>the comical relief guy dies unexpectedly
The comical relief guy dies unexpectedly
>the comical relief guy commits suicide
Didn't die. Watch the recap movies.
He was hiding his depression under a happy smile
>the comical relief guy has a tragic backstory
>get around to watching a show that has been on your backlog for a while
>fall in love with it
>feel empty when it's over
>browse the archives to see the discussions you missed out on and collect pictures you will rarely get a chance to post
Is there a worse feeling?
that’s me with eva
I wish I was on Sup Forums when Eva was airing.
me too. I can only imagine what the threads were like
At least you have 3.0+1.0 to look forward to!
>the best friend character dies
Can't even tell if this is bait.
>TFW you raped a woman into a potato
>Comical relief guy dies
>Shit starts to get real
>Comical relief guy dies fighting a/the villain to protect his friends and mc so they can eacape.
It never hits harder than knowing the fact that they didn't stand a chance, but went down trying.
>comic relief guy was actually the villain
>comical relief guy is a jew
There's still daily Eva threads somehow so you can still talk about it 20 years later, consider yourself lucky.
I hate this shit. I watch 4koma adaptations to fill the void with shallow comedy as a distraction.
>comical relief guy is actually the protagonist
>the comical relief guy is actually not funny at all
>the comical relief guy is always serious
Name ten anime/manga where this happened.
>get around to watching a show that has been on your backlog for a while
>fall in love with it
>feel empty when it's over
>browse the archives to see the discussions you missed out
>there aren't any
>everything you have from it was made by yourself
Only time in my life I can post about it is in those rare "ITT: things only you watched" threads.
>the comical relief guy is actually the mastermind behind all the evil plot
So what is it?
>The comic relief guy is a stupid + cute girl
>best girl dies
>Comic relief is a genuinely better person than the MC
>Is always the butt of the joke or never gets the girl for comedic effect
>the comic relief character has the most tragic arc/side story
Only redeemable part of Hajimete no Gal was constantly shitting on that fat fuck in the threads
>comic relief guy and badass shades hero go in to fight evil bad guys
>comic relief guy gets wounded
>starts telling a story about how long ago he was in THE WAR and his hands are no cleaner than anyone else's etc
>"urgh, the enemy is approaching. Shades hero, you go ahead to stop bad buy, I'll hold them off"
>"I'll take you drinking after this is all over"
>he fucking doesn't die and lives at the end of the show
>the discussions you missed out on and collect pictures you will rarely get a chance to post
This feeling hurts me every day, user.
>the discussions you missed out on and collect pictures you will rarely get a chance to post
This feeling torments me every day, user.
Flying Witch gets semi-regulars threads here though
It was just the most appropriate image I could find in no time.
And I'll never have the experience from that season
But Doctor, I am the clown!
Why is the comic relief usually one of the best characters?
>comic relief is your self insert
For one thing people like people who make them laugh, for another they're a lot more likely to have flaws that make them more relatable than our perfectly perfect protagonist.
When? Name one.
>comic relief wins the main girl
>Main guy sacrifices himself for comic relief and comic relief becomes the new, hardened MC
First day here?
LOVED SCRYED!!!! The anime was one of the few times where anime-only truly improved the content of the manga.
>the comical relief guy becomes a badass unexpectedly
>main girl is best girl and also the final boss
>Best Girl dies
Wish puck would do this already
>Comic relief guy was actually the villain trying to distract the MC
>comic relief guy has a badass serious moment where he kicks all sorts of asses
>but he has to sacrifice himself to save the MC
Shaggy was best part of Scooby doo
>comic relief guy is the MCs father
>dies a pretty hardcore off-screen death, but gets temporarily "revived" under very specific conditions
Yeah, sad to see him go.
Literally the best scene in the entire show.
>The comic relief character in the VN gets the best route wherein it is revealed they have been through horrific, mind-altering trauma that has resulted in their happy-go-lucky personality
So this is the spiral power
Sucks that he died so early.
Always liked him better than Simon.
I felt this way with Heavy Object just yesterday.
pic related
everyone in that show had a tragic story
Heavy Object is garbage anyway.
art imitating life; sadly a real life list too long to post.
Holy shit, Sup Forums looks like Sup Forums now.
Rest in peace, my old friend.
you're right.