

Dead meme

>Sup Forumsshit
fuck off cancer

>didnt saged
Thanks for bump

>pg 4
all my posts autosage you retard

I'm bumping op :^)

u u
u u

Dr. Ikari, I'm NERV

>perma-virgin anime watching losers sperging out
>calling other people retard
Get laid holy shit

Sage goes in all fields except options

im bumping OP. You beckbeard anime watching virgin can suck my dick

Viretto, I'm Navy.

If I removed your piercings, would you die?

Your next line is "kys weebs"

Sup Forums is officially BACK

kys weebs-NANI!?

those buns are actually disgusting

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

I'm sinking this ship

It would be extremely PAINful...

Sup Forums is officially black




all you had to do was follow the damn train