Chart thread
That is a lot of bad anime on that list.
Yeah, I don't trust any chart that has Shinsekai Yori on it. Trying to find a better list for that reason.
Is Brigadoon really good?
>Shinsekai Yori
was it bad? i dont trust mal ratings after the shit that was Erased
It's on the level of really unimaginative dystopian YA fiction. Basically any criticism you'd have for the Hunger Games fits shinsekai yori as well, except fans of Hunger Games typically don't pretend that it's much more than it is.
That, and it really loves long infodumps. There are long, long stretches of worthless exposition that get grating or at least boring extremely quickly.
Shinsekai Yori is one of my absolute favorites, I don't know what that guy's problem with it is.
Some people got turned off by the gay episode though.
ouch i dropped Re:creators cuz of the long boring infodumps, is it really that bad?
Anyone have a more up to date Sup Forums essentials type chart? Haven't been around here much recently, and I want a chart to burn through like you get a bunch of on Sup Forums and shit.
It's pretty insufferable, and it's not like the show had any grand ideas where that kind of thing could be forgiven.
The only thing I really liked about it was the art. The character designs are pretty and the whole atmosphere fits the unsettling vibe it's supposed to have. Just turns out that it's just a really dumb show so it feels like that atmosphere was lying to you, or building to something that it never gave a proper payoff on.
>tfw you submit your post right before the thread updates
I think the difference between it and something like the Hunger Games would be that it doesn't have an over the top hamfisted "oh wow we're so evil" antagonist. The reasons their society and problems exist has a better explanation than "we wanted an entertaining edgy reality tv show to put the rebels in their place"
There were only a few infodump scenes and I thought they were well done.
I'd say it's worth watching the first few episodes and making up your own opinion on it.
What makes you say it didn't have a proper payoff?
>Shinsekai Yori is one of my absolute favorites
It's because you suck cocks
It was actually a great series and has the best Villain who did nothing wrong from any series ever.
Ignore that user, people just get mad because two of the guys kiss.
>ouch i dropped Re:creators cuz of the long boring infodumps, is it really that bad?
No, there is only one episode were i though the info dumping for kinda, and even then it was nothing compared with your average Re:Creators episode.
*kinda too much.
>the difference between it and something like the Hunger Games
Honestly, my problems with the dystopia being poorly thought out and cheap were rather specific and it's been a couple years now since I last saw it, so I don't really have a proper argument ready for that. I know there were a lot of moments where the show would be like "ooooh isn't this so morally grey, I bet you're really thinking about this huh" and even a second of thought would make the morality of the situation clear, and you'd be left sitting there being bored because it's so focused on whatever dumb point it's trying to push while you already fuckin get it and recognize that it's not treating it correctly.
I realize that's kinda abstract but that's the best I can give you with my memory of it.
>There were only a few infodump scenes and I thought they were well done.
I don't just mean the little infobot creatures, but EVERYTHING is communicated by someone just saying "hey this is what this means, then this happened, and I watched this happen, and this is how you should feel about it," like you had to be spoonfed everything. I imagine it was better in the source material.
>What makes you say it didn't have a proper payoff?
I think I worded that poorly, I don't mean a plot payoff, I just mean that that eerieness never really amounts to anything worthy of it. It's a good aesthetic choice, but there was never a moment where it felt like it made sense.
>I'd say it's worth watching the first few episodes and making up your own opinion on it.
I agree, but I'd basically say that about anything.
hell I wish there was more gay shit, would've given at least SOMETHING to latch onto
i loved every bit of this show EXCEPT the cast of the kids, pretty much every one of them was overly-melodramatic and it killed the amazing world/conflict buildup that the series had going for it.
any req?
Shitsekai yuri is worse Shiki
The Sup Forums core one?
robots and boobs pls
fantasy or a good harem chart desu
More like reddit core
Let's say if I'm new to anime and I had a limited amount of time left to watch anime. What would be your list?
Please upload to mega.
If you don't want to then music please.
surprisingly agreeable list, however, it misses essential anime required to be a "Sup Forums" list, including,
>Code Geass
>Samurai Flamenco
>Rozen Maiden
>K-ON! (how did you skip this one nigga)
>Big O
manga comfy please?
Psycho-Pass, and then keep watching it over and over again until you're dead.
It’s amazing, don’t listen to the retard.
There was a gay episode? Thanks for justifying my decision to drop that POS anime early on then.
Earth Maiden Arjuna is only 13 episodes long and the soundtrack is one of the most memorable I've heard from the medium. Easily stands alongside Death Note, Naruto, and FMA: Brotherhood for the greatest OST's.
Suffering please?
Roujin z is great hell yeah
mecha worthwhile and cyberpunk please
watch gasaraki nigger
Kite is literal cuck shit.
Awesome, thanks user. This is two years newer than the Gundam guide I had been using.
>Fate Zero
>Girls and panzer
tfw when you don't find Zankyou no Terror in memorable music chart
if you ever read any dystopian fiction in your life you will find that it is derivative as fuck like said. although it still has its moments so id say its worth watching or nothing great.
most people who love the show pretty much seem to be teenagers who have no experience with fiction beyond anime.
Is there a depression-core chart like for /lit/?
This is alright but a lot of it doesn't quite fit the mood I'm looking for