What was the point of this non canon character?
What was the point of this non canon character?
To shit up the series and make people hate it.
Sex appeal.
To fill the blonde character niche without using Frenda.
She actually is canon if I remember right. The entire anime series was.
She isn't. Her arc was anime original and isn't mentioned by the author to be canon.
You actually made that look good compared to the last one. I don’t know the right word for it but seeing her with blonde hair gives me anxiety.
An excuse for the shitty director to shoe-horn even more of his waifu in probably.
I'm pretty sure the whole second half of season 2 was filler but it's been so long I forget the specifics.
It's absolutely filler. Misaki removing everyone's memories about it at the end is the only attempt by Nagai to fill in the plot holes, and even then that moment is completely glossed over.
Not trying to be rude but how new are you? It was confirmed canon a long time ago.
Magai was the director. You do know that right? Everything is written by Kamachi.
because she is super cute.
Director wanted to give Saten (his waifu) a daughter.
To ensure that a loli is on screen at all times.
A very important thing.
She did that so nobody would remember who the sixth level five is. It makes sense considering Misaki claims to know the sixth*
She’s actually adorable:
Why would the 6th Level 5 be Janie? Aleister made the whole rank list with those higher on the list being more useful to him. Janie was made in secret as a way to annihilate AC and the espers, pretty much the opposite of what Aleister wanted.
Janie is connected to the Mikasa network and has the power aim ghost diffusion which is probably the most op ability in the entire series and considering the sisters are being spread around the world it’s pretty clear she can play a huge part in the series. You’ve got to remember the way she was using her ability in the anime was heavely nerfed and they were using bits of her hair to even direct the power and make it work. There’s absolutely no way it will not effect the aim of people themselves the way Shinobu was talking about it and with how excited HC was about it. There’s a reason why they had so many safety measures placed on her like keeping her unconscious and building those suckers so that she’d die without them if things got bad.
Fuck the first railgun season was so bad, filled with shitty fanservice filler
That’s just her power. Besides that there’s countless hints that the sixth is Janie.
>complaining about the existence of a loli character
Are you into men?
I'm not doubting Janie's ability, it's just that Aleister probably doesn't even know that she exists, so why would she be placed in the Level 5 classification? She was the product and tool of a terrorist organisation that fled the country with her clone and caretaker.
How the hell would Aleister not know somebody as powerful as Janie exists in his city?
There’s a better chance Aleister wouldn’t know Gunha exists.
I don't know, ask fucking Nagai for all I care. The point is she was created after the Level 5 list was made and she was never officially identified as a Level 5.
Friendly fire, replied to my own post there.
>There’s a better chance Aleister wouldn’t know Gunha exists.
>is on the level 5 list
Your reaching hard with that one.
She was most likely created with the genetics of the known level fives if you listened to the dialogue about Dolly and the hinting towards Misaki and Nagai didn’t write anything. It’s all Kamachi. He’s just the director.
Also it never says once that all the level fives were added to the list at the exact same time.
You don’t think AC being left completely defenseless would have tipped him off?
If anybody had to tell Aleister about Janie it was Heaven Canceller. He seemed really interested in her and he’s ultimately the one who made plans to send her away to another lab to further develop. We actually have no clue where that airplane took her. Somehow Aleister seems like the kind of guy who just knows things though.
Also was there any need for Mikoto to erase all data dealing with her and for Misaki to go around deleting people’s brains? You’d think there’s a bigger reason behind that.
All the Level 5s are espers, yet Janie is a chemicaloid. She was made by STUDY for the sole purpose of being better than the espers, so wouldn't it make sense if she was put in a completely different category?
I’m not sure it’s brought up in the LN with Mikoto but that’s probably because she never gets asked about it but Misaki hints at one point she knows the sixth. That would make sense since she helped delete information about her from inside lots of people.
She’s still an esper. You think she’d be able to use magic without getting hurt?
When creating Janie the goal was to create the pinnacle of all espers. Not some other classification,
Maybe? She's not human, so maybe she'd be able to use both. It's all up in the air at this point because she's never been referenced since.
Aye yo but Touma railguns the biribiri right? Index is shit and literally trash.
Well if you’ve noticed the series is really secretive about the sixth.
Almost nobody knows jack about the sixth yet Misaki somehow knows who it is.
Even the people who claim they’re speaking with the sixth are most likely not seeing her but a guy instead. That would actually make sense.
No kidding. One of the only times the 6th has been in a scene is when he was at a Level 5 meeting silently toying with his phone in one of the novels.
That’s because aim ghost diffusion as described if used on people is 100% an illusion ability.
Isn't Janie outside of Academy City? How would Aihana whore out his student ID to people if Janie hasn't enrolled in a school?
We literally have no clue where she’s at.
That name alone is another strong hint in favor of Janie.
How? There's no way Janie is the #6 unless she's got some sort of shapeshifting or metamorphosis ability too.
Originally the name Etsu was given and it hyped everybody up because they all thought Aogami because the name means indigo flower in Kanj and plugged that with his hair color but Kamachi wouldn’t make it that easy. What people don’t realize is Indigo is multiple colors and not just one. The flowers in pic related are Indigo colored. The Kanji for Etsu can also mean child/joy giving hints that the sixth is in fact a child.
I’ll explain how her ability can be used to place an illusion but first I’ve got to explain aim and personal reality.
Personal reality is the term used to refer to the reality created by students who undergo the Power Curriculum Program, and replace normal reality. As the name states, it is a type of reality that is unique for each individual, and is the very foundation of an esper's power, specifically, it is the source from which all esper powers and phenomena are brought into the real world. This also extends to AIM, where it can be used to mess with an esper's Personal Reality.
Aim is a term used to refer to the phenomena where an esper involuntarily emits an invisible energy field around their body, known as an AIM Diffusion Field, Involuntary Diffusion Field. Closely connected to the Personal Reality that is the source of their ability, it is an esper's unconscious interference with reality
If she really can make illusions to make herself appear different, then how come Misaki recognised immediately that the imposter wasn't her? Wouldn't it make sense for her to use a different appearance each time she dealt with the public, so it would be impossible to tell if it were really her?
The way aim ghost diffusion works against aim is it materializes an AIM diffusion field as a virtual object which fills its containing space and controls it. What does that sound like if used against another esper? Imagine if you were an esper and apply all this ( ). Now taking all that into consideration if somebody was to materialize your aim field around you into a virtual object and give it a command like “you’re in a forest” or something like that what do you suppose would happen?
Misaki erased the brains of people who were dealing with Janie long before she was sent to that place wherever Heaven Canceller sent her. You’ve got to remember Janie was almost never allowed to be conscious and multiple back up measures were taken to make sure she was contained. They talked about her like she was a bomb. Febri was just the backup so it was really easy for Shinobu to set her free. We can assume Miskai and Mikoto know who the sixth is even if Mikoto didn’t really understand it like Misaki who actually got information from the brains of people. Mikoto did however admit her power was that of a level five.
>So great is her power that Mikoto describes it as around Level 5 and that overrunning the system she is in allows it to kill every esper in the city through AIM bomb.
All Misaki really had to do is take one look at that guy in the riots and she’d know instantly it wasn’t Janie and didn’t even look like her. She didn’t have to use her powers at all to see that he didn’t look like her. There’s no indication at all in fact that she used her powers to check. It wasn’t necessary.
Except that her power was going to be manipulated by STUDY by dropping that AIM bomb on the city. She doesn't even know how to properly use her power if it even works beyond simple electronics.
Fap bait, too bad they couldnt even do that right. Febri is useless and a mistake.
I just got up to this arc yesterday. Can I skip it?
Yeah, nothing after the Sisters arc is canon anyway.
Also “toying with the phone” is another hint if you know anything about writing. If you were a writer writing some mysterious guy you would write them not toying with their phone like a child but checking it. Children and girls toy with their phones and a toy is representativ of a child. Notice how that time around they went out of their way not to mention gender?
With all due respect she was never actually conscious so how would she? She was sent away to develop.
I blame the translation team for that one. And "toying with the phone" is not necessarily childish.
>If you were a writer writing some mysterious guy you would write them not toying with their phone like a child but checking it.
This is the most retarded thing I've read in a long, long time.
She's a chemicaloid, she was meant to be fully developed in terms of esper ability the minute she left her test tube thing.
Writers write in little hints like that all the time. That’s not even Urobuchi tier. Kamachi isn’t dumb and he knows what he’s doing.
And that’s how I can tell you don’t write if you think that’s too deep for even an amateur writer.
That’s not how it works. You can give somebody the body of the best athlete in the world but they still have to learn the sport.
You're looking far too deeply into that, Kamachi writes with weird little quirks that don't really end up meaning anything all the time. And if you're right maybe Aihana is just really childish. After all that kind of writing wouldn't look off on Mikoto, so perhaps Aihana is just a middle schooler as well with no sense of self consciousness?
Oh? Feel free to list what things you've written and what books you draw inspiration from.
Except Janie was designed specifically to be perfect from the get go. STUDY didn't have the resources to train a product to be a Level 5 from the ground up, or even from a starting point at level 2 or 3 like Misaka's clones.
She was never meant to use her power by herself though. There’s no reason they'd use testament to make her knowledgeable about her powers when they were a scared of her in the first place. In fact they had safety measures set in place to kill her if such a thing ever happened.
The sisters needed to know how to fight so that’s different
Wait, if she is non-canon, what about Nunotaba qutting science in the end? Non-canon, too?
Nunotaba got sold into human trafficking after getting captured by Saiai, she never appears again in canon.
These magic side fans have no faith. They also said Haruue wasn’t canon.
>No response
Didn't think so.
I’m not going to post my fanfics because you’ll make fun of them regardless just to prove a point.
>too embarassed to show off writing
>Kamachi is bad because X dumbass reason that makes no sense
I can have an opinion.
You're one of those writers that make 300 word long """"chapters"""" that are barely coherent, aren't you?
You’ll never know.
An opinion that you can't back other than to accuse the person that they don't know that "you can tell they don’t write". And then when the person puts you on the spot, you refuse to provide any evidence of whatever story you fabricated.
By the way, I know that you probably don't write (or if you do, you're shit) because your posts are riddled with typos and you don't articulate your thoughts very well. Neither are the marks of a writer. No, it doesn't matter if you're "in a hurry" or whatever excuse you try to pull. A good writer always takes the time to get their point across in a coherent fashion.
I will however say the one that inspired me to start was an Inuyasha fanfic called lonley in your nightmare. It was the first time I realized fanfiction could be good*
You obviously don’t understand me then.
That's largely irrelevant. If you don't provide evidence to support your opinions and counter my arguments, then I must assume that you are either making things up to give yourself credence, or that you are simply embarrassed by your own work and want to avoid critique in general. Feel free to prove me wrong. Until then, you have no idea what you're talking about and your statement is one of a very amateur writer. The kind of writer that describes blue eyes as "azure orbs". But, I'm sure you'll just give a stupid excuse and not post anything like the coward/liar that you are. So I'll just go about my way.
I’m not going to post something directly related to me no matter how much you ask. The last thing I need is to be getting threats from random people so I guess that’s just too bad. You can believe what you want but I’m allowed to have my opinion either way.
>A song fic by request of Lavender Valentine
Song fics are inherently fucking trash of the highest order. Jesus MP, this is a new low.
You get threats of being raped by random people on here all the time. It's about as easy to track someone on FF.net as it is to track someone on here.
I’m not even really underestimating Kamachi as much as you. You’re the one implying that dropping specific words to hint at something is beyond the writing capabilities of Kamachi. Also it’s not happening so forget about it.
Yep, you take a good fanfic and make fun of it just to prove a point. As I expected.
I'm not even the guy you were talking to.
Then since you expressed your opinion and have nothing more to contribute, please shut up.
I don’t have to listen to you.
>allowed to have an opinion on the internet
Are you a comedian ?
What color hair to you think MP has? I like to think she's a ginger.
You probably didn’t even read it.
Welp, threads clogged with autistic screeching, time to move back to main index thread