Darling in the FranXX:

I'm 6 episodes in and I still don't get why is this shit so popular, its just generic shit with a random hoe doing hoe things

Yea me neither

>I'm 6 episodes in and I still don't get why is this shit so popular,
Literally waifu wars

Same reason shit like Keijo got popular. Waifus and fan service.

most of that alleged popularity is from marketers flooding this board at all hours

>people like the thing I dislike
>must be some nefarious conspiracy

>Muh Conspiracy
Sup Forumsermin detected, why aren't there mousetraps for you shitstains?

It's really not that popular

Always have at least 3 threads up

its cozy

It's pure garbage. 02 is pretty much the only reason anyone is watching. I gave up after they hyped this stupid dinosaur invasion, the fight looked like complete shit with nobody dying and ended random rebuild tier beast mode shit and suddenly wings. Thanks a1, I really felt like watching eva again.

There are, and OP supplied the bait.

Redhead whore is poplar
Member maya?
She was too she had a lot of threads and her anime was so shit no one remember what the fuck was about

And just like keijo its gonna flop

>why aren't there mousetraps for you shitstains?
what do you think this thread is?

Because Trigger

Standard trigger, everyone’s waiting for shit to go down

I remember the deliciously hairy porn, that's for sure.

The girls are cute.

Does this mean that when FranXX is over, A-1 and Trigger are gonna go under? I hope so

Ah yes, the infamous Japanese marketing ninjas.

Fuck off to

Its points are already twice as much as keijo
The flop thing is a meme

Besides A-1 is sony's studio

Because the main girl is a slut and Sup Forums likes sluts just to be contrarian.

Why was the other thread deleted?

>ever going under
Maybe if 40 of their shows flop one after another

Mods finally doing their job

Of what? Enforcing generals mere months after they were forced to put up a sticky reminding people generals are strictly forbidden on Sup Forums?

Ah yes, let's market to neets who are going to just torrent our anime without paying. Also let's do it all day, on non business hours to get full coverage. This is worth the money.

user, think for a minimum of one second before posting.

But waifus and fanservice are in every single anime, so your claim is dumb and meaningless

He's a Sup Forumsermin, user.

because it's an anime original and because of the many sexual undertones

But she was the MC of a 12 ep anime with an unpredictable and stupid story, and so little budget the 5 doujins of it are probably worth more than what the staff was paid for.
Franxx is a 24 ep anime with a high budget, a boring story and characters and non stop cliches.

The only people who hate DarliFra are triggered tumblrinas who saw the first episode's clip with the butt controllers and stormed en masse to make their useless complains about fanservice like every single other fucking time.

At this point, you would think a smart person would have learned to stop complaining about fanservice in anime since it has always been a thing and it's useless because Japan doesn't care, no matter how much you whine on twitter. But they still try because they are as intelligent as an earthworm.

Darling in the franxx > your favourite anime

the mandatory beach/camp episode kinda ruined it for me

but 'ill still watch

Fuck all new anime being made. Mostly just shitty LN adaptations. It may be generic for 10 years ago but for now it's the best choice we have.

I remember. I even liked it.