Did she really deserve best boy Jean?
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No? Nadia is universally the worst girl of all time.
I can't believe Sanson did what he did.
She was competent, understanding, beautiful inside and out, can cook great,
Jean should've tried to tap that or wait for Marie to grow up.
Nadia wants to go to Africa to meet her "people" based Jean brings her there while saving her life several times
First thing she does after arriving in Africa is lust after the BBC
Poor Jean he had an extreme case of jungle fever
So true
She was the only competitor. Then she used the philosopher's stone to trade all the souls of Atlantis for him, so I guess.
If Marie was older she could've easily have NTR'D Nadia.
She still could've been nicer to him and more faithful early on. *cough* Africa *cough*
Am I the only person here who likes Nadia?
What did you like about her?
Even she knows she doesn't. But love isn't about deserving or not.
when did shinji become a nigger tranny
But she was into older men
I remember when they were stuck in the island and Marie tells Nadia to grow the fuck up and stop being a bitch, especially to Jean
If a little girl has to tell you to stop being a womanchild, you should know you are fucking it up
She's cute and sexy and had at least a few moments where she opened up to Jean. People way over-emphasize her more crude moments and mostly ignore the subtle arc she went through.
Not a very good excuse.
Exactly, Marie was so lovable.
Damn, if only....
Jean is stuck female Shinji....
There's this thing called pay-off
Oh please. People gave the same bs reason for Louise, Taiga, Akane, Kagome and Inami. All of them including Nadia deserve to NTR'D hard.
Well, average otaku's brain has only two thoughts inside: either "hurr durr waifu" or "hurr durr bitch".
She is a underrated Gainax girl.
Electra was a Ritsuko done rigth?
Sanson was the true winner in the end.
She is Brwon Ritsuko?
Jean was hella dumb, too, it wasn't all Nadia being hypersensitive. Only most of it.
Maybe i don't remember all that well but i recall Nadia only "redeemed" herself at the very end
And in he ending is stated that she always continued to bitch at Jean's experiments or something like that, she did not changed that much other than accepting that she was awful and that she "loved" Jean
Vegetarian and PETA fanatic who pisses on people for eating meat. You don't wanna eat it? fine, but shut the fuck up when someone wants a hamburger
Wasn't she suicidal? Also, if she doesn't eat meat, that means you won't eat meat.
I wish I could find a 1080p BD rip with a creditless OP.
Nadia being 'African' is like Killmonger being Wakandian. No connections except for what exists in their head and Nadia has some idealized 'living in harmony' horseshit going on
At least she was born in Africa.
To an alium colony. But that alium colony did have white people living there.
And then it asploded.
YES it was. Jean was fine and was the perfect husband/wife. Nadia is just lucky she got someone like him.
She's cool with that, she even cooked it for them. She went off when it was snuck into her food.
Gorgeous artwork.
She's not too bad if you ignore the island/Africa cour which wasn't originally planned, wasn't directed by Anno and where everyone gets derailed beyond repair. She's a fucking crazy bitch in those episodes, but they shouldn't exist in the first place.
I try too but those episodes are engraved into my memory sadly.
19th century Chad.
I want this brown girl to step on my dick
He did the only logical thing a man would do in his situation.
The Islands were rough, but they do continue their relationship arc along (mostly) the right path.
like, why? I don't understand why people have such a hard time ignoring those episodes, which weren't a part of Anno's original vision for the show anyways. Nadia is not that bad if you take those out.
Wasn't the africa arc right after this?
They were just so bad.
I'm sure later on she remembers what happened in that arc and wants to kill herself
Africa was a colossal fucking mess.
I mean, don't get me wrong, the Islands were pretty bad, but at least they had high notes and ended with some very important information on the Red Noah, like the actual secret of the Blue Water.
Africa has absolutely nothing redeeming about it except that it's over quickly.
Is that official art from Gainax?
Also Misato.
Looks like it's by Sadamoto.
Really drives home the fact that Sadamoto and Anno reused so many Nadia designs for Eva. I mean most people know about Shinji and Kensuke being Nadia and Jean, but less obvious is that Asuka started off as a clone of adult Marie.
I mean it's mostly Sadamoto's sameface but there's more than a passing resemblance.
The funny thing is, when Sadamoto actually tries, he can do a great variety of faces. He just gets caught up using the same handful for all his kids.
Apparently the Nadia-to-Shinji thing started as an accident. According to one interview, Sadamoto had wanted to give Shinji long hair so that it would blow whistfully in the wind, and a feminine face so that he could look vulnerable. He realized he was just drawing the eyes as he did Nadia's and went with it from there. And dropped the long hair because that just wasn't working out.
Incidentally, despite going to the effeminate look and the long hair, Sadamoto was the one who talked Anno OUT of making his Eva protagonist a girl.
And most of 3.33's soundtrack was reworked Nadia material as well.
Why couldn't we get a Rebuild of this instead of more excess Eva?
Don't forget about the Adam thing in the last three episodes of Nadia. Or how's the New Nautilus lasers were taken from Gunbuster.
That's just Gainax.
Hell, this is a concept piece for Blue Uru, the still unmade sequel to Wings of Honneamise, published in one of Sadamoto's artbooks in 1993 (same artbook that is from) and you can see characters that look like Rossiu from Gurren Lagann. And Shinji and Fuyutsuki.
Oh, and Kamina.
You say that like it was an accident or laziness.
He waited till she was turn of the century legal.
I see Legato Bluesummers
Eh, aside from the big white collar, I'm not seeing it.
The guy there has a much more masculine chin than that little twatwaffle from Trigun.
That's just Sadamoto.
And the cross and Sachiel face on his little badge on his coat.
Rei was Nadia. Yui Ichijo was her with bleach and no accessories.
You guys seen the movie? It's pretty fillerish but Nadia is a lot better in it than usual.
this thread fucked me up
>I'm so fucked up
poot mari
Fuck that movie. Everything was horrible.
Except older Nadia's design.
oh look, it's Prince Harry and whatsherface
in a word, no
The worst part of the Africa episodes is that people only warned me about the Island episodes being shit, so when they got off the Island and the show got even worse I lost my goddamn mind.
Never have I come so close to dropping a show I was so close to the ending of.
Come on, you know he was tapping that when she was still young and fresh.
>that godawful "musical" episode right before the amazing one where they meet the crew of the Nautilus again and the secret of Blue Water is revealed
Sanson is the perfect gentlemen
I forget what even happened in Africa. Why is it bad again?
Because Nadia and Jean's relationship regresses for like the fifth time when she falls in love with a pretty boy.
I don't remember that shit at all. it sounds horrible.
>Fucked a man that was old enough to be her father
>Nemo was pretty much her father
There's was also an incredibly retarded episode where the combined abilities of a significant portion of the cast were struggling to rescue King from a random asshole, which is especially retarded considering that earlier in the series they snuck into a heavily fortified Neo Atlantis base with much less effort. Their plans to rescue King are fucking garbage, Glandis and Nadia somehow get themselves captured, Jean is at his most cucked of the series, and everything is off model.
Episode 33 of Nadia is honestly one of the worst episodes of any anime I have ever seen. It's impressively horrible.
I count this thing and the bodies on the sea floor, too. They reengineered their slave race prototype for the war that ended their global civilization.
You know what really pissed me off about the filler arcs? They brought Ayerton back for nothing. He does absolutely nothing. I thought he was going to end up with Grandis since he kinda had a thing for her and he ended up being rich after all. But nope.
The show also never explained who the person who informed the American Navy about the Nautilus was supposed to be. Which is weird because they gave them a unique design and everything. I had thought it maybe was Gargoyle, but it's obvious it wasn't him.
So Im in the mood for a rewatch of the series. What's the current best version
Do big corpses evidencing a long ago and larger story that won't be told count as a 3.33 connection by themselves? Because goddamn, it has a sword and somebody staked it to the wall to kill it, I'd be into seeing that.
I wish Anno had done a new anime instead of wasting another decade doing Eva again, there's tons of stuff he could still do. At least we got Shin Godzilla.
She really didn't but it was worth it to see Jean get what he wanted.
Also the early island epsiodes were good, at least until they meet the Grandis Gang again and eveuthing goes to shit except for the Red Noah parts.
But Marie, Nadia, and Jean alone on that island was really fun, only bad thing was the budget.