Voilet Evergarden

Why do we still watching this shitstain of an anime, Sup Forums?

desu I've started putting it on in the background and then playing Civ4

to protect that smile, of course

The best art of anything this season by fucking miles

>Why do we still watching
Fuck off.

Because Violet herself is the best.

I dropped it after episode 2, did it get good?

because i love it.

It get worse and overall quality dropped drastically

Jesus, Saber-face is crossing into other Series now. How do we contain Saber-face?

This too, Violet is CUTE

Violet is cuter, and that's the only reason anyone watches it lol

You can't, just embrace it.

>literally fateshit
OP plz fuck off back to your containment threads.

Because Violet is the best saber.

*blocks your path*

We don't

Because we have to justify three years of shitposting hype.


What? Isn't this spin-off of FATE series?

Its set during 3rd Grail war

woah the new fate looks just as bad as the other ones