Tokyo Ghoul: Re spoilers

She is going to save this trash,
I hope just kill everyone.

This isn't even Rize, it's just art for the band making the :re OP.

I claim this thread for V.

But she is trash!

Femtorize and dead fruit soon lads

Are we finally out of Shin Godzilla territory?

How do you think Arima would react if he knew his half brother, Furuta wanted to fuck the hell out of his sister then be devoured by her?

What the fuck is wrong with their family.

>4 replies
>4 posters

Something doesn't add up in this math.

So is this virus going to cause all the humans to become ghouls and all the ghouls to become human?

Well Arima is bitch made for life so I'd assume he'll enjoy the festivities.

Would be easier to find out what's isn't wrong with Iran Ghoul family.

The list would be very short.


>TG thread hits bump limit and spoilers aren't even out yet

Are we back in 2016 or what?

I don't know, but it's a school night so the shitposters had to go night night. Ironically there's no Cuckcouver shill either.

>throw your waifu beneath steel beams to give her organ to a random kid
>recover her, just to shred her apart and put her into several other kids
>nearly kill the first random kid so that he starts eating the other kids with part of waifu in them so that the first kid can remake your waifu
lmao le ebin keikaku-doori xddd

I fucking hate Furuta.

Why do people think it’s causing a switch?

We had one person vomiting last chapter but for all we know they tried eating something, or were digesting something when the spores began affecting them, causing them to violently puke up whatever was in their stomach at the time.

The former, the latter has yet to be proven.

>Tfw you just remembered that panel of Suzuya saying when this conflict is over I'll become a ghoul or something
Just when you thought his acrobatics couldn't get any better
They were literally raised in a breeding ground with no stable family, just about every Washuu we've seen has had some screws loose. Rize is a binge eating bitch who doesn't care about anyone besides her freedom, Furuta is just.. I can't describe him but he's the Joker of TG, Arima is an emotionless fuck who shows his love by tearing his supposed son to ribbons and rapidly boosting his aging in the process, and Matsuri is just an asspained queer so..
>ITT: Washuu were a mistake


What's wrong with having fun keikaku's user, do you even party?

The way you wrote it makes it seem less contrived than it really even is, too.

It seems like the spores are converting artificial half Ghouls(Saiko) and humans into full Ghouls.

Mutsuki and Urine aren’t affected because framing out more or less turned them into full Ghouls

As much as you fags claimed to hate him for whatever reason, you know you're going to miss Furuta when he gets eaten this chapter.

Not really.

He was fun when he was just a goofy fuck. He got tiring really fast when he became a goofy fuck that managed to get everything done perfectly, no matter how contrived the plan, and had an aura that made everyone around him really dumb simply so he could seem smart by comparison.

He's a fucking Mary Sue, and boring as all hell.

>Entire chapter of FemtoRize pegging Furuta and impregnating him with her kakuja penis.

pic related will be me.

if dubs superpeace

Oh my god Ishida my boiiii, so amazing. This is real foreshadowing and symbolism.

Furuta is a garbage character though, he's literally Ishida's self insert and you can't defend this.

>Yo dawg, I took my waifu and slapped her in a bunch of kids, just to have those kids eaten, just so I could remake my waifu, just to make more kids, just so those kids can be eaten, so I can make more kids
Furuta just loves kids.

>Ishida's self insert
Nah that'd be Uta, he said he shared a fuck ton of traits with him. Furuta is just Hisoka in ghoul form.

Chibi shouldn’t you be fucking your loli bodypillow right about now? You don’t browse these threads till the chapter is out so you can steal our theories.

>Arima is an emotionless fuck who shows his love by tearing his supposed son to ribbons and rapidly boosting his aging in the process
I guess he really was sadistic and massively retarded. Ishita is pretty terrible as a writer when he couldn't even remove Eto's and Arima's poorly written asses out correctly.

Slap Hisoka, Aizen, and the Joker in one person, the fuck do you get?

>Furuta is addicted to the feeling of making kids, and next chapter Rize will knock him up so he can feel the true sensation of birthing children.

You're throwing tomatoes at wrong Clown on that one. Uta is that way user.

Pleasure Fruit

Furuta should have just been an eccentric goofball, not a big villain. That's the moment Ishida fucked up with him.

Furuta is a lot of things, but at least he achieved his objectives and punked everyone in the process. People moan about characters getting nothing done or jobbing or whatever, and Furuta has been behind the scenes pulling his schemes and winning all along and everyone hates him. His personality can be awkward sometimes but shit, he's always on top yet everyone hates him.

Him always being on top for bullshit reasons is why I hate him - and why other people in this thread seem to hate him.

If he was truly a good schemer and that was all, I would be able to accept that. But he's only good at scheming and manipulating because Ishida turns everyone around him really dumb.

That's frustrating, and shit writing.

>Joker of TG
Leto tier

That's where you're wrong

Is Furuta even a villain though? If he wanted Kaneki dead he would have did it ages ago, he's an anti-hero if anything. His keikaku got a fuck ton of people killed, but now peeps are being ghoulified and now everyone has to accept ghouls and make changes, he literally fixed the conflict while memeing the entire way. He did what Eto & Arima should have been doing while giving zero shits. I don't know if I'm impressed, or concerned, but whatever shit worked out.

Him being eccentric and goofy is also Ishida's convenient ticket out of ever explaining why Furuta always manages to play everyone.

If someone asks about his plans or what he's really up to, why he did a thing, it's just "SUPER PEACE LOL!!"

Whatever you want to call him, him being a big player at all, villain, anti-hero, hero or anything - it was a mistake. He works as a goofy side-character. Ishida fucked it up when he promoted Furuta.

I've returned from the depths of hell and I'm glad to see Tokyo ghoul is still going "strong"! (LOL)

>Turned everyone around him really dumb
>Implying the CCG weren't always easy to manipulate and retarded
All it took was Furuta waving Ui's waifu around in a glass jar for him to surrender completely, and by then he was already in control. He just takes the opportunities and rolls through. Some of his schemes seem really contrived but overall it wasn't as bad as people made it seem.

Leto was a based Joker though, he's the only reason Suicide Squad was fun

Does Ishita makes every character into retard to make Uta smarter in comparison? Actually Ishita even made him to be clueless when it comes to Furuturd's grand keikaku.
Does Ishita even bother giving him any sort of spotlight in story that goes beyond one panel? Entire Suzuya "fight" was just trolling and entire tranny fiasco only served to further tranny's shitty sub-plot. Tintin revelation came in bloody omake. If he is Naga then his revelation came in one panel + birthday illustration while tranny got entire chapter for her on her birthday.

>>You're throwing tomatoes at wrong Clown on that one. Uta is that way user.
Ishita surely seems to not like himself in that case. Considering how he is treating his supposed "self-insert" in comparison to his "not-self-insert".

Just wait, when someone at all asks him why he thought this whole contrived plan with Kaneki becoming a big worm and shitting out Rize's super-powered incarnation, he'll just respond with something zany and randumb like "THE POWER OF LOVE! (LOL)"

And Ledditors will eat it up because "oh my god ishida my boiii deconstructing shonen anime."

If Furuta was a simple side character, people would have still complained over shit like him needing better objectives or more focus. He didn't need to enforce himself on the plot so heavily but him being a major character is no issue.

tfw Kaneki is happy with Tulpa Rize in dreamworld now

> "oh my god ishida my boiii deconstructing shonen anime."
Go to bed Chibi

>Just wait, when someone at all asks him why he thought this whole contrived plan with Kaneki becoming a big worm and shitting out Rize's super-powered incarnation would work*, he'll just respond with something zany and randumb like "THE POWER OF LOVE! (LOL)"
Damn it.

Nigga Uta is literally Ishida, he's just taking his time to give him proper focus. Which should be around the corner. The Clowns in general are a bunch of outliers in this conflict, they just show up with godly abilities and smoke everyone, minus Roma who got herself smoked for being a brainlet but she's not really that important.

How do you mean? If he was a side character, lack of focus wouldn't be a big issue until he was cast into the big scene as a major character.

Very few people bitch about Wanwan not having enough objectives or focus.

>recover her, just to shred her apart and put her into several other kids

fuckin piece of shit

>ugly saggy ghoul grandma titties
no thanks

get the fuck out Toukashitter

Not Fruit related but I keep wondering what did his Seiyuu do to Pierrot to get him downgraded to Houji

pretty much


Contrary to popular beliefs, author's self-inserts aren't Mary Sues by default but rather opposite of it. Many of authors in fact make self-insert that is completely unimportant character.

Anyway (169037406 user), I don't know how much Ishida got love for himself but what I do know is that man did said Uta is one who shares his interests aka self-insert.

Eh true. It just feels like even if he was a side character, people would moan about him taking up screen time and etc.

The way her titties are portrayed just doesn't really appeal to me.

I'm a Hinami lover though, get on my level plot device chan.
Aizen has the same VA as Houji? Wew. Not like it matters but, meh.

Probably, but the complaints would likely be far fewer than they are right now.


Maybe Kaneki is his real self-insert, and that's why, despite everyone wanting him to be a big boy, Ishida doesn't want to let him succeed or ever win- at anything.

Where are these...portrayals user? Research and such...

In a world.. where Rize & Arima have their roles swapped along Furuta & Eto.. I think a wacky Eto would piss people off though, that's basically Roma tier.

I mean - looks-wise, Houji fits that voice pretty well. Could have also fit one of the Washuu lads, though.

>plot device chan

>Arima didn't get the long hair genes
Somewhere in his head he's thinking, damn why couldn't I have long hair?

Eto was fairly whacky. But she had something beyond being a whacky lole le memeclown.

She won't be a plot device for long but still, that doesn't erase the fact that she's been sleeping in a tank for years in story and for years IRL time.

love them

what if Kaneki's mind is inside the new Rize body?

Generally, I find Rize to be fairly ugly and not really appealing. Although in that chapter 1 redo, I totally would a Rize.

>Real discussion for once
Man it's been awhile.
Eto and Roma are probably intentional parallels.
>Founders of threatening ghoul organizations
>Petite women with twisted personalities
>Gigantic, monstrous Kakuja
>Both grew up as little girls in the underground and became cannibals to survive and gain power
>Foils. Eto found a serious driving motivation to free her entire species while Roma goofed off and wasted her life seeking amusement for herself
There's probably more but those are the basics.

I guess the Femtocucks would be pleased then. It'd be pretty weird if part of Kaneki's psyche went into her body though, but who knows. Soon, couple hours I guess. Watch it be a backstory chapter before the epic shit happens though.

I want Kaneki to just be death, desu.

t. the biggest Don Kanekifag.

>Wew. Not like it matters but, meh.
>fit one of the Washuu lads, though
This. I'm not knowledgable in the workings of Japanese voicing acting but why would you put your largly know Seiyuu's on a let down side character with little dialogue? It strikes me as an odd decision but that's TG anime for you

Proper focus? For a 7 year old character who's cherry he never bothered to even poke, not even slightly? In a current story in where he couldn't be more irrelevant asides from serving as power up fodder to someone? You will have to excuse my skepticism on that one as well as my 'don't give a fuck' reaction to whatever story he has to say before being offed like rest before him.

>>minus Roma who got herself smoked for being a brainlet but she's not really that important
Everybody gets smoked out these days because Ishita wanted it. Not having thing to do with their IQ. Story told me Kaneki was meant to be intelligent person yet he has been acting as clueless brainlet since start, more so since he lost his V-card. Brainlet argument as such means nothing to me since anyone not NimuStu is brainlet apparently.

That's just Studio Pierrot in general, truly the studio of clowns.

>Studio Pierrot in general, truly the studio of clowns.
oh my god ishida my boii

I'm on the fence with what Ishida plans on doing with the Clowns. I can see them all dying, or maybe letting Uta and Itori survive, no clue. I just don't see him not utilizing Uta at all, he's a walking question mark and has genuinely been hyped up by every hint present in the manga. I don't expect something grand, but it'll be a pretty big moment when he gets focus. I'm lowkey expecting a repeat of the Dragon scenario, just from his perspective ages ago and some other shit, but who knows really.

>Story told me Kaneki was meant to be intelligent person yet he has been acting as clueless brainlet since start
I don't know why some people treat Kaneki like he's a genius. He's talented with his fighting styles and picks up on things in little to no time, but he was a simple literature student in college and has extreme mental disorders. Even Urie said some shit around the lines of, Kaneki isn't smart enough to be behind this Clown Raid when he was getting fucked up by Donato. Kaneki is smart but, he's not Tony Stark level genius.

I'm tired of these Sunday spoilers, why did the previous spoiler source get blown out so badly.

>I just don't see him not utilizing Uta at all, he's a walking question mark and has genuinely been hyped up by every hint present in the manga. I don't expect something grand, but it'll be a pretty big moment when he gets focus.
He'll get fucking offed by some edgier character and everyone will tell you he was always meant to be a lesser character and the hype was completely fan made like transcribed.

Getting skull fucked will do things to a man.

>86 - Replies
>17 - Posters only

This sounds a lot like the Tatara argument thing from the last thread, but Takizawa is a based character after getting ghoulified so it was totally fine. If something like this happens to Uta I'll never forgive him, ever.

>89 replies
> -17 posters

Why'd you miss the last thread though when there were over 100 IP's?


Is that thing actually from manga?

How many people do I have to sacrifice to cross over into an alternate universe where Tokyo Ghoul is still good, Tatara wasn't wasted, Eto didn't disappear from the plot, Kaneki is competent and interesting again and where Furuta is a side-character at best like he should be?

I wonder if Rizefags ironically shitpost to make it look like someone cares about her


Eto will probably be back soon, Tatara might not even be dead since his body disappeared off the scene of the fight entirely, and Kaneki will be competent again since the Dragon shit was one big lesson. So I guess you can stick around.

Yes. See Friezaposter's thing also see how Rize is spammed troughout this thread vs people who are actually talking something which leads to this Friezaposter