Why KlK has been successful and Darling in the Franxx is not doing so well ?
Both shows use the same exact "sexuality themes" gimmicks but one was praised for using them as "tropes deconstruction" and the other criticized for putting them?
Why KlK has been successful and Darling in the Franxx is not doing so well ?
Both shows use the same exact "sexuality themes" gimmicks but one was praised for using them as "tropes deconstruction" and the other criticized for putting them?
franxx just hasn't been that interesting so far. the setting is nice tho
Franxx already has more fanart than KlK, so there's that.
Mainly because Franxx is shit.
What was the purpose of the surprise box in this post? Everyone already knew that.
because imaishi (ttgl, klk, etc) understands world building and character design better than anybody else working right now, and he's not a part of franxx.
sure you can have that wacky flair and bouncy animation, but what made it was the memorable characters he could make and this show just has generic "anime" characters.
why do western anime fans keep misinterpreting anime,Kill La Kill wasn't a "tropes deconstruction"
Of Course you can look into the meaning and analyze a show,but this deconstruction meme needs to die
Because KLK was the big hype at its time, it was expected to be the next TTGL and Trigger's first anime as well, before people went on to be disillusioned with the studio.
In hindsight the anime was ok but back then it was a big disappointment, strong start but everything going down hill after Sanageyama kicked Ryuko's ass, it managed to regain some its goodness in ep 16 (was it), then back to being meh again, then ended in the most lukewarm shit.
Kiznaiver suffered from this as well.
It was hyped. The first big independent Imaishi work. And it was nice.
While I haven't watch Franxx yet (and probably won't), what I can recall from all the discussions, it's just a "mecha with butt controls" with no real substance or glue to put together all the nonsense.
imo sawano+imaishi can make even the shittiest anime watchable
Because it was good.
Fucking Sup Forums not selling Franxx to you is a real shame in my opinion. It's super fucking good and the ass control is just a goddamn meme. What a shame.
Who know,s maybe after it's over and the complex reviews are out people will watch it. But by the time you missed being there when it aired.
Kill la kill just goes balls-to-the-wall trigger style and doesn't stop for anyone. Whether you like that or not is subjective.
Darling Franxx just feels a bit hollow in some aspects of the show.
It's on a slower burn and today's society wants instant gratification entire plot synopsis in 1 episode type stories delivered in 10 minutes screen time because nobody has time and there is too much information in the world to absorb.
klk is homo, ditf is het
Because it was Trigger first TV anime people were hyping it. Now everyone knows that Trigger is shit and their anime are mediocre or just plain bad.
Klk threads were the shit while it was airing.
Lesbians > strait couples.
KlK has no beta mc
both are equally retarded
>TTGL is homo, too
God awful post. Never make another one.
Imaishi knows how to entertain. Just wait for Promare.
KLK sold on hype. Now that everyone knows that Trigger is utter shit there's no more hypebux.
>It's super fucking good
You're a minority even in your own threads. Probably the type of person who unironically liked Guilty Crown.
Because franxx is like 90% A1 and they're shit. It's literally just an eva rip off.
Male protagonist. Seems like otaku are tired of haremshit, they want hot chicks without disgusting beta males hovering around them. If DarliFra had dominant girls riding submissive girls, it would've been a huge hit.
He's completely right, Kill La Kill set up a a grand story and shit itself in its second half. The sentiment on Sup Forums at the time was mixed however with many loving it and many hating it. KlK is really a poor man's TTGL and completely turned me off Trigger. I think a lot of the people who said they enjoyed it had this weird Stockholm syndrome and took the "Trigger is going to save anime" seriously.
Franxx has failed to even setup an interesting premise. Right now the show is literally about nothing.
IMO Franxx hasn't picked up yet, but I'm expecting more out of the 12-24 episodes a la Evangelion. So far it's been set ups and questions without immediate answers, leaving the typical 1-cour anime watcher frustrated with pacing.
Watched through KlK, thought it was fine but dragged on longer than it should have. Kiznaiver was alright but desperately needed another cour. I watched a LWA movie which was fine but not the new series nor Lulu. I'm glad Trigger's work exists but find it to be overrated.
One has Sawano music and the other doesn't
The show takes it self too seriously
mecha is for old men. kids want smartphone isekai
Kill la Kill was self-aware and didn't have a bland self-insert MC. The direction and writing in Franxx is an absolute trainwreck outside the action scenes and it feels like I'm watching the poor man's version of Evangelion, while in KLK, every single moment had you hyped.
Also this. "Don't Lose Your Way" and "Blumenkranz" are remembered to this day along with many other great tracks.
And this. The whole point of Trigger is to have over-the-top frivolous shows, that's why both Kiznaiver and Franxx failed.
Kill la kill had substance and was interesting coupled with good world building and music.
Frankxx is generic garbage
>one was praised for using them as "tropes deconstruction" and the other criticized for putting them?
Well anyone who called KlK a deconstruction of any kind doesn't know what they're talking about. Here's why one is liked and the other is hated though: KlK is super stylish, has a pretty light tone most of the time, and likeable characters. As a result it can get away with being stupid and sexually charged. FranXX isn't stylish, has a very serious tone right from the beginning, and the characters are all bland or obnoxious. This makes the sexuality seem less fun and more just completely out of place.
The fanart brings me more joy than actual canon at this point.
...Is Franxx a guilty pleasure in the making?
Mecha dont sell anymore
KLK already saved anime, making FranXX redundant.
Stop with this meaningless meme
Nice butts are never out of place
Franx is ok
It could gi ether way at this point, too early to tell
>Both shows use the same exact "sexuality themes" gimmicks but one was praised for using them as "tropes deconstruction" and the other criticized for putting them?
Stop hanging around on tumblr maybe? Also DitF has been tame as fuck, apart from the cockpit design. And anyway, it's an important plot point thatt he protagonists are entrely sheltered from sexuality and don't realize (yet) how sexual that and other stuff is. It does sexual themes way better than KLK.
The difference is that KLK is a pleb/normie attractor and DitF a repellant.
>Kill la kill had substance
Have we watched the same fucking shit? What theme did it have other than
>dude, clothes make people lmao
Back in 2013, sex themes were less "problematic".
I have seen someone describe FranXX as "heteronormative anti-masturbation propaganda".
>The difference is that KLK is a pleb/normie attractor and DitF a repellant.
FranXX is extreme pleb tier. Go back to watching SAO and stop trying to act like you know anything.
KLK is a meme show and the japs love their memes, thats why popteamepic sold well
Because nothing has happened in franxx in 7 episodes and things that could've gone somewhere have been resolved by a power of love meme or at least put on hold for a shitty beach episode. Only redeeming quality has been the Ichigo bullying, the show has nothing else going for it so far.
But I like both user, is that so wrong? Is it wrong to just like things?
WOW, you fucking owned him, did you steal that one from Mother's Basement?
Franxx is about Ichigo's failing quest for love
>but one was praised for using them as "tropes deconstruction"
No one except delusional waifufags praised them. KLK was hyped to death but it was a disappointment
>this is what franxxfags tell themselves
Sirius>>>>>>>>>>Kiss of Death
Both are shit openings. But kill la kill op2 was god tier so maybe Franxx op2 will finally deliver.
The only real mystery here is KlK's success
>unironically liked Guilty Crown
People liked it ironically? Wow.
It was unfortunate enough to air alongside Violet.
I think Imaishi gets all that from when he works with Nakashima, which actually writes the scripts for Imaishi's sucesses. Imaishi is good at directing visual flow, and the value he sets at not having scenes get static is gold (and i'll probably never tire of his Kanada-esque and goofy animation), but the depth in his shows is probably not because of him, but rather the people he works with.
klk was exciting, nothing really exciting has happened over a quarter of the way in to darling
Totally different shows. KlK is far more style of substance (which is fine, it's some good style), while Franxx tries to be more character driven and insert some drama.
Franxx is still good though. If nothing else because I love Hiro and 02, as well as Ichigo.
Different shows and different studios
What a retarded comparison
>KlK thread filled with Redditspacers
Really makes you wonder.
are there anymore shows like KLK or Gurren Laggan..? Franx really isn't feeling it for me rn
Klk didnt have an obligatory beta male protagonist that was annoying. Instead the lead was a hot-blooded female protag that was a flaming lesbian.
Franxx goes "full retard" with sexualized stuff. It overlaps with the actual content from the get go.
Not even nice butts can save a show like Franxx. I'm sorry user.
>I have seen someone describe FranXX as "heteronormative anti-masturbation propaganda"
Stop hanging over ANN it's not good for your health.
KLK is better stylistically from the get go, it doesn't help Franxx that the only memorable character designs in the whole show are 02 and Dr Franxx.
KLK in general also had a much more dynamic presentation, and better story flow ((at least in the first half))
Lol what the fuck are you talking about you absolute brainlet. KLK was a super fun ride from beginning to end, and by "ride" I mean it actually had a pace that felt like a wild ride. The entire cast was colorful and likeable as fuck and this was the main reason people liked it. Not "muh hype" (I will literally nuke TTGL brainlets one day), not "muh trope deconstruction so oringal", it was just enjoyable because they made the characters fun and likable and did a lot of different stuff with them, it's not rocket science.
Franxx is generic mecha fare with generic Evangelion and Kiznaiver elements ripped off everywhere, it literally wasted five (5) episodes on a simple question like "can Hiro get in the fucking robot without either failing or dying to dinoAIDS?". 99.9% of screentime is spent on Hiro. The plot moves at a snails pace, most characters are bland and lifeless, they're too busy pretending 02 is evil and having childish school bullying drama to actually do anything fun with the plot, so the waifubait everyone was hoping would do hype shit isn't even allowed to do anything
Also, get it through your fucking head already, this is mainly an A-1 show.
>klk had style
If you consider crude scribbles "style" then sure
Becasue KLK was actually fucking good. Can you fucking compare KLK's first episode to Franxx? Which is more memorable? It was a hype train from the get-go, and it rarely stopped. Franxx is the same shit we've seen countless times already, there's nothing special about it.
Not him but I like GC unironically
As for OP's question Shit la Shit was bad, Americans just delude it is somehow watchable and bow before critics like ANN for no reason instead of having functioning brains.
KLK is an epic redemption story with a sidestory about two scissor sisters, an anime that truly breaks new ground by being the sequel to an anime that had yet to come out yet.
Reddit La Reddit was the most overrated trash of this decade.
>surprise box
Is that how they call them on Reddit
You're fitting in just fine sweety.
Only true answer.
God I fucking hate this new captcha system.
Is this your first day on Sup Forums?
First time anyone called you that?
>the same exact "sexuality themes"
That's a very shallow interpretation of the show. Kill la Kill was about budding womanhood; it had no romance. Frankxx is about fucking the bad girl; it's all romance.
I feel like you would fit well on Tumblr
KLK has much better OTP.
But preproduction means Trigger was in charged of the basic storyline?
because KLK actually was fun and segued into a decent plot whereas Franxx so far has been glacially slow trash.
Couldn't think of a reply so you're acting like someone else huh?
Even if you consider that it's going to be 24 episodes, it's still struggling to set up the world after 7 fucking episodes and hasn't even gotten close to starting the plot proper, mainly because it constantly wastes time with utterly pointless scenes. I'm sorry, it doesn't take fucking 24 minutes to get across "The world is post-apocalyptic and 02 wants Hiro to herself"
Agreed.I already dropped it. No reason to waste more of my time on such trash, not like the cast is interesting enough to keep track, there's nothing about it that holds my interest.
Franxx isn't a deconstruction, it's a glorification
Because Kill la Kill was super hyped and exploded out of the gate in episode one. Franxx had a little hype around it and is starting much slower and less bombastic.
You can’t expect every anime to be as good or successful as KLK. You will be disappointed 9/10 times. Baka
People were trying to hype Franxx in its first episodes, 10 threads were made on airing day but most threads quickly died at 20 posts because the fanbase wasn't and isn't big enough, unlike KLK that actually had threads all over the site, even in unrelated boards.
Plus, nothing happened in Franxx and we're already at episode 7. Can't hype a dead show.
You think just using a particular theme makes a story good?
KLK was fun, and literally every episode had something worth talking about. The fight with Monkey, Monkey blinding himself, Mako getting a uniform, it goes on and on.
Meanwhile what can you remember of Franxx’s latest episode apart form the shoehorned beach sequence ?
The hype and disappointment was legendary in its own right. Never seen a popular show get hated so much after it ended and Sup Forums left