

Really? Translation is: don’t be such a pussywhooped beta

That's bait, don't respond to it

Chk urself b4 u wrek urself.

Some codependent couples are really strong though.

'dont trust the thot'

Be a man and fuck her right in the pussy.

Is it wrong to assume this audience overlaps with stuff like fate and bnh

This needs a continuation

She's going to try and feed fatty. Again.

Fate is aids and I've barely touched bnh
This is my seasonal aids mecha anime

If Milkman doesn't taste Kokoro's milkies by the end of the show I riot.

Name one that doesn't have the critical flaw of folding when one of them is injured.

See E7: Ray and Charles. Those beautiful motherfuckers spent years kicking ass and living the high life, but since they're incomplete apart, Charles' death leads inexorably and unavoidably to Ray's suicide attack

That shit doesn't last when either of the members are in a high-risk environment.

>What is the Jian

The symbolism implies they'll be powerful together but useless separated.

He might be implying for Hiro not to lose his emotions in the context that he needs to express them to 02. A relationship is a two way street, he needs to give as much as he takes.

but y tho

She's literally worse than hitler

I'm not like most guys around here. Sure I think Zero Two is best girl. But Ichigo also is a very almost best girl. Even better in some ways.

>he doesn't know

It's supposed to be inspiration, not a fucking recipe: You're not supposed to cut off your legs because you can fly with your partner.

Franxx is simply saying "Flying's fucking fantastic, but odds are you're going to crash, and you need to make sure there's still some of that ugly roadrunner you were before to drag you and 02 under cover.

Let me try this from 02's angle: Hiro can't just be her Darling. That's what she wants, but he has to be more, because one of these days, she's going to want her Darling, but need her Hiro, so he must hold onto something more than being just her Darling.

It's the teased promise of something greater.

I'm expecting to be sorely disappointed.

There will be an epix twist that papa and the elite are ebil bad guy using the “parasites” for energy or fuel or something and the generic enemies are Lab created organisms they created

Or something like that

>Be a femcunt.
>Have a thing for a childhood friend.
>Decide for some reason he is suddenly not cool enough and not giving you pussy tingles.
>Go for someone who seems more mature and alpha at the moment cause "responsibility" and "leadership" and shit
>Notice some new alpha female hanging with your ex and piss yourself in rage
>Suddenly display a ton of interest and creampie yourself over him

Fuck Ichigo, I hope they off her for good in the next episode.

The ichigo fags still don't see that this is what Ichigo has done over the years.
It's so fucking infuriating.

Why are you assuming they chose their partners? We have good reason to believe that's not the case.

Autism boi went with 02 and apparently it was pretty o-kay

Why do you assume that the worst girl didn't chose to fuck over Hiro?

Because I'm not a waifufag making stuff up out of some delusional need to support my "side"?

What's the evidence they didn't chose their partners?


Evil demon

TL: I was awful

DITF is the most popular show this season by far on reddit.


Only one pair actually liked each other and work well, and that was after some initial friction.

It's the "you die after three times" of the next arc.
AKA fucking nothing. Stop watching this bad show.

You can't be fucking your hoes. That's BASIC.

>hori realize he love ichigo


So that book about pregnancy is lead up to disaster?

Really makes me think..

I read that was VEG, anyway why don’t you just stay there?

>dr. 'code zero-one-six, let me give you a fair warning
>hiro 'yee...yesh shir
>dr. 'don't let her eat even your emotions. | (your something-something has been already eaten but) don't let her devour your emotions "TOO" '
>dr. 'if you wish to go on fighting along her

does it mean that his blood/heart/body has been recreated to fit zero-two during ep6~7? that he has become something totally alien, an hybrid of somekind, to the rest of the 13th parasites team?

She didn't choose Goro, but she sure ignores the fuck out of him compared to Hiro.

Agreed though, she acts like the bossy council president until 02 shows up and starts owning Hiro.

She'll either ask to many questions or get pregnant out of curiosity.

Stop MAL posting

That this anime is garbage
also, where are the sales?

Up you'are ass

go back to where you belong Sup Forumsermin, Sup ForumsEGfag, IRCfag, DiscordFag, KyoAnusFag, etc.

Literally not possible

It was exeption beacuse everybody else were getting fucked bu dinos.

I would like to see a doujinshi of 02 fucked by a dino

Nobody wants this

sadly, we have proof negative.

I'm getting Abe-Sama.




She is a 3DPD.

Is it wrong to lust after Dinosaurs?


I want hard throbbing dinosaur cock so bad