>usually writes for kyoani
>finally made his magnum opus with Sora Yori
>give the masterpiece script to Madhouse to adapt instead of kyoani
>usually writes for kyoani
>finally made his magnum opus with Sora Yori
>give the masterpiece script to Madhouse to adapt instead of kyoani
Other urls found in this thread:
>yet another thread using kyoani as bait
>it's sora yori begging for attention again
I'd take Madhouse over Kyoani any day.
>usually writes for kyoani
I'm too lazy to check but I'm pretty sure that's factually incorrect
>gives his script
Is that how it works now
Writes for
>all Chuunibyou series
>Hibike Euphonium
>Kyoukai no Kanata
>Tamako Market
He did work on a handful of Kyoani shows, but he's also involved in plenty other projects.
I was thinking most of his works weren't with KyoAni, though I guess he has worked on most of KyoAni's recent works. And it's kind of different to compare writing a couple of episodes or attempting to savage a shitty LN for an anime adaptation to writing a real anime.
and nothing of value was lost.
Posting in an epic IRC falseflag thread
What's more likely, an organized ring of shitposters gathering in an IRC channel to form a Legion of Doom styled council in order to shitpost on Sup Forums in 2018, or some random faggot in one of the many hyper cancerous boards mentioning anime inspiring a bunch of retards to come here and make bad threads?
Hanada is a hack. People praise the shows that succeeded, but ignore all the shit he done as if does not exists.
Okada > Yoshida >>> shit > Hanada
IRC shitposting was the real thing once, thus relevant meme ever since newfag (even if they used Discord now)
Yeah, exactly. They likely don't exist anymore.
As far as I know there's no evidence of a shitposting ring based in a Discord channel
You shoul get that cough checked, also close your mouth when you cough, your germs spread and I don’t want to catch your virginity
>but ignore all the shit he done as if does not exists.
This wasn't true until 50% of Sup Forums became shounenshit generals and the other 49% became KyoAnus circlejerking
Only if you kys
Kill yourself.
Yes, that's what it means, retard
Since Sora Yori
Hanada >>> shit > Okada > Yoshida
Sora Yori kino.