NT20 predictions?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aleister will die
At least a few hundred times
>We'll see an old house that Aleister once owned
>Itsuwa and Styil make an appearance
>More hints about why Kamachi described Accelerator's eyes as rubies are given
>We see Mikoto, but through Kuroko's point of view
>Someone dies
>an old house that Aleister once owned
Time for Led Zeppelin magicians?
Possibly. I just believe they'll need a "base of operations" and a place to sleep, considering there will be at least 4 people in the party. Plus I assume that any house Aleister once owned would have magic materials that he might need. There's also the chance that he's got security on the place
Touma's parents are on a vacation in England because Touya won a contest he didn't remember entering and neither of them questioned it.
>yfw Aleister casually mocks them for thinking his house was spooky
Kakine is the true number one
>not releasing until summer
I'll worry about NT20 later. Full manga chapters when?
Proof it's not releasing till summer or are you just being cocky with your opinions?
>yfw the reason Misaki isn't hanging out with them is because she doesn't want to be third wheel.
Kazakiri > Accel
Not my problem if it offends you but following the logical pattern, BooBoo will come in May and thus NT20 in June at earliest, assuming Kamachi doesn't have another off month.
JC Aleister and Birdway interactions please.
Freudian slip? Do you miss my cock, mp-chan?
It doesn't necessarily "offend" me. You just sound really full of yourself to state something you believe is logical as though it were an irrefutable, confirmed fact. Perhaps your logic is sound and correct, but it makes you sound pompous to not give any consideration to the fact you could be wrong.
How can someone miss what they can't find in the first place?
JS Aleister when?
It’s funny that she probably weighs at least twice what he does.
I wonder how much Accel weighs compared to Misaki.
She's a big girl.
She’s a big boy.
Is AIM that heavy?
For you.
Looks like Denki Kong lovers are out and about.
It’s not heavy but it’s deep. You’ll never understand her heart.
What was the point of this cameo?
What was the point of half the shit in Railgun?
Yeah, Febri's arc was pretty pointless.
She played a very very important part in the last scene of the last episode of Railgun if you remember*
>Sup Forums thread deleted
Based mods.
Misaki a pile of shit
Mitori already got princess carried so she should thank Misaki later. Also, I just noticed she isn't even wearing a bra.
She’s canon so it doesn’t matter. That means in canon Janie > Kazakiri > Accel
She’s the true #1
Aleister and Othinus need to talk already.
When is Accel going to start lifting?
>full of yourself
Are you the same stick in the mud user from the last thread who was bothered by a fucking SS?
Misaki and Misaka go after them
It happened in the manga, just not this early. I guess
Why is Kamijou drawn so skinny most of the time but when he carries Kuroko he’s ripped? It looked like a scene from baywatch.
I generally hate people with their "what is the point" posts but this is valid.
It was already explained in the anime. Watch the last scene in the last episode. Misaki played a part.
Why was the last thread deleted? I'm confused.
Reminder that Kuroko is disgusting. twitter.com
Mods get to decide what they do and dont like because Moot left, more news at 11
I don't recall though. The anime ended at Episode 16.
>fuck marry kill OP
Watch the last scene in the last episode of Railgun S.
If you don’t want to look it up basically Misaki was needed to erase a lot of people’s memories.
Bow to the queen of Raildex.
You know the most amazing thing about that art? The dialogue is accurate as fuck.
Does even the scheduling of kamachi's novels trigger you?
It was her basically covering up for what could have been a huge plot hole later in the series.
I think anyone remotely NORMAL to this guy is full of themselves.
It doesn't really fully capture the strange noises she makes in that scene though.
To be fair it's better than the games shortened version.
vo ost when?
The game gave up.
Holy fuck dude. user Raildex said they'll get to it. Just wait.
The game isn’t worth it.
A for effort.
I liked the Railgun threads better. I don’t know why but these combination threads are way too slow.
Kamikoto soon?
so Kamikoto?
It's because one half of the thread, those who've only watched the anime or have read some of the OT novels, are completely clueless in the conversations between those who've read all the way up to NT20, so they just stay quiet or shitpost. There's a reason why these threads can be so shit sometimes, and it's because not everyone is willing to read at least 30 books to have any idea what's going on in Index.
I’ve only watched the Nime and haven’t read the LN and I find I’m able to discuss openly all I want. It’s usually the LN readers who are lost when there’s no new content to discuss and resort to talking about video games.
The Railgun threads were fucking dumb and you guys enabling MP was newfag level.
It doesn't have to go fast to be good.
>railgun thread
>when every other post it about the mobage about complaining about oriana
Yeah, no. Fuck off.
Don't act like you're infallible when you're not. At least show some consideration that you could be wrong. Its basic human decency.
Also I’ve read the manga.
You definitely need some help.
That’s literally Index threads. The Railgun thread were fun and mostly just character discussion and how powers work.
What the fuck am I reading?
Half of the posts in these threads were from MP, I'm sure. The IP count was too low.
>enjoying MP's bullshit
It was definitely not.
>resort to talking about video games
I for one am liking the video games and they're good conversation topics often. VO especially looks like it's going to be fantastic I hope there's a way it can be translated
Kill yourself, newfag.
So I need "help" because I believe in at least leaving some room to acknowledge I could be wrong when talking about something I have no hard evidence for?
Just keep them separate instead of this combination general from now on. You guys are way to serious over here.
It's all one series fuckhead. go to reddit if you need to have a safe space that badly
Just ignore them. They get assblasted by any little thing yet shitpost people to hell.
You need help for being way too fucking serious about some chinese novels' release schedule.
Fuck off retard
It’s not even about safe space. It’s just that the magic side fanbase seems really boring whenever there’s no new content to discuss.
This isn't a place tailored to you. If you want to make a dumb separate Railgun thread then be my guest. It will get shut down or shitposted to hell from MP.
Go to reddit for your needs.
Im not talking about the novel or release schedule. Im talking about attitude
There is no magic side fuckwit
You are gonna be waiting on transcription then, theres no way SEGA is gonna put a game of LN (not even anime) that is not even popular on the west overseas.
>magic side fanbase
You're an imbecile.
You're not his mom you dumb anonymous poster. He can say whatever he wants and owes you nothing.
>from MP
You're clearly already speaking to him user, I don't know how you can't tell
This. All the really cool science stuff happens in the novels anyway
They will not get to England in NT20 and some other event will stop them before they can get on a plane to England.
He can say what he wants, sure. And I can say what I want too.
They'll just teleport
>m-muh safespace!
The absolute state of Sup Forumsermins.
How does feel to be simultaneously rejected by Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/ and /m/?
I mean to be fair the third season is about to air. Maybe they could try capitalizing on it. Light novel publishers in the west seem to always grab things that are about to air, could be similar. It's not entirely a pipedream. The only question is if the translation is any good, which if they don't hire js06 I rather doubt